Change logs for Rudder 4.3
Rudder 4.3 has reached public End of Life the 11th January 2019. It is currently maintained as part of extended support included in Rudder subscription.
This page provides a summary of changes for each version. Previous beta and rc versions are listed below for convenience.
Main new features in Rudder 4.3:
Technique Parameters: You can now add parameters to your Techniques created with the Technique editor. The value of theses parameters will be set in Directives, making your Techniques much more versatile and expressive and giving you access to feature that were only available to classic Techniques.
Multi version/mode Directives: You can now apply Directives with different versions and different policy mode on the same node. This allow easy migration (to a new version, from Audit to Enforce) that was previously impossible.
Authorization system for API accounts: Choose between read-only or full access. A plugin will be available soon in order to allow you more finely grained authorization.
Node properties from inventory: Node properties can be automatically provided by the inventory data from the node.
Node lifecycle: You can define a state for each Node managed by Rudder (provisioning, pending removal, disabled etc.). This can be used to build groups and apply configuration according to the Node current state. Also disabled Nodes are not counted in compliance reports, so you are not bothered by offline Nodes when checking compliance.
Group based on Groups: You can now define that a Group should contain the Nodes of another Group, making it easier to manage a complex set of Nodes.
Graphs on the dashboard are now clickable: You can access the list of nodes in a category by clicking on parts of the graphs.
Import/Export of techniques in the Technique Editor: There is now a button to export or import a technique in the Technique Editor, allowing sharing techniques easily. Be careful, this import/export only works between servers running the same Rudder version.
IPv6 support by default: Rudder is now completely compatible with IPv6 on the agent side as well as server side.
Hooks on Techniques: When you write a Technique by hand, you can add pre- and post- hooks in it that will be executed once per Technique, even if you applied it in several directives.
Use system Perl: On recent systems, rudder-agent does not embed Perl anymore, so it uses an up to date version of Perl more integrated to your system. All the needed dependencies are either declared (for the common ones) or still embedded. On a side note, it makes it easier to build a rudder-agent package (which size goes down from 12MB to 4MB!).
Rudder agent services based on systemd: On systemd based os, we switched from SysV init system to systemd, to make rudder-agent more integrated to your system.
Time all actions made by the agent: A new option (-T) added to ``rudder agent'' command line, to display how long an action took and find what makes a run slow.
Renaming of all generic methods: We changed for a clearer and more logic name scheme in all our generic methods in the Technique editor.
Simplified logger for Techniques: We changed the way we do reporting for Techniques from Technique editor with a much simpler way, which should be faster and also fix some reporting issues (ie: when you use variables in your reports).
Plenty of library updates / cleaning / architecture changes: Either on web app or in rudder-agent we upgraded some dependencies, refactored some code, to provide you a more secure, maintainable and faster Rudder.
Installing, upgrading and testing
Install docs:
Upgrade docs:
Download links:
We also recommend using the Rudder Vagrant config if you want a quick and easy way to get an installation for testing.
Operating systems supported
This version provides packages for these operating systems:
Rudder server and Rudder relay: Debian 8, Debian 9, RHEL/CentOS 6, RHEL/CentOS 7 (64 bits), SLES 11, SLES 12, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04
Rudder agent: all of the above plus Debian 5, Debian 6, Debian 7 RHEL/CentOS 3, RHEL/CentOS 5, CentOS 7 (32 bits), SLES 10, SLES 12, Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 18.04
Rudder agent (binary packages available from (Normation): Windows Server 2008R2-2016, AIX 5-6-7
Note: As of Rudder 4.3, the rudder agent packages are no longer available on Fedora 18 and Ubuntu 12.10.
Special thanks
Thanks to Maxime Longuet from Itika for sponsoring the node lifecycle feature!
Rudder 4.3.14 (2019-07-08)
Architecture - Internal libs
Using move into non existing branch failed but delete the source (#3591)
Bug fixes
Fixed: Arbitrary command execution in rudder relay API due to missing parameter sanitization (#14974)
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Loading animation on 404 page is broken (#15105)
Fixed: Use umask defined in /etc/login.defs in Technique "SSH authorized keys" for creating missing home dir (#14916)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.12 (2019-05-14)
Port MOTD Technique to DSC (#14313)
Bug fixes
Web - Maintenance
Fixed: Invalid comparison of String and Option[String] in HistorizationService (#14770)
Fixed: Technique "SSH authorized keys" creates home directory with perms root:root when it does not exists yet (#14732)
Technique editor - UI/UX
Fixed: The deprecated tooltip doesn’t say why it is deprecated (#13031)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.11 (2019-04-15)
Bug fixes
Fixed: When installing rudder-agent, there’s a long wait of run interval/2, so up to several hours (#14644)
Fixed: During installation of the agent, when staring "rudder agent" service, there is numerous error about missing '/opt/rudder/etc/uuid.hive' file (#14616)
Fixed: Debian 8 backports repository does not exist anymore, breaking our builds (#14608)
Fixed: Error message when installing or upgrading Rudder server about missing pid file (#13767)
Fixed: Error message when installing rudder-agent on rpm based systems due to missing directory '/var/rudder/inventories' (#14348)
