Change logs for Rudder 2.9

Rudder 2.9 has reached End of Life the in December 2013. This version is codenamed ``Liberty ship''.

This page provides a summary of changes for each version. Previous beta and rc versions are listed below for convenience.

​Main new features in Rudder 2.9:

  • ncf framework is now included in Rudder (

  • Rule can now be organized by category, allowing you to order them

  • You can choose to apply a Directive to Rules directly from the Directive interface

  • Every table of Rudder web interface will now remember how many entries to display

  • You can configure some cf-serverd behavior directly from Rudder web interface

A blog post about all these features is available here:

Installing, upgrading and testing

Documentation to Install and Upgrade is available online. The Download page sums up URLs. We also recommend using the Rudder Vagrant config if you want a quick and easy way to get an installation for testing.

Operating systems supported

This version provides packages for these operating systems:

  • Rudder server: Debian 5, Debian 6, Debian 7, RHEL/CentOS 6, SLES 11, Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 12.10

  • Rudder agent: all of the above plus RHEL/CentOS 3, RHEL/CentOS 5 and SLES 10 and Ubuntu 10.04

Rudder 2.9.6 (2014-06-12)

Bug fixes


  • Fixed: Technique groupManagement: Members of group are enforced at group creation even if option is not set (#5001)

  • Fixed: Technique User management: cannot create an user if a group using the same name already exists (#4270)

Techniques - Sys & init promise

  • Fixed: Initial promises on server cause an error to be logged due to duplicate ``empty_file_before_editing'' setting (#5003)

  • Fixed: Initial promises for Rudder 2.6 (CFEngine 3.4) cannot be used when upgrading to 2.10 (CFEngine 3.5) (#4996)

  • Fixed: Windows clients may run the execRun command several times - for cygwin and plain windows cases (#4975)

  • Fixed: Date/time is not defined on all reports in from initial promises (#4966)

  • Fixed: RHEL 3 and 4 don’t report correctly due to ``/bin/date: unrecognized option `–rfc-3339=second’'' (#4963)


  • Fixed: Package upgrade can fail if /etc//rudder-agent are missing (#5002)

  • Fixed: rudder-agent build rely too much on CPAN availability (#4965)


  • Fixed: Installation section is too hard to follow (#4998)

  • Fixed: The documentation gives no examples about role management in Rudder (#4960)

  • Fixed: Procedure on how to update the Technique Library is invalid (#4822)

Release notes

Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:

  • Fabrice Flore-Thébault

  • Cédric Jardin

  • William Ott

This is a maintenance release, part of the ``old latest'' 2.9 branch. It is recommended to upgrade all pre-2.10 installations to 2.10 as soon as possible to enjoy the latest features and improvements of a more mature and stable version.

When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment. This release is marked as `old-stable' since a subsequent release (branch 2.10) has proven itself to be `stable'. `Old-stable' also means that this release has been assigned an `end-of-life' date, in this case 30th June 2014. See our FAQ for details, on

Rudder 2.9.5 (2014-06-06)


Bug fixes

Techniques - Sys & init promise

  • Fixed: cf-agent slowed by users addition into inventory and displays a lot of warnings about that (#4932)

  • Fixed: Automatic reparation method for cf_lock. is only checked once an hour (#4812)

  • Fixed: Reports are not inserted into Rudder because regexp in rsyslog is too greedy when matching execution timestamp (#4761)

  • Fixed: The initial promises use a remote copy which does not permit the copy of ncf files to /var/rudder/ncf/ and generation of promises fails. (#4894)

  • Fixed: Copy of ncf files on the Policy Server leave removed files, resulting in duplicate promises if we rename or move files (#4837)

  • Fixed: CFEngine complains about a Typo in policy_server initial promises (#4745)


  • Fixed: A development log line is displayed when saving Directive edit form (#4660)

Inventory (webapp, Fusion)

  • Fixed: Process start date are displayed as ``bad format'' in Rudder web interface (#4742)

Webapp - Config management

  • Fixed: If we select a Rule category (other than top) then reload the Rule page, the state of the Rule table is not coherent. (#4947)

  • Fixed: Rule category can be deleted after the a Rule was added to the category (#4946)

