Change logs for Rudder 2.4
Rudder 2.4 has reached End of Life the in December 2012. This branch is codenamed ``Drakkar''.
The initial version was 2.4.0, released on 14th December 2012.
This page provides a summary of changes for each version. Previous beta and rc versions are listed below for convenience.
Installing, upgrading and testing
Documentation to Install and Upgrade is available online. We also recommend using the Rudder Vagrant config if you want a quick and easy way to get an installation for testing.
Operating systems supported
This version also provides packages for several new operating systems:
Rudder server: RHEL 6, Ubuntu 11.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10 as well as Debian 5, Debian 6, Debian 7 and SLES 11
Rudder agent: all of the above as well as RHEL 5 and SLES 10
Rudder 2.4.12 (2013-11-20)
New Technique added: Partition monitoring (#3984)
Bug fixes
Fixed: Rudder-agent upgrade fails if one of the binaries is in use during upgrade (#4098, (#3665)
Fixed: Error when upgrading from a Rudder server 2.3 if both policy.xml and metadata.xml were existing for the same techniques (#4088)
Fixed: Agent upgrade does not work if /opt/rudder/etc/disable-agent file exists (#4087)
Fixed: First inventory sending may not contains UUID (#4147)
Fixed: slapd is not always restarted on upgrading, leading to missing schema update (#4132)
Fixed: Apache is not started after reboot on RPM systems (#4126)
Fixed: If a node has not cron (or equivalent) installed, then the uuid or init script are not restored (#4009)
Fixed: User manual doesn’t mention Debian wheezy support (#4124)
Fixed: Remove comma after the promiser from passwordCheck in the distributePolicy promises (#4040)
Fixed: The failsafe of the initial promises cannot update promises (#4025)
Fixed: Reporting message that state that curl is missing should be clearer (#4021, (#4166)
Fixed: The first inventory made display disturbing error messages about CPU (#3854, (#4111)
Fixed: There is a typo in Rudder file disclaimer (#4032)
Fixed: Reporting is never caught if the Rudder server UUID (/var/rudder/tmp/uuid.txt) was more than 33 characters long (#4018)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Dennis Cabooter
Olivier Mauras
Jean Remond
This is a maintenance release, part of the ``old stable'' 2.4 branch. It is recommended to upgrade all pre-2.6 installations to 2.6 as soon as possible to enjoy the latest features and improvements of a more mature and stable version.
When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment. This release is marked as `old-stable' since a subsequent release (branch 2.6) has proven itself to be `stable'. `Old-stable' also means that this release has been assigned an `end-of-life' date, in this case January 2014. See our FAQ for details, on
Rudder 2.4.11 (2013-10-09)
Bug fixes
Fixed: The logrotate configuration file from Debian/Ubuntu rudder-server-root is duplicate between the old (rudder-server-root) and the new one (rudder) (#4026)
Fixed: rudder-server-root package should use logrotate.rhel file for RHEL/CentOS (#4014)
Fixed: After upgrading the policy server, the rsyslog configuration is invalid (#4004)
Fixed: The packaging appends the Apache DAVLock configuration at every package installation / upgrade (#4003)
Fixed: Backup process of /etc//rudder-agent in preinst of rudder-agent RPM should not be made a first install bu during upgrade (#4000)
Fixed: The script check-rudder-agent does not repair the Rudder UUID since the add of backup of /etc/\{init.d,default/rudder-agent (#3999)
Fixed: Cannot remove rudder-agent package if CFEngine processes are not running (#3992)
Fixed: /etc//rudder-agent is removed if the package rudder-agent is upgraded from 2.4.8 on SuSE or RHEL/CentOS (#3997, (#3998)
Fixed: The file /opt/rudder/bin/check-rudder-agent contains a typo which prevent from relaunching CFEngine processes (#3996)
Fixed: The system Techniques use the wrong logrotate configuration on RHEL (#4012)
Fixed: The logrotate configuration in RHEL does not rotate httpd logs (#4011)
Fixed: Fix our CFEngine standard lib to be CFEngine 3.5.* compliant but based on modifications of the latest version of it (#4005)
Fixed: Remove `owners' attribute from copy_from body in the file (#4002)
Fixed: Missing documentation for LDAP authentication with user search (not direct bind) (#3963)
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Cédric Cabessa
Release notes
This is a maintenance release, part of the ``old stable'' 2.4 branch. You are invited if using this branch to upgrade to 2.6 as soon as possible to enjoy the latest features with a still stable and more polished version. See our FAQ for details, on 2.4.* versions will be maintained until January 2014.