Fixed: Slackware agent depends on mysql (#14472)
Plugins integration
Fixed: Typo in rudder-pkg when package version is incompatible (#14408)
Fixed: uuid.hive is not present afet an install or an upgradie ofrudder agent to latest 4.1.x, 4.3.x and 5.0.x on rpm system purges the uuid.hive (#14264)
Web - Config management
Fixed: Policies generated for Rudder server have wrong permissions (#14594)
Technique editor - UI/UX
Fixed: Error in technique editor when there is "$()" in a parameter of a method (#14549)
Generic methods
Fixed: Policy generation fails after upgrade to 4.3: Undefined bundle lines_present (#14548)
Fixed: Expected repaired class in ncf tests are not correctly defined (#14538)
Fixed: Reporting when executing severspec is not correct in ncf tests (#14537)
Fixed: monitoring.csv accumulate temporary files that can blow up the filesystem (#13716)
Generic methods - Package Management
Fixed: Broken yum usage with old package promises on CentOS (#14546)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Reporting fails on NCF when service start/stop is guarded by a class (#14404)
Generic methods - File Management
Fixed: Improve method 'file copy from shared files' parameters documentation (#14361)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.10 (2019-02-28)
Architecture - Internal libs
Remove deprecated (and not use) code causing warning (#14291)
Generic methods - File Management
Add a generic method that displays selected lines from a file in reports (#14357)
Generic methods
Add serverspec tests to the ncf ones (#14314)
Bug fixes
Web - Config management
Fixed: Directive parameter values are mixed between directives (#14322)
Architecture - Refactoring
Fixed: We are comparing Option[String] and String (#14346)
Architecture - Dependencies
Fixed: Compilation fails with Java 11 (#14290)
System techniques
Fixed: Technique uses /root as an hardcoded value for the home of user root (#6412)
Generic methods - File Management
Fixed: File lines absent generic method doesn’t report anything when the file doesn’t exist (#14246)
Generic methods
Fixed: ncf 4.1 is not compatible anymore with agent 3.1 (#14293)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Tobias Ell
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.9 (2019-01-30)
System integration
Impossible to change keys of a Node using rudder-keys cli (#14207)
Web - Maintenance
Update links in Rudder interface to use (#14205)
Web - Config management
Configure report value of technique from technique editor (#14091)
Port techniques downloadFile & cronManagement to separated policy generation (#14002)
Bug fixes
Fixed: "rudder-init" script does not allow the "auto" option (#14134)
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Rudder node id is confused with machine id and not selectable by triple-click (#14243)
Web - Compliance & node report
Fixed: we can inject html & javascript in Rudder tables (#14221)
Web - Maintenance
Fixed: Constraints on table nodecompliancelevels are not valid (#14218)
Performance and scalability
Fixed: Index nodeid_idx is not used and consumes a lot of disk space for nothing (#14149)
Fixed: Logs full of WARN Attribute 'apiAuthorizationKind' or 'expirationTimestamp' is defined for API account but it will be ignored (#13913)
System techniques
Fixed: improve error message when the node cannot get the uuid from the server (#14176)
Fixed: "classes promises do not support promise locking" warning message when running the agent (#14132)
Fixed: Add compatibility sles classes in failsafe (#13975)
Fixed: Missing report on File key-value parameter in list (#14164)
Plugins integration
Fixed: Separated policy generation does not work correctly with Rudder DSC agent (#14038)
Fixed: rudder agent inventory wrongly states that we are not in full compliance mode (#13882)
System integration
Fixed: Every agent check for postgresql and ldap partition size, resulting in possible overzealous shutting down of Rudder on node (#14162)
Server components
Fixed: cf-serverd may listen on port 8080 preventing rudder-jetty from running (#13982)
Generic methods
Fixed: Avoid checking for exit_on_lock option on newer yum (#14235)
Fixed: Enable 4h cache on available upgrades list in old package bodies (#14225)
Fixed: Error in inform mode about undefined @args in rudder agent output (#14214)
Fixed: file_from_string_mustache GM unwanted behaviour when the mustache template use non-printable elements (#14215)
Fixed: Generic method in 4.3 should not use the class has_promiser_stack (#14167)
Technique editor - UI/UX
Fixed: Filter in generic method should not be case sensitive (#14216)
Fixed: Jinja templating iteration example in the doc is invalid (#14179)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Valentin Lelong
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.8 (2019-01-10)
Bug fixes
Fixed: uuid.hive file should not be a rudder-agent package conf file (#14062)
Fixed: Force http 1.1 when downloading curl (#14059)
Fixed: When installing a rudder root server (on debian), it asks to run rudder-node-to-relay (#11630)
Fixed: Change packaging to allow openjdk > 8 (#13896)
Fixed: When we stop rudder-jetty, it says it stops Jetty 7 (we are using Jetty 9 …) (#13929)
Fixed: Agent run errors are not outputted on stderr anymore (#14061)
Fixed: Rudder-jetty depends on jdk8 but always try to install jdk9 as dependency (#14024)
Fixed: Broken 4.1/4.3 doc build (#14048)
Web - Config management
Fixed: Cannot modify groups when workflow are enabled (#14056)
Plugins integration
Fixed: indexes on nodecompliancelevels table are not valid and table ArchivedReportsExecution is never used (#14007)
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: In the node details, clicking on the link to the policy server doesn’t redirect to the policy server (#13834)
Fixed: "Job Scheduler" Technique miss runs when using a non-default agent execution frequency (#4840)
Generic methods