  • Fixed: In Rule grid, mouse hover on ``Not applied'' Rules display a wrong tooltip (#4787)

Webapp - Administration

  • Fixed: Changing server security settings should trigger a promise generation (#4640)

Webapp - Display, home page

  • Fixed: Editing a Directive, after creating/cloning, does not show the workflow popup nor redirect to the change request (#4357)


  • Fixed: policy_server.dat file is not read on Nodes if its size exceed 40 bytes (#4921)

  • Fixed: Permit script check_rsyslog_version to stop if an error is encountered (#4869)

  • Fixed: CheckGenericFileContent can have several ``repaired'' status on each of the different component, even is the end state is convergent (#4805)

  • Fixed: The initial promises are missing a class definition for force_inventory when /opt/rudder/etc/force_inventory is here (#4765)

  • Fixed: The script /var/rudder/tools/check_rsyslog_version will not work without absolute path of rsyslogd (#4758)

  • Fixed: Technique ``Package management for Debian / Ubuntu / APT systems'', typo in the option to install an earlier package (#4754)

  • Fixed: Rudder causes RHEL nodes to be blacklisted in RHN due to intensive yum usage (#3855)

  • Fixed: Job Scheduler Technique should not use ifelapsed to avoid running several time same job (#4841)


  • Fixed: Latest API prefix is not correct (#4800)

Relay Servers

  • Fixed: Promises generation fails on relay server (#4716)


  • Fixed: Rudder init script may not correctly initialize policy_server.dat file, resulting in a non functioning Rudder server (#4915)

System integration

  • Fixed: rudder-agent may be stuck by tokyo cabinet database bloating (#4769)

  • Fixed: Default file header should be one liner to prevent header repetition. (#4755)

  • Fixed: cf_lock.tcdb is not cleaned by check-rudder-agent script when update file is older than 10 minutes (#4752)

  • Fixed: Typo in /opt/rudder/bin/check-rudder-agent, prevent cleaning of cf-lock and floods with cron mails (#4686)

  • Fixed: rudder agent is restarted by the cron job even if /opt/rudder/etc/disable-agent is present (#4688)

  • Fixed: A race condition may occur during rudder-server-root initialisation (#4635)

  • Fixed: The script should not output CFEngine execution, and keep the output of all commands in the log (#4634)

  • Fixed: When multiples cf-execd are running at the same time, agent is not behaving properly, and node is in NoAnswer state (#4613)

Inventory (webapp, Fusion)

  • Fixed: Solaris Node are not correctly identified by Rudder inventory process (#4701)

  • Fixed: Network interface sharing the ip address are ignored by the inventory parser (#4883)


  • Fixed: The documentation entry concerning the ramdisk state directory gives a wrong mount mode (#4792)

  • Fixed: The documentation entry concerning the ramdisk state directory gives wrong mount options (#4788)


  • Fixed: Typo in rudder-commons project, display a warning when compiling (#4853)

Release notes

Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:

  • Cédric Cabessa

  • Dennis Cabooter

  • Fabrice Flore-Thébault

  • Mikaël Mantel

  • Olivier Mauras

This is a bug fix release in the 2.9 series and all installations of 2.9.x should be upgraded when possible. This version is not yet marked stable'', since it has not yet proven itself to be reliable on production systems over a period of several months. The current stable'' release is still 2.6.*.

When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment. To be declared ``stable'' we prefer to wait until a version has been available and running in production for several months. As such, we expect version 2.9 of Rudder to be declared stable very soon.

Rudder 2.9.4 (2014-03-14)


Bug fixes

System integration

  • Fixed: check-rudder-agent script fails to create a new UUID if not defined and no backup exists (#4607)

  • Fixed: Typo in the deletion of lock file if the promises are not updated (#4604)

Webapp - Reporting

  • Fixed: A rare race condition can lead to an error when looking at compliance while a deployment is in progress (#4559)

Webapp - Config management

  • Fixed: Remove unused data from the LDAP tree initialization (#4575)

Webapp - Node management

  • Fixed: When accepting several nodes, one policy generation is triggered for each of them (#4492)