The previous release (2.4.10) was not publicly announced as it unfortunately did not meet our quality and assurance requirements.
Rudder 2.4.9 (2013-10-03)
Technique ``Package management for RHEL / CentOS / (SuSE / RPM systems'' v4.1: Backport from Rudder 2.6 to Rudder 2.4 (#3919)
Technique `Download a file from a shared folder': Be able to exclude files from a folder copy (#3364)
Technique `MOTD Configuration': Add an option to append the (MoTD at the beginning or the end of the file (#3950)
Technique `Manage files and folders': Add local copy action (#3398)
Add advises to separate partitions in server installation section (#3932)
Bug fixes
Webapp - Administration
Fixed: Authorized network field are space-sensitive (#3927)
Fixed: Missing/incomplete LDAP group support (#3829)
Fixed: Package rudder-server-root still install /etc/init.d/logrotate.d/rudder-server-root on Debian/Ubuntu affects Rudder 2.4.8, 2.6.4, 2.6.5, 2.7.1 and 2.7.2) (#3981)
Fixed: /etc/init.d/rudder-server-root is no more installed on Debian/Ubuntu (affects Rudder 2.4.8, 2.6.4, 2.6.5, 2.7.1 and 2.7.2) (#3980)
Fixed: /opt/rudder/etc/uuid.hive is removed if the package rudder-agent is upgrade from 2.4.8, 2.6.4, 2.6.5, 2.7.1 or 2.7.2 on (SuSE or RHEL/CentOS (#3925)
Fixed: Upgrading to Rudder 2.4.8, 2.6.4, 2.6.5, 2.7.1 or 2.7.2 may cause uuid.hive to be removed (#3915)
Fixed: The rsyslog configuration deployed at install is invalid (#3914)
Fixed: Migration of eventlogs v1 does not work if eventlogs v2 exists (#3906)
Fixed: Postinstall script of rudder-inventory-endpoint display a warning about fail of rsyslog restart at first install on RHEL/CentOS (#3900)
Webapp - CFEngine integration
Fixed: Wrong stringTemplate definition on a Technique result in a confusing error in the Rudder UI (#3210)
Webapp - Node management
Fixed: Creating/Modifying a Group to have a criterion of Software>Release Date will display a datepicker but if we change the criterion to another one like Software>Name , the datepicker will remain until the use of Button `Search' (#3911)
Fixed: When saving a group without doing any modifications, we have the dreaded ``server cannot be contacted at this time'' (#3904)
Fixed: Rudder returns ``Server cannot be contacted'' if a group criteria is based on a wrong regexp (#3683)
Fixed: The promises can’t be deployed on Rudder 2.4 (typo in (#3968)
Fixed: Remove the comma after the promisers from all Techniques (#3871)
Fixed: Technique `Package management for RHEL / CentOS / (SuSE / RPM systems' v4.1: patch_commands have been wrongly backported to 2.4 branch (#3982)
Fixed: Rsyslog 5.7.1 drops reports when they come to fast (#3913)
Fixed: Technique `Copy file from shared folder': Does not work on root server (#3581)
Fixed: Technique `Package management for RHEL / CentOS / (SuSE / RPM systems' v4.1: Reportings are in No Answer state (#3965)
Fixed: Logrotate should use `delaycompress' option (#3922)
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Olivier Mauras
Dennis Cabooter
Michael Gliwinski (Henderson Group)
Fabrice Flore-Thébault
Matthew Hall
Release notes
This is a maintenance release, part of the ``old stable'' 2.4 branch. You are invited if using this branch to upgrade to 2.6 as soon as possible to enjoy the latest features with a still stable and more polished version. See our FAQ for details, on 2.4.* versions will be maintained until January 2014.