Fixed: Error in the info (rudder agent run -i) output of the agent at first run (#13951)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Florian Heigl
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.7 (2018-11-26)
Add rudder server version to the Rest API (system/info endpoint) (#13654)
Provide a rudder.json file with initial policies (#13805)
Cleanup the ncf repo (#13651)
Bug fixes
Plugins integration
Fixed: Improve error message when path to install a plugin package is not correct (#13891)
Fixed: Rudder agent 4.3 needs libxml-treepp-perl on debian (#12599)
Fixed: Slackware agent is not started at boot (#13850)
Fixed: Don’t create crontab entry at Rudder agent install but during first run (#13846)
Fixed: Remove unnecessary conflict dependency with openjdk 9 on debian (#12664)
Fixed: Missing _ in slackware package name (#13839)
Fixed: Agent should depend on a logging system on SUSE (#13788)
Fixed: On rudder-webapp upgrade, ncf.conf file is not committed (#13679)
Fixed: Upgrade CFEngine to 3.10.5 (#13851)
Fixed: ``rudder-keys change-key'' does not check for key file existence (#12496)
Fixed: When ``policy-server.dat'' is missing, generated inventory is not legit (#11715)
Fixed: /var/log/rudder/agent-check/check.log should contains only error level messages (#12230)
Fixed: rudder remote run error, and unable to pass -i option (#11318)
Fixed: Command ``rudder remote run -a'' does not warn about missing token (#11417)
Fixed: Add a warn message when agent run is incomplete (#10751)
Fixed: Command ``rudder agent reset'' sets incorrect permission in /var/rudder/cfengine-community/inputs (#12410)
Fixed: ``rudder agent info'' returns invalid report mode for not yet accepted nodes (#12992)
Fixed: Missing spaces between key and message on rudder agent run report when using -w option (#13663)
Web - Config management
Fixed: The password field allows storing a password without any selected hash (#12198)
Fixed: Spinning compliance in nodes list on a disabled node (#12649)
Fixed: Spinning compliance in nodes list on a disabled node (#12649)
Fixed: ``Not copying missing license file into'' in webapp log (#10917)
Fixed: Missing node state variable expansion in directive (#13671)
Fixed: Add full path to shared-folder in description of ``Download file from shared folder'' Technique (#13530)
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Wrong text color in table header in Rule page (#13835)
Fixed: Quotes in reports are displayed as " in the web interface (#13349)
Fixed: Upgrade loading wheel with a new look (#8622)
Fixed: On Dashboard, when we have 100% of something, the pie is including a confusing white line (#12233)
Fixed: No color difference on hover on the user menu (#12926)
Fixed: ``Configure the default state'' is lacking explanations (#12462)
Fixed: Remove static ids in Password section (#13457)
Fixed: Button to enable a technique in Directive Screen is not working, should be a link to the Technique (#13779)
Fixed: In directive page, tooltip is not correctly aligned with text (#13511)
Fixed: The ``hardware'' tab is not displayed in accept new nodes screen (#13688)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: When a node is deleted, its generated promises are not removed (#4709)
Fixed: Inventory keeps its key certified when node is deleted (#9149)
Fixed: Missing gateway, network in network interface details (#13804)
Fixed: Network group criteria not working (#13772)
Fixed: Node details shows Operating System Type: MSWin for Windows node rather than Windows (#6019)
Fixed: The error message for bad inventory signature is unclear (#9192)
Fixed: Network, mask and gateway not correctly parsed from inventory (#13803)
Web - Compliance & node report
Fixed: Compliance error (missing) when a directive is applied by two rules on a node (#13674)
Fixed: Option description for ``File download (Rudder server)'' technique is misleading (#13887)
Fixed: Technique
Cron job v3.0'' does not use the
user'' setting with predefined scheduled (#8004) -
Fixed: Missing reports on password component on ``User management'' Technique in audit mode (#9474)
Fixed: Enforce checkbox tooltip in ``Group management'' Technique is misleading (#13489)
Fixed: Missing report with `File and directory basics' Technique in audit mode when checking perms on non existing file (#11653)
Fixed: Broken reporting when copying a directory from the Rudder server without specifying the trailing / in the destination (#13290)
Fixed: Missing report for post-modification hook in Technique ``File download (Rudder server)'' (#13717)
Fixed: Details of usage of technique ``Variable from command output (string)'' is not clear (#12058)
Fixed: Some files in the techniques repository do not present any licence header (#13633)
Fixed: Technique ``cron job'' refuses task user name if it contains hyphen (#12960)
Fixed: Missing report for component
Post-modification hook'' when cleaning files with
File and directory basics'' Technique version 4.1 (#13786)
Server components
Fixed: server command based on jq should exit when jq is not installed and explain to install it (#13682)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: In technique editor, on save, we get ``success'' but some errors are shallowed (#12210)
Fixed: Fix path to in jinja2 templating doc (#13784)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
vlycop Doo
Florian Heigl
Renaud Manus
Janos Mattyasovszky
Romain Quinaud
David Svejda
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.6 (2018-11-06)
Document zypper pattern usage in the ``Package state'' generic method documentation (#13725)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: We have no way to know that a Technique is disabled when editing a Directive (#12829)
Generic methods
Fixed: Generic method ``Sharedfile to node'' always return repaired status (#13753)
Fixed: Unit tests for generic method ``File from a Jinja2 template'' fail on Ubuntu12 on Rudder 4.1 (#13747)
Fixed: Time lib may not work when the first non-loopback interface has no ip address (#13744)
Fixed: Remove comment about classes_generic_two being deprecated (#13286)