Webapp - Display, home page

  • Fixed: Too many Rules are displayed on the Home page ( 3 system Rules are included ) (#4570)

Techniques - System & initial promises

  • Fixed: Last update detection is broken, causing cron remove cf_lock database and flood with emails every 5 minutes (#4582)


  • Fixed: Missing dependencies declaration (rsyslog-pgsql) in debian may prevents from installing Rudder server correctly (#4569)


  • Fixed: Documentation does not build anymore due to an unclosed section (#4572)

Release notes

Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:

  • Dennis Cabooter

  • Olivier Desport

  • Cédric Jardin

  • Christophe Nowicki

  • Alex Tkachenko

This is a bug fix release in the 2.9 series and all installations of 2.9.x should be upgraded when possible. This version is not yet marked stable'', since it has not yet proven itself to be reliable on production systems over a period of several months. The current stable'' release is still 2.6.*.

When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment. To be declared ``stable'' we prefer to wait until a version has been available and running in production for several months. As such, we expect version 2.9 of Rudder to be declared stable very soon.

Rudder 2.9.3 (2014-03-06)



  • Upgrade CFEngine version to 3.5.3 (#4553)


  • Technique `Group management': Add an option to enforce group content (#4467)

  • Technique `ssh keys distribution': Have several keys per users (#4439)

  • Technique ``Generic Variable definition'': Allow empty values (#3848)

  • Technique `Group management': Set GID of group (#3843)

System integration

  • Add a script to change Rudder policy server IP/host name (#4325)

Techniques - System & init promises

  • Improve zypper detection and usage on SLES10 agents (#4449)


  • Add a section in documentation about sizing of a Rudder server (#4053)

  • Add information about firewall for rudder-webapp (#4131)

Bug fixes


  • Fixed: Technique Package management for RPM systems'': Wrong operator for This version or any earlier one'' (#4447)

  • Fixed: Technique ``Download a file from the shared folder'': Error message when a copy failed using does not explain what actually failed (#4278)

  • Fixed: Technique ``RUG / !YaST package manager configuration (ZMD)'': `security-level' option is misnamed `package source policy' (#4128)

  • Fixed: Technique ``Package management for APT systems'': packages with suffix :amd64 are not correctly detected (#3830)

  • Fixed: Technique `Download a file from the shared folder': Cannot copy a file from the shared-folder on the root server (#3581)

  • Fixed: Technique `Group management' v3.0: There is no backup to file repository when updating /etc/group file (#4471)

  • Fixed: Technique ``Download a file from the shared folder'': Explanation about which files will be copied are not correct (#4354)

Webapp - Config management

  • Fixed: Newline characters may be missing from archived files in configuration repository (#4476)

  • Fixed: Can not delete custom Active techniques category (#4392)

  • Fixed: Special characters (ie, accents such as éèùô) are replaced by ``?'' in CFEngine promises (#4381)

  • Fixed: Missing Node Configuration entry in LDAP prevents Rudder from starting (#4348)

  • Fixed: The default disclaimer message loaded initially into LDAP has an invalid character in it (#4393)

  • Fixed: When adding a Directive to a Rule from a newly created Directives screen, Change Request popup not displayed (#4383)

  • Fixed: Rule category tree should have the same size than standard rule grid (10 entries) (#4396)

  • Fixed: Node compliance detail popup expands outside of the popup (#4382)

Webapp - Administration

  • Fixed: Rudder max days of archived reports retained cannot be configured from properties (#4401)

  • Fixed: When opening Change request details page, a useless log is added in webapp log (#4463)

Webapp - Node management

  • Fixed: Sort in group tree is case-sensitive (#4157)

Inventory (webapp, Fusion)

  • Fixed: Inventory with empty CFEngine agent public key cannot be processed by Rudder raising exceptions (#4518)

  • Fixed: Bios version from inventory is not correctly displayed into the web interface (#4500)

  • Fixed: Variables from /etc/profile and /etc/profile.d files are not passed to the inventory environment (#4493)

  • Fixed: When new inventory is processed, hardware Node information may not be updated (#4440)

  • Fixed: Process start date are not parsed correctly when parsing inventory file (#4402)

