Manage resource files from external git

Technique resources can be modified via the technique editor interface.

But you may prefer managing those resources from your own git repository. Here is how to do this using github and webhooks.

Github, gitlab and co.

First you need to have your resources in a central git repository with webhooks that can remotely trigger an update on your machine. If you don’t want this mechanism you can replace it with a simple cron that will periodically poll the git repository. It is easier to setup but increases the latency between your push and the update on the finale machine. In this case, just skip to the script part.

Now go to your github repository configuration page and setup a new webhook.

This hook must point to you public facing URL (see below), for example:

Then trigger this hook on each ̀ push` on the repository.

Reverse proxy

Next you need a reverse proxy to make a public webhook url available. This is not mandatory if you use your own git servers (like gitlab), but still strongly advised.

On the public side you would have an url like : where: * must be a domain you own * it must redirect to your reverse proxy * the reverse proxy must be listening to the https port

On the private side, the proxy would call : where: * is the domain name of your rudder server * 9000 is the default port of the webhook tool if you didn’t change it * /technique_resources is a hook we are going to define

This can be done with apache using

<VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine on

    ProxyPass /hooks/rudder
    ProxyPassReverse /hooks/rudder
    ProxyRequests Off


Webhook is a tool to create webhooks receivers as expected by github. It is available at or directly in debian using `apt-get install webhook̀

Let’s install it on the Rudder server and make it work.

Webhook is disabled as long as it’s configuration file /etc/webhook.conf doesn’t exist.

So let’s create one that will run our update script. It can be either YAML or JSON, let’s choose JSON.

    "id": "technique-resources",
    "execute-command": "/usr/local/bin/",
    "command-working-directory": "/var/tmp"

This will execute the script /usr/local/bin/ when the technique-resources hook is called.

Now start webhook with systemd (restart if already started):

systemctl start webhook


Now we are at a point where a script is automatically run on the Rudder server whenever there is a change in a remote git repository.

Let’s write this script called /usr/local/bin/ (don’t forget to make it executable):


# please tweak this to your needs

# create local version if it doesn't already exist
mkdir -p "${LOCAL_DIR}"
cd "${LOCAL_DIR}"
# use depth 1 to make it quicker
[ ! -d "${REPO_NAME}/.git" ] && git clone --quiet --depth 1 "${REMOTE_GIT}"

# update the local repo
git pull
# useful for a meaningful commit message
commit_id=$(git rev-parse HEAD)

# update resources for a single technique
# call it this way:
#   update_resource "resource_directory" "<technique category>/<technique name>/<technique version>"
update_resource() {
  rsync -a "$1/" "/var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques/$2/resources/"
  cd "/var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques/$2/resources/"
  git add .

# put here your source directory and destination directory by pair

# example where my_technique/* are resources for the technique "my_technique" version "1.0" in the category "ncf_techniques"
update_resource "my_technique" "ncf_techniques/my_technique/1.0
# other example
update_resource "another_technique" "other_category/another_technique/1.1"

# commit to Rudder git repository if needed
cd /var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques
if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]
  git commit --quiet --message="Automatically synchronize technique resources based on ${REPO_NAME} commit ${commit_id}"
  # inform the server
  rudder server reload-techniques

Instant update

If you don' have too many impacted nodes, you can also force them to run an agent instantly after this change which will further reduce the latency between push and update.

Just go to the "Administration/Settings" menu and make sure the "Trigger immediate update of nodes when their configuration changes" setting will trigger your nodes in case a little number of them are impacted (choose a value that is not too high to avoid overloading the server).


We now have a full process that update a node as soon as we push something in our git repo.

If your apache configuration is stored as a template in your git repository and configured to be a resource in your technique; then just push it to the git(hub|lab) instance after committing and the machinery will call the local script on the Rudder server, which will update the technique resource and notify the server, which will update policies and notify the agent, which will run and apply the new template.

There is now a direct link between your push and the application on the agent.

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