Fixed: Style test always fails, missing 4.1 version of 13637 (#13722)
Fixed: Missing report when using default value in Generic method parameters (#13704)
Fixed: Add more tests for the schedule lib in ncf (#13668)
Fixed: Zypper patterns tests should not be executed on non sles os (#13638)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: Group of group is empty if we use the AND combinator (#13424)
Generic methods - Package Management
Fixed: Missing report when using the
Package state'' generic method with default value for the
state'' parameter (#13703)
Generic methods - File Management
Fixed: Change the detection of curl path in ncf to use rudder_curl if available (#13745)
Fixed: Missing report in ``Manage keys-values in file'' technique (#13715)
Fixed: Missing reporting in ``Permissions recurse'' method (#13683)
Fixed: Generic Method ``File copy from remote source'' does not report when copying a directory (#13634)
Fixed: Missing status when I use ``File copy from Rudder shared folder'' Technique (#13669)
Web - Config management
Fixed: In directive, change input for parameter from technique editor from text to textarea (#12824)
Fixed: rudder-cf-execd and rudder-cf-serverd are not enabled nor running after a server install on debian 8 (#13774)
Fixed: Rudder agent uninstall may fail to to systemd unit (#13762)
Fixed: can’t upgrade debian package if /bin/systemd exist but sysv is used (#13174)
Fixed: rudder.conf is not removed from /etc/ (#12554)
Fixed: Fusioninventory error about uninitialized value $FQDN (#13739)
Fixed: ``type: systemctl : not found'' appears in rudder-agent installation logs (#13693)
Fixed: Rudder syslog port is reset after upgrade on Ubuntu (< 14) Servers (#12714)
Generic methods - Service Management
Fixed: Broken variable in ``Service restart'' method report (#13713)
Fixed: Broken doc build (#13734)
System techniques
Fixed: Use embedded curl when available (#13687)
Performance and scalability
Fixed: LDAP IO error on generation with a lot of nodes (#13256)
Fixed: Sharing files with ``root'' does not work (#10605)
Fixed: Add option for Zypper Patterns in Technique ``Packages'' (#13721)
Fixed: Add a bigger warning about full path in ``Download a file'' technique (#13647)
Fixed: Add a bigger warning about full path in ``Download a file'' technique (#13646)
Fixed: Fix some typo in ``rudder server directive upgrade'' help output (#13765)
Fixed: ``directive-upgrade'' rudder command does not work (#13681)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
tim c
Matthew Frost
Jérémy HOCDÉ
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.5 (2018-10-19)
Generic methods
Add a generic method to test variable existence (#12986)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Blue text color in node details tabs (#13168)
Generic methods
Fixed: Allow to report on same reporting parameters (#13632)
Fixed: style test always fails (#13637)
Fixed: rudder agent log files content in user facility (#13175)
Fixed: 4.3+ version of 12164 (#13621)
Fixed: still some typos in package tests (#13591)
Fixed: some ncf test are failing on SLES because they are trying to deal with packages that are not available (#13573)
Fixed: Some old tests are failing on centos (#13535)
Fixed: there is still a trailing new line in the jinja result test file (#13529)
Fixed: Tests on variable_string and variable_string_default GM are failing (#13523)
Fixed: Some tests are failing on ubuntu distros (#13514)
Fixed: " error: List or container parameter `args' not found while constructing scope `log_rudder' - use @(scope.variable) in calling reference" when running Rudder 4.3 (#13430)
Fixed: add a method to set reportiing_context from within a technique (#13351)
Fixed: user_primary_group tests are failing on suse (#13282)
Fixed: Some ncf tests are too old and fails on many distributions (#13249)
Fixed: Incomplete management of disabled/reenable reporting (#13209)
Fixed: file_check_special tests are failing on debian (#13243)
Fixed: Huge agent logs when we define an new class_prefix that is longer than 1024 chars (#13155)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: Node group with `OR' multi criteria fails (#13649)
Generic methods - Package Management
Fixed: old packages generic methods are failing on old debian (#13305)
Fixed: rudder-doc embedeed doesn’t work anymore (#13659)
Fixed: Document Amazon Linux compatibility (#13624)
Fixed: Wrong version displayed on the login page for plugin branding (#13274)
Fixed: Update screenshot for Rudder Branding (#13270)
Fixed: Bad explanation for generic variable override priority cause people making the opposite of what is needed (#13615)
Technique editor - API
Fixed: Error message is not correctly treated when an exception occurs in when authenticating to Rudder authentication API (#13219)
Fixed: remove unnecessary patch that remove truncation of line in inventory (#13403)
Fixed: rudder server command states that ``Warning: Long arguments are not supported, you probably tried to use one!'' - but it does support it (#13505)
Fixed: rudder technique-migrate is not documented nor properly named (#13146)
Fixed: Debian package cannot build in 4.1 because of (#13594)
Fixed: rudder-agent service is not removed when removing rudder-agent (#13549)
Fixed: Use new man page URL after doc URL redirect (#13537)
Fixed: rudder-agent 4.1 install hangs on Debian 7 (#13525)
Fixed: Doc download in webapp package does not work anymore (#13499)
Fixed: Use correct version when building Slackware packages (#13329)
Fixed: parallel build on rpmbuild hides build error (#13300)
Fixed: Purge of rudder-webapp should not fail (#13210)
Fixed: Fix bdb download link from (#13198)
Fixed: slackware should not build its package into /tmp (#13194)
Fixed: rudder server upgrade-techniques –autoupdate-technique-library fails when run during Rudder upgrade (#13458)
Fixed: cebtos7 install_package_existent should be skipped (#13596)
Fixed: Makefile fails if a symbolink link /usr/bin/ncf already exists (#13277)