  • Fixed: Process start date are displayed as ``bad format'' in Rudder web interface (#4400)

  • Fixed: Rudder considers an inventory as ``failed'' if the endpoint is unavailable (#4491)

Webapp - CFEngine integration

  • Fixed: Promises are not generated when Rudder server starts for the first time (#4532)

  • Fixed: A freshly installed Rudder server will not apply root server specific policies until promises are regenerated (#4533)

  • Fixed: Accumulation of cf-agent processes due to locking on CFEngine tcdb lock file (#4494)

  • Fixed: Template expansion sometimes removes spaces and adds a block in several times (#4487)

  • Fixed: Sometimes CFEngine get stuck because of locks on !TokyoCabinet (#3928)

Webapp - Reporting

  • Fixed: The rsyslog regexp matching executionTimeStamp is too greedy and could take more characters than it should (#4431)

  • Fixed: Rsyslog filters reports when too many reports arrive simultaneously (#4281)

Relay Servers

  • Fixed: The allowed network on the relay servers are those of their own policy server (#4380)

  • Fixed: List of allowed network is not filled on Rudder 2.9 (#4485)

System integration

  • Fixed: Remove the unnecessary licenses file creation for CFEngine Enterprise systems in the rudder-init script (#4482)

  • Fixed: Rudder should not complain if the license file for CFEngine Enterprise is not present (#4481)

Performance and scalability

  • Fixed: Optimization on LDAP requests (number of rules, …) from home page (#4495)

  • Fixed: An unnecessary promise generation is launched right after making a new archive of the configuration (#4479)

  • Fixed: The csv file for ncf reporting is generated for every template on every node (#4539)

Techniques - System & init promises

  • Fixed: Log file about non compliant reports is not managed by logrotate on Red Hat-like Rudder server (#4556)

  • Fixed: Initial logrotate configuration (from initial-promises) does not include recent fixes (#4551)

  • Fixed: Wrong permissions slapd.log after logrotate (#4445)

  • Fixed: System technique complain when a lot of user are defined on the system (#4434)

  • Fixed: Cf-execd started by cron is missing environment variables, making the agent unable to run correctly (#4198)

  • Fixed: Command to restart rsyslog is not correct on Fedora (#4156)

  • Fixed: Commands to check and restart cron daemon on Fedora are not correct (#4155)

  • Fixed: Initial logrotate configuration (from initial-promises) does not apply delaycompress option (#4554)

  • Fixed: Missing body in in system techniques to copy files from ncf (#4555)

  • Fixed: Rudder should enforce permissions when copying files from /usr/share/ncf to avoid permission error (#4384)


  • Fixed: rudder-inventory-ldap package should `conflict' with other !OpenLDAP packages that install /etc/init.d/slapd (#4508)

  • Fixed: rudder-jetty package should `conflict' with other jetty packages that install /etc/init.d/jetty (#4496)

  • Fixed: The rudder-webapp package can’t be installed on SLES due to a syntax error in post-inst (#4484)

  • Fixed: Add Fedora related dependencies to rudder-agent to allow it to build on this platform (#4154)

  • Fixed: Unnecessary and confusing properties deprecation messages on new install (#4412)

  • Fixed: ``/etc/init.d/rudder-server-root status'' returns no pid for postgres on ubuntu (#4283)

  • Fixed: Create a robots.txt file in /opt/rudder/share/load-page to prevent an apache error log flooding (#3120)

  • Fixed: Update Fedora dependencies on rudder-agent (#4502)

  • Fixed: RPM build error on missing file ``rudder-root-rename'' (#4421)


  • Fixed: Documentation still mentions port 80 for web interface instead of 443 (#4394)

Architecture - Tests

  • Fixed: Connection releasing of test LDAP server is incorrect, leading to lost of connection (#4464)

Release notes

Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:

  • Dennis Cabooter

  • Fabrice Flore-Thébault

  • Michael Gliwinski

  • Yvan Masson

  • Olivier Mauras

  • Christophe Nowicki

  • Jean Remond

  • Alex Tkachenko

This is a bug fix release in the 2.9 series and all installations of 2.9.x should be upgraded when possible. This version is not yet marked stable'', since it has not yet proven itself to be reliable on production systems over a period of several months. The current stable'' release is still 2.6.*.