Rudder 2.4.8 (2013-09-03)
Bug fixes
Webapp - Display, home page
Fixed: On Node `Management>Groups' Screen modifying a group let the ``Save'' button masked and let believe it as not clickable (which is not true) (#3842)
Webapp - CFEngine integration
Fixed: The XML parser which check metadata.xml of the Techniques display a wrong error message when the XML is malformed (Talk about SECTION when it is due to INPUTS) (#3781)
Webapp - Node management
Fixed: Errors when accepting/refusing nodes are ignored (#3880)
Fixed: Groups screen: Using storage criteria lead to an error caused by the Unit format (#3872)
Fixed: On node search,
OR'' and
include policy server'' leads to 0 results (#3866) -
Fixed: Error when deleting category (#3861)
Fixed: On node search, regex filter on attribute not in node summary is broken with ``OR'' (#3853)
Fixed: Add correct display name for Scientific Linux and Oracle Linux (#3839)
Fixed: The Rudder agent post installation and removal scripts are not cleaning things correctly (#3634, (#3896)
Fixed: rudder-upgrade prints an unnecessary warning: ``WARNING: Some event log are still based on an old file format (file format 1), please upgrade first to 2.6 to make this migration'' (#3865)
Fixed: The logrotate file of Debian and Ubuntu is duplicated since the name from the packaging is wrong (#3864)
Fixed: /opt/rudder/bin/rudder-upgrade requires rsync but no package depends on it (#3813)
Fixed: The properties `history.inventories.enable' and `ldap.inventories.removed.basedn' are missing the /opt/rudder/etc/inventory-web after a migration from Rudder 2.3 and `history.inventories.enable' is uslessly added into /opt/rudder/etc/ (#3810)
Fixed: Error on Rudder about lack of RAM memory should be explicit (#3721)
Fixed: The files written by syslog in /var/log/rudder/reports/*.log and slapd in /var/log/rudder/ldap/slapd.log are still empty after a logrotate (#3603)
Fixed: Techniques
Package management for RHEL / CentOS / (SuSE / RPM systems'' and
Package management for Debian / Ubuntu / APT systems'': Always report success, even on repair (#1175, (#3816) -
Fixed: Technique ``Package management for RHEL / CentOS / (SuSE / RPM systems'': Package installation using yum doesn’t work (RPM based systems like Red Hat / CentOS) (#3815)
Fixed: Technique ``Package management for RHEL / CentOS / (SuSE / RPM systems'' v4.0: Technique uses wrong path for data file (3.0/…) (#3779)
Fixed: Technique ``Sudo utility configuration'': Technique is not correctly reporting when applied by multiple rules (#3870)
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Olivier Mauras
Dennis Cabooter
Michael Gliwinski (Henderson Group)
Fabrice Flore-Thébault
Jean Remond
Release notes
This is a maintenance release, part of the ``old stable'' 2.4 branch. You are invited if using this branch to upgrade to 2.6 as soon as possible to enjoy the latest features with a still stable and more polished version. See our FAQ for details, on 2.4.* versions will be maintained until January 2014.