Fixed: Rudder system api token only have RO access (#13416)
Fixed: StackOverflowError during policy generation in JavascriptEngine
debian 9.5 with jdk 1.8.0_181 (#13014)
Fixed: Api User Account doesn’t have User role (#13629)
Fixed: ``//'' in rudder-web/secure/api//settings/global_policy_mode cause browser/spring error (#13356)
Fixed: Bad mime type for our js files: application/js (#13334)
Fixed: file enforce content log file content which can have private info (#13608)
Fixed: SudoParameter technique version 3.2 returns a report that is not parsable by the CLI (#13350)
Fixed: Package repository keys Technique in Audit Mode : Missing Reports (#13065)
Fixed: Package repository keys Technique in Audit Mode : Missing Reports (#13065)
Fixed: Rudder SNMP technique has a component failing on first run (#13159)
Fixed: Package management technique fails to check if a package is absent in the ``latest'' version (#12939)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Mikaël Mantel
tim c
Marco Kirchhoff
Guillaume Terrier
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.4 (2018-08-08)
Add the slackware target to packages.makefile (#13070)
Web - UI & UX
Remove the ``Update policy'' button (#12668)
Bug fixes
Generic methods
Fixed: Generic method File present is called Presence of a file, and that’s really confusing (#13003)
Architecture - Internal libs
Fixed: nuProcess 1.2.0 crashes on JDK 10 (#12832)
Fixed: Script execution must be allowed to install and use Rudder on Windows nodes (#12772)
Fixed: Broken -g option in rudder remote run (#13017)
Fixed: cfengine fails to build with embedded libxml on rhel3 (#13096)
Fixed: agent postinstall fails on OS without /proc/self (#13066)
Fixed: libxml depends on zlib but we don’t pass it the configure flag (#13060)
Fixed: Libgcc is missing on aix (#13046)
Fixed: static-libgcc is ignored by some build (#13042)
Fixed: echo -n doewn’t work on aix (#13005)
Fixed: Missing lib path in AIX cfengine executables (#12994)
Fixed: Silent install does not work (#12929)
Fixed: Tests broken after #12953 (#13001)
Relay server or API
Fixed: Relay API does not correctly work on relay, as RewriteEngine is not enabled (#13063)
System techniques
Fixed: Missing report on File key-value present (#12998)
Web - Maintenance
Fixed: rudder-metrics-reporting fail to report reports on directive/expected reports in 4.3, as the database schema changed (#13041)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Martin Zbozien
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.3 (2018-07-18)
System techniques
Make the agent resend the inventory if sending failed (#7490)
Add testing on sshKeyDistribution (#12822)
Bug fixes
Technique editor - UI/UX
Fixed: dsc filter in technique editor does not seem to work (#12468)
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: The red cross in case of generation problem is not visible enough (#11889)
Technique editor - API
Fixed: On debian 9.4, ncf can not access http://localhost/rudder (but can https://..) (#12957)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: NodeInfoCache is precise to the second but we need it to be precise to the millisecond (#12988)
Fixed: root node disappeared while upgrading from 4.1 to 4.3 on debian 9 (#12474)
Fixed: In inventory, ``motherboardid'' is not the mother board id but the machine id (#12893)
Fixed: It’s difficult to know if the node property added is valid json (#12360)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Broken technique editor if a technique is in the browser cache, but has been removed from the FS (#12970)
Rudder web app
Fixed: wrong text encoding in technique editor (#12471)
Web - Config management
Fixed: When we add a section in the directive editor, it clears the content of the previous section (#12916)
Fixed: Invalid ordering of elements in node external reports plugin (#12901)
Fixed: Update screenshot of branding plugin (#12897)
Fixed: Move DSC documentation inside the plugins section of Rudder doc (#12895)
Fixed: Missing support of Ubuntu 18.04 agent in documentation (#12854)
Fixed: Rudder doc 4.3 fails to list the supported SLES for the nodes (#12756)
Fixed: Documentation for dsc ncf GM does not appear in the user manual (#12750)
Generic methods
Fixed: In some cases, reporting context calls can be the same for different methods, and hence ignored (#12953)
Fixed: Wrong bundle name passed in 12154 (#12921)
Fixed: Broken reporting when class_prefix contains an unexpanded variable (#12819)
Fixed: Description of the ``user primary group'' method is wrong (#12785)
Fixed: Broken logger_rudder test in 4.3 (#12777)
Fixed: Create a generic method to define environment variable (#12154)
Fixed: Broken windows plugin install in 4.3 (#12922)
Fixed: Rudder-agent provides rudder-agent without a version (#7777)
Fixed: rudder-agent 4.3 install hangs on Debian 7 (#12698)
Fixed: Error in Plugin section for Node external reports (#12898)
Fixed: Warn during inventory if sending through http not https (#11284)
Plugin - API ACL
Fixed: Rudder 4.3 missing important features for plugins, especially ACL one (#12808)
Generic methods - Service Management
Fixed: fail to restart certain services on Ubuntu because of incomplete detection of systemd/upstart (#12887)
Fixed: Can not install rudder agent on AIX: libyaml.a could not be loaded (#12966)
System techniques
Fixed: cron is always restarted since #12615 (#12886)
Fixed: When a technique reports several time the exact same text, there is only one report generated (#6343)
Fixed: Detection of minicurl and https is done in conflicting ways (#12155)
Fixed: Rudder agent needs 2 updates to work properly (#12793)
Performance and scalability
Fixed: Method copyResourceFile is quite inefficient (#12702)
Fixed: double quoted introduced as a typo of parent ticket (#12943)
Fixed: Technique userManagement does not change shell (#6395)
Fixed: Missing support for ubuntu 18_04 in technique aptPackageManagerSettings (#12884)
Fixed: Clean up the tests for sshKeyDistribution (#12863)