When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment. To be declared ``stable'' we prefer to wait until a version has been available and running in production for several months. As such, we expect version 2.9 of Rudder to be declared stable very soon.

Rudder 2.9.2 (2014-01-16)



  • Explain how to upgrade to Rudder 2.9 from Rudder 2.8 (#4339)

Webapp - Config management

  • Add a demo rule in Rudder new installation (#4332)


  • Technique ``Download a file from the shared folder'' should display where the shared folder is located (#4353)

Bug fixes

Webapp - Administration

  • Fixed: Archive parameter files are named `ParameterName(name).xml' instead of `name.xml' (#4377)

  • Fixed: Parameters are not included when downloading zip archive (#4374)

  • Fixed: Techniques are not included when downloading zip archive (#4279)

  • Fixed: Importing old archive is not working (fileformat < 5) (#4351)

Inventory (webapp, Fusion)

  • Fixed: Without lsb_release installed, RedHat is detected as Scientific Linux (#4360)

  • Fixed: Inventories containing very long (> 4096) process name cannot be send to rudder server via CFEngine (#4314)

Webapp - Config management

  • Fixed: ``Missing node'' error message in rule compliance when a node is deleted (#3955)

  • Fixed: In Rule edit form, group tree is sent to the end of the page if one name is too long (#4175)

  • Fixed: Exporting groups with same name but in different categories to another server Rudder is not working (#4149)

  • Fixed: When there are errors in Directive parameters, wrong tab (Information) is displayed (#4372)

  • Fixed: Parameters tab is too small in Directive edit form and should fit the browser size (#4362)

  • Fixed: Directive cannot be saved on Chrome (#4361)

Webapp - Node management

  • Fixed: When a group is deleted, its edit form is still displayed (#4366)


  • Fixed: Incorrect English grammar (#4206)

Webapp - Display, home page

  • Fixed: If a popup is too large for a screen, save buttons can’t be used (#3795)


  • Fixed: Necessary entries in the apache2 sysconfig of SLES systems are missing (#4280)


  • Fixed: Report state is unknown'' on Root server for Inventories'' component in ``Distribute policy'' (#4364)

  • Fixed: There is no reports for package removal on debian/ubuntu systems (#4144)

  • Fixed: All techniques should back up all modified/copied files by Rudder (#4371)

  • Fixed: Technique ``Download a file from the shared folder'': permissions defaulted to none (mode 0000) (#4368)

  • Fixed: Incorrect detection of empty password/name in `userManagement' Technique when several user are to be managed (#4347)

  • Fixed: In `userManagement' Technique, the full name is checked only every 60 minutes, resulting in unknown reports (#4346)

  • Fixed: It is not possible to add a block content or at a specified location of a file using `Enforce file content' Technique (#3293)

  • Fixed: Command to restart rsyslog is not correct on Fedora (#4156)

  • Fixed: correct some typos is `sshConfiguration' Technique v3.0 (#4328)

Release notes

Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:

  • Dennis Cabooter

  • Yvan Masson

  • Olivier Mauras

  • Christophe Nowicki

  • Joachim Setzer

  • Daniel Stan

  • Alex Tkachenko

This is a bug fix release in the 2.9 series and all installations of 2.9.x should be upgraded when possible. This version is not yet marked stable'', since it has not yet proven itself to be reliable on production systems over a period of several months. The current stable'' release is still 2.6.*.

When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment. To be declared ``stable'' we prefer to wait until a version has been available and running in production for several months. As such, we expect version 2.9 of Rudder to be declared stable very soon.