Rudder 2.4.7 (2013-07-30)
Bug fixes
Webapp - Administration
Restoring Rules with old fileFormat version does not work (#3768)
Webapp - Node management
``Search nodes'' screen: After a first use of the search button, it is no more clickable until a change (add/remove/modification) of criteria (#3639)
Debug log when updating dynamic group is not clear (#3612)
An error is displayed in the WebUI and the logs when removing a node because of an inefficient current action (#3517)
Inventory (webapp, Fusion)
Rudder ignores IP aliases on network interfaces (#3669)
Techniques - Sys & init promise
Cron on RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu nodes was not checked with initial promises (#3730)
Architecture - Tests
Falacious test error in (TestQuickSearchService (#3760)
Some debug logs information about concurrent access were wrong (#3641)
The script of initialization display an error message if called with arguments (#3747)
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Dennis Cabooter
Release notes
This is a maintenance release, part of the ``old stable'' 2.4 branch. You are invited if using this branch to upgrade to 2.6 as soon as possible to enjoy the latest features with a still stable and more polished version. See our FAQ for details, on 2.4.* versions will be maintained until January 2014.
Rudder 2.4.6 (2013-06-07)
Bug fixes
Inventory (webapp, Fusion)
When a node has two interfaces with the same IP, it does not appear as pending node in Rudder [WebUI](WebUI)
and can’t be accepted (#3626)
Cron on RHEL/CentOS nodes was restarted at every execution of CFEngine (#3609)
The file tools/ to generate the documentation does not work with bash (#3579)
If rsyslog is installed after another syslog, rsyslog is never used on SLES and reports will never be caught by Rudder server (#3569)
Webapp - Node management
It is not possible to add several nodes sharing the same IP from their private network interface (#3625)
Backport translation of datepickers from French (#3425) to branch 2.4 (#3576)
Persistent error messages using search nodes in Rudder [WebUI](WebUI)
(#3512) -
Searching on Last Inventory Date is not working (#3404)
Search nodes should accept the ``m'' notation in memory size (#3345)
No tooltip on Group page for Statis/Dynamic (#3597)
CFEngine internal database verification should depend on the CFEngine version as [BerkeleyDB](BerkeleyDB)
is no more used since Rudder 2.6 (#3570) -
Technique ``Generic Variable Definition'': The regexp to check variable name doesn’t work (#3599)
Technique ``Download a file from the shared folder'': Posthook reports is missing if the copy fails (#3583)
When using rsyslog with a version > 5.7.1 on the server, some reports may be dropped, leading to [NoAnswer](NoAnswer)
on the server (#3604) -
Technique ``Download a file from the shared folder'': When error happens some logs are duplicated (#3582)
Technique ``Download A File'': The inputs of the Technique are not checked by regexp to prevent wrong URL or destination format (#3539)
Rudder 2.4.5 (2013-05-03)
Bug fixes
Fix pop-up which were broken when a rule has inconsistency errors (#3565)
Prevent from having empty error messages when a deployment fails (#3538)
Fix rule appearing several time in the confirmation pop-up when it has been disabled if it contained several targets (#3468)
Fix slowness of displaying details of a Directive when having a lots of them (#3387)
Modification of archives name to be more descriptive (#3392)
Prevent Chrome browser to fail to display the loading page after too many reload (#2401)
Various Fixes (#3411)
System integration
Allow to install a latest version of rudder-techniques (#3405)
Make rudder-server-root package depend on headless version of (OpenJDK (#3395)
Fix continuous restarting of cron on Ubuntu (#3436)
Fix Rudder status check and send of inventories which failed if a proxy was defined in the environment (#3383 (#3401)
Various Fixes (#3551)
Improve CFEngine performances (#3424 (#3439 (#3444 (#3454 (#3463 (#3485)
Technique ``Process management'': version 1.1 was not functional (#2801)
All Techniques: Permit CFEngine to edit files of 1MB (#3385)
Technique ``Cron daemon configuration'':Fix the cron binary path checked for Ubuntu to prevent to restart it every CFEngine execution (#3438)
Technique ``APT package manager configuration'': Handle Ubuntu 12.04 and later (#3375)
Technique ``Time settings'': Fix errors if /etc/localtime is a symbolic link (#3437)
Package management for Debian / Ubuntu / APT systems'': Support
allow untrusted'' (optionally) (#3396) -
Technique ``Download a file'': Fix reports (#3346)
Rudder 2.4.4 (2013-04-05)
Bug fixes