Fixed: fileTemplate technique does not correctly work in multiversionned format in Rudder 4.3 (#12784)
Fixed: Sudoers technique does not abide by the no password parameter in technique version 3.2 (#12782)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
Dmitry Svyatogorov
Florian Heigl
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.2 (2018-06-12)
Add agent support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ``Bionic Beaver'' (#12683)
Web - Nodes & inventories
It’s not possible to search Nodes by their node lifecycle (#12564)
Generic methods - Package Management
Add a package module for cfengine supporting slackware (#12684)
Architecture - Internal libs
Enforce stricter checks by scala compiler with Xlint flags (#12558)
Web - Compliance & node report
Overridden directives are not listed in reports information (#7616)
Strip binaries in rpm packages (#12452)
Upgrade to CFEngine 3.10.4 LTS (#12576)
Performance and scalability
Explore alternative format for compliance table (#12621)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Custom node properties from inventory are not found in group search (#12572)
Fixed: loading page and 404 page does not use correct style when redirected by apache (#12736)
Fixed: Windows node show an empty Certificate Hash field in node details (#11347)
Fixed: GUI problem with long strings in reporting (#12283)
Fixed: When deleting an API account the removed row is not the good one (#12638)
Fixed: Compliance bar appears partially white in some graphes (#12643)
Fixed: Directive and Rule tree filter are very slow (#12650)
Fixed: While adding network in General settings CIDR notation validation fails in special cases (#12629)
Fixed: Delete directive confirmation popup should display the action to confirm (#12552)
Fixed: In technique editor, mouse cursor on top of technique parameter ``use with'' should be a caret (#12266)
Generic methods
Fixed: Reporting context is not set correctly when using an iterator somewhere (#12693)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Always get ``Technique diverges'' pop-up when coming back to technique editor (#12207)
Architecture - Internal libs
Fixed: Missing ipv6 constraint regex test (#12666)
Web - Config management
Fixed: No reports on dsc only techniques on a Linux Node (#12754)
Fixed: Id of the ncf technique parameter used when generating Rudder technique parameter instead of it’s name (#12743)
Fixed: When policies have wrong permissions (660), agent cannot be executed, and reload server fails, it breaks the generation, and prevent correcting the permission (#12732)
Fixed: Policies regeneration error when using a parameters with " char (#12674)
Fixed: ``Safelly'' typo in logs (#12635)
Technique editor - API
Fixed: Technique Editor may ignores some error when authenticating, leading to unauthorized access (#12720)
Web - Compliance & node report
Fixed: $\{const.dollar} in generic method parameter leads to missing report (#12616)
Fixed: jobScheduler does not work when the first non-loopback interface has no ip address (#12262)
Fixed: Documentation should use full path to rudder-pkg for command examples (#12771)
Fixed: Adding missing information for Windows plugin installation (#12748)
Fixed: Restricted java security policy breaks Rudder (class configured for Cipher(provider: BC)cannot be found) (#12606)
Fixed: Fix various typos in ncf doc (#12570)
Technique editor - UI/UX
Fixed: Broken css when technique name is long (#12545)
System techniques
Fixed: System Techniques must not be added by reload technique, only updated, else they are duplicated (#12765)
Fixed: Load modules from local ncf in Rudder policies (#12774)
Fixed: Process management: stopped sends multiple reports. (#11683)
Fixed: SSH Configuration Technique on AIX does not reload correctly sshd service when there’s been a change (#12745)
Fixed: Misleading error message in Services technique when range of number of process could not be repaired (#12713)
Fixed: Wrong reporting in ``ManagekeyValue'' technique (#12603)
Fixed: Enforce checkbox tooltip in groupmanagement technique is misleading (#12670)
Fixed: Missing report if two mountounts with the same target (#12647)
Fixed: Add zypper pattern option in package Technique. please note that it does not work yet and will be available in next release 4.3.3 (#12700)
Fixed: Missing report when we cannot change home directory in users technique (#12555)
Fixed: Typo in generic method File content (#12507)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Daniel Fuleki
Janos Mattyasovszky
Vincent DAVY
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.1 (2018-05-04)
Web - UI & UX
Make the compliance graph clickable (#12429)
Generic methods
Add generic methods to assign monitoring templates and parameters to nodes (#12517)
Document the behavior of inventory hooks (#8335)
Add tests for sshKeyDistribution technique (#12455)
Bug fixes
Technique editor - UI/UX
Fixed: The filter field in the technique editor should not be monospace (#12081)
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Missing border in Default policy mode setting (#12236)
Fixed: Inconsistent font for status of rule in accept new node page, when looking at the Rules to be applied (#12364)
Fixed: Switch’s css is broken on the Api accounts page (#12518)
Fixed: Add space between filter and Event logs table (#12515)
Fixed: CSS of txt/json inputs is broken (#12514)
Fixed: Add margin between selects and button groups in Archives page (#12513)
Fixed: Buttons don’t follow a straight design (#12512)
Generic methods
Fixed: service restart uses an undefined variable (#12553)
Web - Config management
Fixed: Wrong parameter used to create dsc ncf techniques (#12533)
Fixed: wrong import in ssh-key-distribution tests (#12511)
Technique editor - API
Fixed: Broken reporting for non-applicable generic methods (#12542)
System integration
Fixed: apache_acl file is replaced, even on relay with no http (#12530)
Fixed: A rudder relay or server, with no nodes behind it, does not share ncf (#12465)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.0 (2018-04-19)