Rudder 2.9.1 (2014-01-03)


Bug fixes


  • Fixed: Upgrade to 2.9.0 fails when upgrading from 2.8/2.7 due to a missing script (#4310)

  • Fixed: Rudder server cannot be installed on CentOS and Red Hat 6.5 since dependency `jre' does not exist anymore (#4290)


  • Fixed: Remove unused relay documentation placeholder files (#4267)

  • Fixed: Wrong version in 2.9 documentation (#4312)

  • Fixed: Specify the modules needed by the relay server installation (#4266)


  • Fixed: Rule modification event logs are not correctly migrated to new format (#4324)

  • Fixed: Rudder webapp hangs on xml migration if upgrading from 2.6/2.4 (#4309)

  • Fixed: A Xen Hypervisor on SLES does not make a valid inventory and can’t be accepted into Rudder since binary path to xenstore is wrong on SLES 11 and does not exist on SLES 10 (#4227)

  • Fixed: Reports containing a _ in the ``Policy'' (human readable policy name) are rejected by rsyslog (#4247)

Webapp - Config management

  • Fixed: In Directive tree, if a Directive name is too long it overlaps other elements from the tree (#4313)

Webapp - Administration

  • Fixed: Size of databases displayed in the web interface are lower than they really are (#4101)


  • Fixed: With initial-promises, error message is not displayed when policies could not be updated (#4244)

  • Fixed: Change the Path statement in `Enforce a file content' Technique (all versions) (#4311)

  • Fixed: Rudder 2.8 reports that it couldn’t update its promises when it could, because it cannot purge directory (#4173)

  • Fixed: At each agent run, promises are validated and value of $ is invalid (#4158)

Release notes

This is a bug fix release in the 2.9 series and all installations of 2.9.x should be upgraded when possible. This version is not yet marked stable'', since it has not yet proven itself to be reliable on production systems over a period of several months. The current stable'' release is still 2.6.*.

When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment. To be declared ``stable'' we prefer to wait until a version has been available and running in production for several months. As such, we expect version 2.9 of Rudder to be declared stable very soon.

Rudder 2.9.0 (2013-12-31)



  • CFEngine binaries in /var/rudder are now part of the PATH (#4306)

  • Allow copy of files from Rudder server using ncf (#4296)

Webapp - Reporting

  • Reduce default maximum days of reports retained (#4152)


  • Add Rudder 2.9 logo: Liberty ship (#4304)

Webapp - Config management

  • Complete Rule category feature: archive, diff in event log and optimizations (#4305)

Bug fixes


  • Fixed: Wrong link in ncf specfile, making ncf not usable on rpm based systems (#4284)

Webapp - Reporting

  • Fixed: When a Technique is updated, Directives based on that Technique are not updated (#4289)

Webapp - Config management

  • Fixed: Inner categories not correctly displayed in popup (#4285)


  • Fixed: ncf promises may not be correctly updated leading to faulty update promises on policy server (#4288)

Release notes

This version of Rudder is a final release. We have tested it thoroughly and believe it to be free of any major bugs. However, this branch is not marked stable'', since it still has to be proven reliable on production systems over a period of several months. The current stable'' release is 2.6.*.

Rudder 2.9.0~rc2 (2013-12-16)


Webapp - Config management

  • Disabled Rules should be clearly distinguished in the web interface (#4272)

Bug fixes

Webapp - Config management

  • Fixed: Remove useless JavaScript initialisation variable (#4275)

  • Fixed: Selected Rule category is lost when a Rule is modified (#4274)

  • Fixed: On the Target Rules part of the Directive screen, ``partial application'' checkbox is not displayed (#4271)

  • Fixed: When saving a Rule, an error popup appears (#4269)

Release notes

This version is a release candidate. We have tested it and believe it to be free of any critical bugs. The use on production systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. However, we do encourage testing, and welcome all and any feedback!

Rudder 2.9.0~rc1 (2013-12-13)


Webapp - Config management

  • Don’t display categories with no Groups or Techniques without Directives in Rule parameters (#4224)

  • Make visible if a Directive is not in use by any Rule (#4208)

  • Add tabs to the Directive parameters, add a tab to assign the Directive to multiple Rules (#4180)

  • Add category of Rules and simplify Rules list (#4176)

Webapp - Administration

  • Configure node-server communication security options from administration web interface (#3889)

Webapp - Display, home page

  • Remember number of entries used on each table (#3632)


Release notes

Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:

  • Dennis Cabooter

  • Olivier Mauras

This version is a release candidate. We have tested it and believe it to be free of any critical bugs. The use on production systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. However, we do encourage testing, and welcome all and any feedback!