Web application
When a deployment fails, there are no log in the application log telling so (#3333)
Node query with OR and regexp doesn’t OR the result (#3340)
Using parametrized variables based on Rules values fails (#3332)
System Rules/Directives/Groups can be cloned/deleted/disabled (#3286)
Links in event log line are not correctly used (#3328)
Rudder can not start if a Technique has a Constraint error (#3356)
When a deployment fails, there are no log in the application log telling so (#3333)
Process Management'' and
Set permissions on files'': Wrong merge resulting inpolicyInstanceId'' variables in
Process Management'' and ``Set permissions on files'' (#3245) -
Detection of last promise update seems to be broken (#3244)
sudoParameters produces an invalid sudoers file when command is specified (#3324)
sudoParameters technique may insert env_reset setting multiple times (#3323)
checkGenericFileContent should also execute a posthook command after line deletion or replacement (#3322)
!ManageFileAndFolder: No reporting for the creation component are made when deleting files (#3246)
Techniques `Zypper Package Manager Configuration' and `RUG / !YaST package manager configuration (ZMD)': Broken Reporting when configuration more than one repository which should not be added (#3170)
The filePermissions Technique can not load large permlists (#3257)
Apache 2 HTTP Server: receiving unexpected reports for component ``SELinux context'' (#2837)
Re-creation of the !OpenSSH startup scripts failed on Debian/Ubuntu in the !OpenSSH server Technique (#3368)
The distributePolicy is broken on RHEL based machines (#3260)
checkGenericFileContent 2.1 and 3.0 have desynchronized code between metadata and promises, leading to inconsistencies or uncorrected bugs (#3338)
Rudder installation doc says that we should use
main contrib non-free'' APT components on Debian and should be
main'' only (#3344)
Rudder 2.4.3 (2013-02-04)
Bug fixes
When updating Technique library, Directives modified due to Technique changes are not saved in the configuration repository on disk (#3212)
Migrating a Directive to a new Technique version can lead to (EventLog generation error (#3129, (#3189)
The debug message listing the query executed by an archiving of reports is invalid (#3193)
Inventory from Centos 5.7 node on Xen domU missing UUID (#3138)
Fix compatibility with JDK 1.7 (#3207)
Deleted node is still marked as accepted in ``Accept new nodes/History'' panel (#3181)
The rule list doesn’t complain when a rule refers to a non existing group (#3179)
Diff in modify directive event log is not correct (#3162)
When cloning a group, the parent category selected by default is not the one of the group we wish to clone (#3174)
Reports containing CFEngine variables aren’t displayed in the (WebUI (#3126)
Display 80 col for ``Content of the file'' fields in Directive configuration (#3109)
In Directive configuration,
path'' and
file content'' boxes could be more readable (#3095) -
Cloning directives is not intuitive in the UI (#3082)
The database management displays an error when no database archive has ever been made (#3159)
The ``close'' button when there is a deployment failure is too big (#3173)
Modification message notification typo (#3088)
In the reporting drill-down, the button to open/close the lines are not following the guidelines (#3085)
Fix links to nodes in reporting detail (#3223)
When cloning a directive, the button on the popup to clone says
Configure'' rather than
Clone'' (#3206)
rsyslog ``reload'' no longer exists on debian wheezy, making Rudder server 2.4/2.5 is not installable from packages (#3176)
Rudder 2.4.2 (2013-01-04)
Improve group historisation to store nodes on each group change (#3031)
Make Group page extendable (using tabs) (#3042)
Technique ``Manage files and folders'': Add possibility to force creation of symlink in case of already existing file, folder or link. (#3113)
Bug fixes
Fix system Technique `DistributePolicy' which didn’t have reports from the server when updating promises and was in a ``No Answer'' state (#3106)
Rudder 2.4.1 (2012-12-28)
Bug fixes
Allow unknown and future virtual machine types in the Node Inventories (#3103)
Moving a group to a new category does not generate a commit in configuration repository then is not traceable (#3101)
Various Fixes (#3066)
System integration
Nodes using syslog-ng had their syslog-ng configuration corrupted, preventing it from starting, and preventing the node from sending its report to the Rudder server (#3107)
Rudder 2.4.0 (2012-12-14)
Bug fixes
Prevent aptitude ``autoremove'' feature from removing packages not explicitly requested (Debian and Ubuntu only) (#2949)