Technique editor - Techniques
Add import/export buttons to the technique editor (#12280)
Add a ``Rudder by example'' guide to the documentation (#12383)
Add libacl to Rudder agent (#12270)
Relay server or API
Make Groups and Rules API accessible for internal use (#12419)
Bug fixes
Technique editor - Techniques
Fixed: Technique editor returning an error when saving (#12464)
Fixed: Compute SHA key, and change key identification for enterprise node (#12458)
Web - Config management
Fixed: (breaking change) In Windows Agent, a ’' in a directive parameter value is escaped but it should not (#12390)
Fixed: rudder-pkg does not allow to install/update/remove several plugin at once (#12330)
Fixed: Failed generation with ``Could not initialize class javax.crypto.JceSecurity'' (#12448)
Server components
Fixed: Root server can be disable with node lifecycle
set empty policies'' (#12324)
Fixed: When upgrading from 4.1 to 4.3, reports from Rudder Techniques break reporting (#12398)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.0.rc3 (2018-04-10)
Web - UI & UX
Make API account page pluggable (#12375)
Generic methods
Create hook ncf methods that can be used in pre-/post-run hooks (#11857)
Update doc for 4.3 (#12347)
Update the techniques tests (#12346)
Bug fixes
Generic methods
Fixed: Canonify job-id in classes for scheduler methods (#12382)
Fixed: Job cheduler methods with mode are broken (#12378)
Fixed: Unexpected report on several methods due to non-executed bundles (#12368)
Fixed: Missing report for ``Shared file to node'' (#12377)
Fixed: Some methods which let another one do the reporting are broken in 4.3 (#12371)
Web - Config management
Fixed: Cannot generate policies when there is a loop in policy server hierharchy (stackoverflow) (#12359)
Fixed: Remove references to foswiki in the doc (#12363)
Initial promises & sys tech
Fixed: Error at policy generation when using sudoParameter technique with Rudder 4.3 (#12339)
System integration
Fixed: Temp folders of jetty are piling up in /var/rudder/tmp/jetty (#11987)
Fixed: Bad session counting block user login after three session created (#12367)
Server components
Fixed: sysconfig/apache2 modifications get removed (#11153)
Fixed: RudderUniqueId is not replaced when using OUTPATH in metadata, causing no report in File Permissions (#12344)
Fixed: Time settings directive configuration not accessible to non-root users (#12303)
Fixed: Correct path to permlist file in File Permissions in 4.3 (#12348)
Fixed: Unsupported key types are silently ignored in ssh key management technique (#8618)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
Florian Heigl
Rob Pomeroy
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.0.rc2 (2018-04-03)
Technique editor - UI/UX
Rename class to condition in the interface (#11766)
Web - UI & UX
Missing information/bad UX in API authorization UI (#12202)
Technique editor - API
typo in name of method used in write_all_techniques (#12335)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Remove modifications made to the inventory by the agent (#8919)
Generic methods
Migrate generic methods towards new logging system (#12227)
Backport key size option for cf-key (#12241)
Change defaults for embedding xml and yaml (#12285)
Cleanup build options and build results (#12278)
Add strict version dependency on ncf-api-virtualenv to rudder-webapp (#12273)
embed libyaml and libxml in cfengine (#12187)
Epoch should be fixed in packaging (#12239)
Embed curl in the agent (#12186)
Initial promises & sys tech
An agent run with initial promises should send its inventory more often (#9676)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: JS error when starting Rudder 4.3 with jetty 9 (#12002)
Generic methods
Fixed: Broken file_enforce_content generic method in 4.3 due to upmerge (#12226)
Technique editor - API
Fixed: @action tag appears in method description in the editor (#12080)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Escaping issue in Users Technique Parameter (#12101)
Plugin - API ACL
Fixed: API failing on root node (#12229)
Fixed: Wrong regex in FileTemplate technique (#12263)
Fixed: Missing or invalid migration for techniques generated by technique editor from 4.2 to 4.3 (#12232)
Fixed: rudder-jetty should depend on headless jre on centos7 (#12328)
Fixed: Remove useless files in agent package (#12320)
Fixed: agent-capabilities file should not be executable (#12318)
Fixed: Remove invalid comment in rudder-agent spec file (#12312)
Fixed: Rudder agent service not started in 4.3 after a reboot on Centos7 (#12302)
Fixed: Warning when upgrading from 4.2 to 4.3: No such file or directory (#12222)
Fixed: rudder-init fails ruding initial policy setup (#12247)
Fixed: AIX should not depend on curl (#12245)
Fixed: Wrong dependencies in agent rpm in 4.3 (#12184)
Initial promises & sys tech
Fixed: Authorize reports: in techniques/system/common/1.0/ in qa-test (#12244)
Fixed: Missing report for component ``Post-modification hook'' when cleaning files (#12297)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.0.rc1 (2018-03-15)
The compliance API is missing a global compliance target (#8584)
Generic methods
file_copy_with_check (#11610)
Make node post-acceptation properties configurable (#11811)
System integration
link policy server config to Rudder’s config dir (#10847)
Architecture - Refactoring
Remove ListTag workaround when JGit version > 1.2 (#2278)
Add post-hook to the manage key-value file techniques (#12124)
Bug fixes
Technique editor - UI/UX
Fixed: Parameters menu arrow does not work as expected (#12082)
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Update / Delete buttons on group Category modification should be separated (#11782)
Technique editor - API
Fixed: Result class containing \{} are not properly canonized (#11600)
Generic methods - File Management
Fixed: We cannot use file_enforce_content with a list and enforce=true (#12147)
Fixed: Please, legitimate ``Priority'' usage in multi-instance directives (#11963)