Rudder 2.4.0~rc2 (2012-12-07)
Bug fixes
Service Pack was not recognized in the inventory of a SLES 11 SP2 node if lsb_release was installed on it (#3035)
Add a more explicit error message when nodes can’t get their promises from the server (#2642)
Avoid one error in copying from server breaking all following copies from server (#3052)
Prevent to display LDAP errors in the WebUI (#2907)
Detect and provide logs and a workaround for occasional errors during upgrade of Techniques (Techniques need to be readded and reloaded to be functional) (#3039)
Reports table in Node details and Rules compliance details were not displayed properly if there were more than 10 rules applied to the node (#3051, #3054)
Various UI fixes (#3036, #3050)
System integration
Reports from Debian nodes using syslog-ng were not received by Rudder (#3020)
Various system integration fixes (#3037)
Technique ``Apache 2 HTTP Server'': Fix incomplete and invalid reporting (#3025)
OpenSSH Server'': Specifying
Don’t change'' to the parameter ``Address family used by sshd'' broke the OpenSSH server configuration (#2987) -
Technique ``User Management'': Could set the user password if the password field was filled even if the action to do was to only check the user (#2552)
Technique ``Enforce a file content'': Version 3.1 didn’t appear in Rudder 2.4 (#3027)
Release notes
This version of Rudder is in release candidate status. This version was focused on stabilization and system integration to be highly reliable. While we have tested it thoroughly and believe it to be free of any major bugs, use on mission-critical systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. We are however running it on several production systems with success.
Rudder 2.4.0~rc1 (2012-11-22)
Bug fixes
Fix reporting when the only node of a Rule has been deleted (#2937)
Fix download of Directives/Rules/Groups as zip from Rudder UI (#2990)
Fix system Technique common: The Technique used an unsupported parameter on Windows (#2954)
Various code fixes (#2934)
Fix IE9 Compatibility (#2027, #2028, #2029)
Various UI Fixes (#1957, #2936, #2979, #2980, #2981, #2982, #2991, #2992, #3010)
System integration
Prevent Rudder agent from writing many logs to local syslog (/var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages on each node) (#2993)
Save disk space by compressing big log files - copy of reports on server (#2962)
Save disk space by compressing big log files - autoclean LDAP database transaction logs (#2963)
Fix broken Java dependencies on CentOS (#2941)
Fix reporting on nodes with syslogd (not syslog-ng nor rsyslog) which never communicated back to Rudder server (#2943)
Add check to avoid any more than 5 cf-agents running simultaneously (#3012)
Fix cron check to relaunch CFEngine to detect cf-execd and cf-agent too (#3013)
Fix timestamp format in agent logs generated by the ``failsafe'' mechanism (#2994)
Prevent Jetty from hanging indefinitely when restart script fails (#2846)
Fix Technique ``Job Scheduler'': Job was never launched if start time was between 0:00 and 9:00 AM (#2940)
Fix Technique ``Time Settings'': Installation of NTP didn’t work on RHEL/CentOS (#2384)
Fix Technique ``Enforce a file content'' version 2.0: this version was not functional (#3022)
Fix Technique ``Package management for Debian / Ubuntu / APT systems'': avoid the package manager blocking on pre-existing configuration files during package installation (#2946)
Known issues
There is one known issue with this release of Rudder:
Technique ``Enforce a file content'' version 3.1 is rejected by Rudder (#3027), causing the following bug fixes to be unavailable:
Technique ``Enforce a file content'': Option to choose if the file to edit should be created or not if it doesn’t already exist (#2945)
Technique ``Enforce a file content'': line replacement didn’t work if the replacement was empty and only one Directive from this Technique was applied on a node (#2819)
This can be worked around by downloading and installing a nightly build of the rudder-techniques package, from our nightly build APT repo ( or RPM repo (
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Benoît Peccatte
François Bayart aka A-Kaser (Look a box)
Michael Gliwinski (Henderson Group)
Release notes
This version of Rudder is in release candidate status. This version was focused on stabilization and system integration to be highly reliable. While we have tested it thoroughly and believe it to be free of any major bugs, use on mission-critical systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. We are however running it on several production systems with success.