Fixed: On a fresh Rudder 4.3 centos6 install, error about ncf API in logs (#12034)
Fixed: Broken ``rudder agent check'' in 4.3 (#12178)
Fixed: Broken ``rudder agent history'' in 4.3 (#12177)
Fixed: Agent script argument parsing failure when using non-default locale (#12131)
Fixed: rudder remote run cuts down IP of remote host (#11418)
Fixed: With ``rudder agent run'', nothing is logged in /var/rudder/cfengine-community/outputs/ (#10801)
Fixed: Broken rudder-agent 4.1→4.3 upgrade in debian 9 (#12182)
Fixed: Remove suggestion to install cfengine in ncf package (#12183)
Fixed: On debian, with systemd rudder-agent services are not enabled during postinst (#12083)
Fixed: On debian, installation is broken (#12162)
Fixed: rudder-webapp upgrade doesn’t commit updates to ncf hooks (#6758)
Fixed: rudder-inventory-ldap package provides openldap libraries (#3377)
Fixed: Missing report in Group Management (#12214)
Fixed: Invalid call in descriptor of Technique File download (Rudder server) , version 2.2 in branch 4.2 and 4.3 (#12213)
Fixed: Typo in templating technique (#12126)
Fixed: Typo in tooltip of File content (from remote template) for path of file (#12123)
Fixed: sharedfile_to_node reports repaired even if it fails (#11836)
System integration
Fixed: Stopping slapd fails if pid file is empty (#10498)
Fixed: service rudder-* outputs on stderror (#6429)
Fixed: Cannot run rudder server reload-techniques on RedHat 6.6 (#11907)
Fixed: Promises shared with apache are group executable (#12169)
Fixed: blocks on inventory parsing error (#10019)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Michael Gliwinski
Avit Sidis
Dmitry Svyatogorov
d i
Janos Mattyasovszky
The Ranger
Jean Cardona
Alexander Brunhirl
Florian Heigl
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.3.0.beta1 (2018-02-06)
Technique editor - UI/UX
Change max field length from 2k to 16k (#11859)
Web - UI & UX
add margin to the magnifying glass icon in the Nodes table (#11849)
Generic methods - File Management
Use built-in function and remove dumpdatastate usage in ncf (#11816)
Update doc for 4.3 (#12049)
Use system Perl instead of embedding into rudder-agent if possible (#11741)
Remove multiline output option from ``rudder agent'' command (#11897)
Add an option to add timing information to the agent run (#9163)
Only rudder version needs to be displayed in ``rudder agent info'' (#10706)
Cleanup agent check (#11723)
Upgrade openssl to 1.0.2n (#11967)
Replace rudder-agent init script by systemd units on compatible OSes (#11684)
Automatically package fusion dependencies (#11855)
Remove our syslog name patch in 4.3 (#11807)
Add a subjectaltname to server certificate (#11790)
Add a curl dependency in the agent (#11752)
Add checksum verification of the agent sources (#11742)
Upgrade lmdb to 0.9.21 in the agent (#11736)
Upgrade openldap to 2.4.45 (#11733)
Upgrade to Jetty9 (#11647)
Create a rudder server upgrade-techniques commands (#11059)
Architecture - Refactoring
Remove most scala compilation warning (#11955)
Use scheduledJob logger for scheduledJob (#11800)
Clean-up trivial warnings (#11786)
Move all API v1 into their own package (#11760)
Remove dead code in AuthorizationType (#11756)
Remove remaining use of spring-jdbc (#11667)
Extract Rest API from Rudder-web project into a new Scala project (#11677)
Switch to cats ecosystem (#11763)
Autumn cleaning before 4.3 (parent-pom) (#11637)
Add multiversion support to some Techniques (#11687)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Javascript error on every pages, preventing usage of file explorer (#11991)
Fixed: Directives tree is not filtered after saving changes (#11670)
Fixed: Input text for repository in apt repository management is too small (#11841)
Agent policy mode'' should be
Node policy mode'' (#11837)
Technique editor - Techniques
Fixed: rudder_reporting file is invalid on nodes if it contains `&&' in one of its parameter (#11870)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Set flag to reload ncf Technique through Rudder during update (#12005)
Generic methods
Fixed: yum is run at each cf-promises, having a massive perf cost, on redhat-like system (#11937)
Fixed: Add a comment about quotes in file_ensure_key_value parameters documentation (#11896)
Fixed: Wrong result class in file_enforce_content (#11880)
Fixed: Abort bundle does not work in dry-run mode (#11867)
Fixed: ``Shared file to node'' method does not send file to node if file to send was created during run (#11869)
Fixed: Autocompletion for rudder commands doesn’t work on RHEL and SLES (#11885)
Fixed: Errors are not displayed when running agent without -i (#9181)
Fixed: The agent moves obstructions regardless of policy mode (#11866)
Fixed: When rudder agent disable fails it prints a success message (#11936)
Fixed: Agent process detection is wrong in rudder agent check on AIX (#11921)
Fixed: Escaping variable in a method call fails (#11795)
Fixed: rudder-pkg 4.3 believes it is rudder 4.2 (#12074)
Fixed: typo in rudder-server relay package install output (#12064)
Fixed: Reload of Techniques after update thought Technique editor should only be done by Rudder, remove hook (#12010)
Fixed: Upgrade Java version used when building webapp on old debian versions, since oracle jvm links has changed (#11981)
Fixed: Rudder root on SLES12 shows LDAP error during installation (#10454)
Fixed: Impossible to share policies to DSC Nodes with a SLES11 Server (#11856)
Fixed: Remove old migration scripts (#11743)
System integration
Fixed: Configuration file of Rudder mention that we may change ``LDAP DIT configuration'', which is wrong (#10664)
Architecture - Refactoring
Fixed: Remove scripts folder from rudder repo (#12047)
Server components
Fixed: There is a /var/cfengine/inputs on a Rudder server (#8625)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
Alexander Brunhirl
Florian Heigl
Dennis Cabooter
This is a bug fix release in the 4.3 series and therefore all installations of 4.3.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.