Rudder 2.4.0~beta5 (2012-10-29)
Configuration Management'' section to
Configuration Policy'' (#2864) -
Display drill-down view of compliance with configuration policy (#2838)
Enhance the eventlogs view by adding a colored diff view (#2782)
Display CFEngine errors in Rudder WebUI (#2877)
Many UI and cosmetic improvements (#2354 #2825 #2851 #2859 #2865 #2871 #2893 #2902 #2906 #2903 #2912 #2921 #2922 #2924 #2925 #2926 #2918 #618 #2332 #2904 #2916 #2874 #2869 #2866 #2896 #2915)
Add the possibility to disable rudder-agent by creating /opt/rudder/etc/disable-agent (#2884)
Change path of Rudder webapp core log from /var/log/rudder/webapp-opslog to /var/log/rudder/core/ (#2799)
Fixed Rudder server on Ubuntu 12.04 by adding the possibility to specify an alternate port for syslog (#2768)
No need to specify the hostname in anymore to access the Rudder WebUI (#2282)
Prevent Rudder from adding nodes with an already known IP or hostname (leading to have nodes which couldn’t access their promises) (#2791)
Various code improvements (#2812 #2892 #2917 #2765 #2829 #2927 #2845)
Bug fixes
Upgrading from 2.3
Some upgrades could cause groups, directives and rules to ``disappear'' from the UI (#2900)
Some eventlogs were not correctly displayed because of failed migrations (#2894)
Rudder users migrated from Rudder 2.3.x were missing role entries, leaving them with no right access to Rudder (#2822)
When upgrading from 2.3.x, the Rudder server inventory data was missing until the nightly inventory was sent (#2745)
If the node details view is in a popup, the delete button had no effect (#2856)
Fixed an error when trying to display Node details for the first time for a node after application startup (#2826)
When creating or cloning a node group, no reason message popup was displayed (#2719)
When restarting Rudder with a deployment status in error, the display of the error message was broken: ``Failure(…) objects'' (#2913)
Various UI fixes (#2928 #2909)
Some BDB databases could get corrupted and lead the Rudder agent to fail (#2607)
Rudder agent would not run on newly installed nodes (#2729)
Priorities on multi-instance Techniques were broken (#2860)
Warn about errors when several Directives use a Technique with different versions (#2041)
Removed misleading warning message about non-existent file /opt/rudder/etc/rudder-passwords.conf on nodes (#2848)
The Red button functionality was no more usable leading to not be able to automatically stop the agent (#2923)
Having several folders containing Techniques in /var/rudder/configuration-repositories could lead to errors (#2855)
Reloading an archive made before the eventlog format migration was not working (#2895)
Machines without a valid UUID (such as Xen VMs) couldn’t be added to Rudder (#1845 #2898 #2899)
Archive functionality failed if Techniques have been deleted and LDAP still contains inconsistent data referencing them (#2656)
Various code fixes (#2920 #2321)
System integration
Jetty could not be started if Java was located in /usr/java/, JAVA_HOME was not defined and Java was not in /usr/bin/java (#2842)
Rudder webapp core log (/var/log/rudder/core/rudder-webapp.log) may have had its locale changed after a restart (#2844)
Various packaging fixes (#2747 #2831 #2858 #2751 #2293 #2792 #2739 #2850 #2862 #2807)
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
François Bayart aka A-Kaser (Look a box)
Michael Gliwinski (Henderson Group)
Gonéri Le Bouder (Teclib)
Release notes
This version of Rudder is in beta status, but the 2.4 branch is very near release candidate status. The most noteworthy changes for the users should be the cosmetic improvements in the UI that make Rudder more enjoyable to use. While we have tested it thoroughly and believe it to be free of any major bugs, use on production systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. We are however running it on our internal production system with success.
Rudder 2.4.0~beta4 (2012-09-05)
Various UI improvements (#2824, #2746, #2776, #2832, #2847, #2752)
Various code improvements (#2762, #2773, #2771, #2808, #1971)
Add logrotate configuration for /var/log/rudder/core/rudder-webapp.log (#2800)
Bug fixes
IP addresses are now updated from incoming inventories again (#2811)
Adding group criteria no longer resets the existing criteria (#2841)
Users with read-only access can no longer add new Techniques to the Techniques User Library (#2796)
Users with read-only access can no longer clone Groups and update/delete Group categories (#2849)
Reporting was incomplete for the system Technique ``distribute policy'' used on the root server (#2755)
Installing the rudder-reports package could fail with an error about ``Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket'' (#2835)
/etc/init.d/rudder-server-root failed to start/stop/restart Apache on RHEL/CentOS systems (#2852)
Upgrading Rudder from an older version would fail if the rootpw in slapd.conf was hashed (#2821)
The logrotate script installed on SLES 11 Rudder server’s was incorrect (#2820)
Upgrading a Rudder server from 2.3.x to 2.4.x on RPM systems didn’t remove the rudder-cfengine-community package (#2806)
Rudder 2.4.0~beta3 (2012-08-21)
Core concepts renamed for clarity – Configuration Rules, Policy Instances and Policy Templates are now Rules, Directives and Techniques
Basic authorization management
Drill down information about configuration status for Rules, Directives, Components and Values is available in the UI
New ``ops log'' targeted at sysadmins who need to analyze the application in production
Inventory information now includes environment variables, running processes and virtual machines
Nodes can now be deleted
The Rudder server can now manage itself (the server is ``just another node'')
Rudder server now checks it’s own configuration via CFEngine (aka ``eat your own dogfood'')
All configurations (groups, Rules, Directives & Techniques) can now be exported to a local git repository, a ZIP archive and imported similarly
A change message can be requested on each change for documentation (visible in Event Logs and as a git commit message)
Automatic configuration deployment can be disabled to allow for manual change validation
Groups and Directives can now be cloned
Many UI improvements
Release notes
Please note that this beta3 version contains significantly more new features that the beta1 and beta2 versions (available on but not officially announced). This decision was made to include features from another branch that were reaching maturity almost at the same time as this release was prepared. This decision is the cause for the delay in this release, and can be seen as uncommon, but we are confident about the quality of this release.
This version of Rudder is in beta status. While we have tested it thoroughly and believe it to be free of any majors bugs, use on production systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. We are however running it on our internal production system with success.
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make Rudder a better tool:
François Bayart aka A-Kaser (Look a box)
Gonéri Le Bouder (Teclib)
Jean Rémond (Savoir Faire Linux)
Matt Ungaro
Michael Gliwinski (Henderson Group)
Michael Linder (Arcellor Mittal)
And of course the whole team at Normation who have worked through ice cold and blazing heat, mud, sweat and tears to make this happen!
See the full announcement online on Normation’s blog: