Change logs for Rudder 4.1
Rudder 4.1 is currently a maintained `ESR' (Extended Support Release) of Rudder.
This page provides a summary of changes for each version. Previous beta and rc versions are listed below for convenience.
Main new features in Rudder 4.1:
Organize Rules and Directives by setting key=value tags (using UI or REST API)
Add or remove Node properties directly in the web interface
Share files between Nodes (via new generic methods)
Trigger agent runs on Nodes via relay servers without modifying your network configuration
Many Techniques renamed to be more explicit and now displayed in alphabetical order to make finding them easier
Customize Rudder behavior with the new hook system based on server-side actions
Improved user experience, overall improvement of web performance (web resources are cached), many minor UI tweaks (page titles, forms, buttons, filters, …)
Switched to a new graph rendering library, fixing all performance issues with Firefox
Agent package now embeds OpenSSL on unmaintained Debian/Ubuntu distributions (Debian 5, Debian 6, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10) as well as unmaintained RHEL/SLES distributions.
New plugin packaging system for easier plugin management
New plugin `data sources': Automatically import Node properties from external REST APIs
Installing, upgrading and testing
Install docs:
Upgrade docs:
Download links:
We also recommend using the Rudder Vagrant config if you want a quick and easy way to get an installation for testing.
IMPORTANT: Rudder 4.1 requires Java RE (version 8 at least)
Operating systems supported
This version provides packages for these operating systems:
Rudder server and Rudder relay: Debian 7, Debian 8, Debian 9, RHEL/CentOS 6, RHEL/CentOS 7 (64 bits), SLES 11, SLES 12, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04
Rudder agent: all of the above plus Debian 5, Debian 6, RHEL/CentOS 3, RHEL/CentOS 5, CentOS 7 (32 bits), Fedora 18, SLES 10, SLES 12, Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 18.04
Rudder agent (binary packages available from Normation): Windows Server 2008-2012, AIX 5-6-7
Note: As of Rudder 4.1, the rudder-agent-thin and rudder-server-relay packages are no longer available in Debian 5, Debian 6, Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Fedora 18, RHEL/CentOS 3 and RHEL/CentOS 5
Rudder 4.1.24 (2019-07-08)
Architecture - Internal libs
Using move into non existing branch failed but delete the source (#3591)
Bug fixes
Fixed: Arbitrary command execution in rudder relay API due to missing parameter sanitization (#14974)
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Loading animation on 404 page is broken (#15105)
Fixed: Use umask defined in /etc/login.defs in Technique "SSH authorized keys" for creating missing home dir (#14916)
Generic methods
Fixed: Style test fails because it parses .pyc files (#15061)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.23 (2019-05-21)
Bug fixes
Web - Config management
Fixed: "Dynamic group update time-outed (waited for 10 secondes to finish)" (#14918)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.22 (2019-05-14)
Bug fixes
Web - Maintenance
Fixed: Invalid comparison of String and Option[String] in HistorizationService (#14770)
Fixed: Technique "SSH authorized keys" creates home directory with perms root:root when it does not exists yet (#14732)
Fixed: Rudder agent check cannot restore saved uuid on AIX (#14763)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.21 (2019-04-15)
Bug fixes
Fixed: When installing rudder-agent, there’s a long wait of run interval/2, so up to several hours (#14644)
Fixed: During installation of the agent, when staring "rudder agent" service, there is numerous error about missing '/opt/rudder/etc/uuid.hive' file (#14616)
Fixed: Debian 8 backports repository does not exist anymore, breaking our builds (#14608)
Fixed: Error message when installing rudder-agent on rpm based systems due to missing directory '/var/rudder/inventories' (#14348)
System integration
Fixed: Only one Node below a Rudder server can be run through remote run API (#14391)
Fixed: uuid.hive is not present afet an install or an upgradie ofrudder agent to latest 4.1.x, 4.3.x and 5.0.x on rpm system purges the uuid.hive (#14264)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: Error about failed move of machine inventory doesn’t give sufficient context information (#14522)
Generic methods - Package Management
Fixed: Broken yum usage with old package promises on CentOS (#14546)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Reporting fails on NCF when service start/stop is guarded by a class (#14404)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.20 (2019-02-28)
Bug fixes
System integration
Fixed: Patch cf-serverd to change loglevel on agent refusal (#8529)
Fixed: "/var/rudder/inventories: no such dir" error message on first run (#14257)
Fixed: Root of webapp docs changed (#14284)
Architecture - Dependencies
Fixed: Compilation fails with Java 11 (#14290)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: Mandatory fields for new inventories are not correctly checked (#13962)
Fixed: unexpected reports in zypper repo management technique (#14347)
System techniques
Fixed: Technique uses /root as an hardcoded value for the home of user root (#6412)
Generic methods - File Management
Fixed: File lines absent generic method doesn’t report anything when the file doesn’t exist (#14246)
Generic methods
Fixed: ncf 4.1 is not compatible anymore with agent 3.1 (#14293)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.19 (2019-01-30)
Web - Maintenance
Update links in Rudder interface to use (#14205)
Technique editor - UI/UX
Manage caching of technique editor resources (css/js) with Rudder version (#14194)
Bug fixes
Web - Compliance & node report
Fixed: we can inject html & javascript in Rudder tables (#14221)
Performance and scalability
Fixed: Index nodeid_idx is not used and consumes a lot of disk space for nothing (#14149)
System techniques
Fixed: improve error message when the node cannot get the uuid from the server (#14176)
Fixed: Jinja templating iteration example in the doc is invalid (#14179)
Generic methods - File Management
Fixed: Jinja templating method does not correctly clean up temporary files in audit mode (#13666)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.18 (2019-01-10)
Download files needed to build rudder-techniques package from ([#14036](
Bug fixes
Fixed: uuid.hive file should not be a rudder-agent package conf file ([#14062](
Fixed: When installing a rudder root server (on debian), it asks to run rudder-node-to-relay ([#11630](
Fixed: Rudder-jetty depends on jdk8 but always try to install jdk9 as dependency ([#14024](
Fixed: Broken 4.1/4.3 doc build ([#14048](
Web - Config management
Fixed: Cannot modify groups when workflow are enabled ([#14056](
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: In the node details, clicking on the link to the policy server doesn’t redirect to the policy server ([#13834](
Generic methods
Fixed: Error in the info (rudder agent run -i) output of the agent at first run ([#13951](
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.17 (2018-11-26)
Bug fixes
Fixed: Upgrade CFEngine to 3.10.5 (#13851)
Fixed: ``rudder-keys change-key'' does not check for key file existence (#12496)
Fixed: When ``policy-server.dat'' is missing, generated inventory is not legit (#11715)
Fixed: /var/log/rudder/agent-check/check.log should contains only error level messages (#12230)
Fixed: rudder remote run error, and unable to pass -i option (#11318)
Fixed: Command ``rudder remote run -a'' does not warn about missing token (#11417)
Fixed: Command ``rudder agent reset'' sets incorrect permission in /var/rudder/cfengine-community/inputs (#12410)
Fixed: ``rudder agent info'' returns invalid report mode for not yet accepted nodes (#12992)
Fixed: On rudder-webapp upgrade, ncf.conf file is not committed (#13679)
System integration
Fixed: ``rudder-pkg enable-all'' command fails when a plugin has no jar (#13785)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: When a node is deleted, its generated promises are not removed (#4709)
Fixed: Inventory keeps its key certified when node is deleted (#9149)
Fixed: Missing gateway, network in network interface details (#13804)
Fixed: Network group criteria not working (#13772)
Fixed: The error message for bad inventory signature is unclear (#9192)
Fixed: Network, mask and gateway not correctly parsed from inventory (#13803)
Fixed: Option description for ``File download (Rudder server)'' technique is misleading (#13887)
Fixed: Technique
Cron job v3.0'' does not use the
user'' setting with predefined scheduled (#8004) -
Fixed: Broken reporting when copying a directory from the Rudder server without specifying the trailing / in the destination (#13290)
Fixed: Details of usage of technique ``Variable from command output (string)'' is not clear (#12058)
Fixed: Technique ``cron job'' refuses task user name if it contains hyphen (#12960)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
vlycop Doo
Florian Heigl
Janos Mattyasovszky
Romain Quinaud
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.16 (2018-11-06)
Document zypper pattern usage in the ``Package state'' generic method documentation (#13725)
Bug fixes
Generic methods
Fixed: Generic method ``Sharedfile to node'' always return repaired status (#13753)
Fixed: Unit tests for generic method ``File from a Jinja2 template'' fail on Ubuntu12 on Rudder 4.1 (#13747)
Fixed: Time lib may not work when the first non-loopback interface has no ip address (#13744)
Fixed: Remove comment about classes_generic_two being deprecated (#13286)
Fixed: Style test always fails, missing 4.1 version of 13637 (#13722)
Fixed: Add more tests for the schedule lib in ncf (#13668)
Fixed: Zypper patterns tests should not be executed on non sles os (#13638)
Generic methods - File Management
Fixed: Generic Method ``File copy from remote source'' does not report when copying a directory (#13634)
Fixed: Broken doc build (#13734)
Performance and scalability
Fixed: LDAP IO error on generation with a lot of nodes (#13256)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Jérémy HOCDÉ
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.15 (2018-10-19)
Generic methods - Package Management
Add a package provider for zypper patterns (#12164)
Bug fixes
Generic methods
Fixed: Allow to report on same reporting parameters (#13632)
Fixed: still some typos in package tests (#13591)
Fixed: some ncf test are failing on SLES because they are trying to deal with packages that are not available (#13573)
Fixed: Some old tests are failing on centos (#13535)
Fixed: Tests on variable_string and variable_string_default GM are failing (#13523)
Fixed: Some tests are failing on ubuntu distros (#13514)
Fixed: Some ncf tests are too old and fails on many distributions (#13249)
Fixed: file_check_special tests are failing on debian (#13243)
Generic methods - Package Management
Fixed: old packages generic methods are failing on old debian (#13305)
Fixed: rudder server command states that ``Warning: Long arguments are not supported, you probably tried to use one!'' - but it does support it (#13505)
Fixed: Debian package cannot build in 4.1 because of (#13594)
Fixed: Use new man page URL after doc URL redirect (#13537)
Fixed: rudder-agent 4.1 install hangs on Debian 7 (#13525)
Fixed: Doc download in webapp package does not work anymore (#13499)
Fixed: parallel build on rpmbuild hides build error (#13300)
Fixed: Purge of rudder-webapp should not fail (#13210)
Fixed: Fix bdb download link from (#13198)
Fixed: rudder server upgrade-techniques –autoupdate-technique-library fails when run during Rudder upgrade (#13458)
Fixed: cebtos7 install_package_existent should be skipped (#13596)
Fixed: Makefile fails if a symbolink link /usr/bin/ncf already exists (#13277)
Generic methods - Service Management
Fixed: Service test do not use any service to test on suse (#13278)
Fixed: Package management technique fails to check if a package is absent in the ``latest'' version (#12939)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.14 (2018-08-08)
Web - UI & UX
Remove the ``Update policy'' button (#12668)
Bug fixes
Fixed: echo -n doewn’t work on aix (#13005)
Architecture - Internal libs
Fixed: nuProcess 1.2.0 crashes on JDK 10 (#12832)
Web - Config management
Fixed: ``SocketException(message=`Socket closed''' error at the end of generation with 500 nodes (#10646)
Fixed: Broken -g option in rudder remote run (#13017)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.13 (2018-07-18)
Add a command line option to run the agent in full compliance mode (#12681)
Accept external options to rpmbuild calls (#12973)
System techniques
Make the agent resend the inventory if sending failed (#7490)
Add testing on sshKeyDistribution (#12822)
Bug fixes
Web - Config management
Fixed: When we add a section in the directive editor, it clears the content of the previous section (#12916)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Broken technique editor if a technique is in the browser cache, but has been removed from the FS (#12970)
Generic methods - Service Management
Fixed: fail to restart certain services on Ubuntu because of incomplete detection of systemd/upstart (#12887)
System techniques
Fixed: System Techniques must not be added by reload technique, only updated, else they are duplicated (#12765)
Fixed: cron is always restarted since #12615 (#12886)
Fixed: When a technique reports several time the exact same text, there is only one report generated (#6343)
Fixed: Detection of minicurl and https is done in conflicting ways (#12155)
Fixed: Rudder agent needs 2 updates to work properly (#12793)
Performance and scalability
Fixed: Method copyResourceFile is quite inefficient (#12702)
Fixed: Unused formatter in policy generation spend a bit of time in policy generation (#12735)
Fixed: Moving policies to their final position (last step of policies writing) could be improved (#12730)
Fixed: We are missing a lot of timing measurement in policy generation (#12725)
Fixed: Technique userManagement does not change shell (#6395)
Fixed: Missing support for ubuntu 18_04 in technique aptPackageManagerSettings (#12884)
Fixed: Clean up the tests for sshKeyDistribution (#12863)
Fixed: Load modules from local ncf in Rudder policies (#12774)
Fixed: Process management: stopped sends multiple reports. (#11683)
Fixed: SSH Configuration Technique on AIX does not reload correctly sshd service when there’s been a change (#12745)
Fixed: Misleading error message in Services technique when range of number of process could not be repaired (#12713)
Fixed: Add zypper_pattern provider in package technique (#12700)
Fixed: Typo in generic method File content (#12507)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
Dmitry Svyatogorov
Florian Heigl
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.12 (2018-05-29)
Add tests for sshKeyDistribution technique (#12455)
Web - Compliance & node report
Overridden directives are not listed in reports information (#7616)
Upgrade to CFEngine 3.10.4 LTS (#12576)
Performance and scalability
Explore alternative format for compliance table (#12621)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Compliance bar appears partially white in some graphes (#12643)
Fixed: Directive tree filter is very slow (#12650)
Fixed: Delete directive confirmation popup should display the action to confirm (#12552)
Fixed: Add space between filter and Event logs table (#12515)
Fixed: CSS of txt/json inputs is broken (#12514)
Fixed: Add margin between selects and button groups in Archives page (#12513)
Fixed: Buttons don’t follow a straight design (#12512)
Web - Config management
Fixed: ``Safelly'' typo in logs (#12635)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Always get ``Technique diverges'' pop-up when coming back to technique editor (#12207)
Architecture - Internal libs
Fixed: Missing ipv6 constraint regex test (#12666)
Fixed: wrong import in ssh-key-distribution tests (#12511)
Web - Compliance & node report
Fixed: $\{const.dollar} in generic method parameter leads to missing report (#12616)
Fixed: NumberFormatException in NodeAPI 8 (runResponse) (#12556)
Fixed: jobScheduler does not work when the first non-loopback interface has no ip address (#12262)
System techniques
Fixed: Access rules on Rudder servers/relays prevent in most case the server from downloading/connecting on itself (#12521)
Performance and scalability
Fixed: Rule tree filter is a bit slow (#12690)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.11 (2018-04-19)
Oracle jdk url has changed but not in ppa (#12479)
Relay server or API
Make Groups and Rules API accessible for internal use (#12419)
Update the techniques tests (#12346)
Bug fixes
Technique editor - Techniques
Fixed: Technique editor returning an error when saving (#12464)
Plugin - API ACL
Fixed: API failing on root node (#12229)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: LDAP query checker must succeed when criteria is empty (#12343)
Fixed: rudder-pkg does not allow to install/update/remove several plugin at once (#12330)
Fixed: Time settings directive configuration not accessible to non-root users (#12303)
Fixed: Unsupported key types are silently ignored in ssh key management technique (#8618)
Fixed: Missing report for component ``Post-modification hook'' when cleaning files (#12297)
Fixed: Missing report in Group Management (#12214)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
Florian Heigl
Rob Pomeroy
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.10 (2018-02-23)
Breaking Changes
Fixed: Incorrect detection and storage of architecture 32/64 bits (#11918)
Technique editor - UI/UX
Change max field length from 2k to 16k (#11859)
Web - UI & UX
add margin to the magnifying glass icon in the Nodes table (#11849)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Add more information about the inventory in the inventory process reporting (#10084)
Technique editor - API
Use a fixed size font in the technique editor parameters (#11895)
Architecture - Refactoring
Remove ListTag workaround when JGit version > 1.2 (#2278)
Add post-hook to the manage key-value file techniques (#12124)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Update / Delete buttons on group Category modification should be separated (#11782)
Fixed: Javascript error on every pages, preventing usage of file explorer (#11991)
Fixed: Directives tree is not filtered after saving changes (#11670)
Fixed: Input text for repository in apt repository management is too small (#11841)
Agent policy mode'' should be
Node policy mode'' (#11837)
Generic methods
Fixed: command_execution_result does not report anything (#12087)
Fixed: yum is run at each cf-promises, having a massive perf cost, on redhat-like system (#11937)
Fixed: Add a comment about quotes in file_ensure_key_value parameters documentation (#11896)
Fixed: Wrong result class in file_enforce_content (#11880)
Fixed: Abort bundle does not work in dry-run mode (#11867)
Fixed: ``Shared file to node'' method does not send file to node if file to send was created during run (#11869)
Technique editor - Techniques
Fixed: rudder_reporting file is invalid on nodes if it contains `&&' in one of its parameter (#11870)
Generic methods - Package Management
Fixed: Zypper hangs on dialogs / issues due to open tty (#6291)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Broken variable expression when using node properties in the technique editor (#10304)
Fixed: Please, legitimate ``Priority'' usage in multi-instance directives (#11963)
Fixed: Missing documentation about InputTCPMaxSessions and when to change its value in rsyslog (#8613)
Fixed: Merge
Migration'' and
Server migration'' subsections in the doc (#11062) -
Fixed: Restore backup documentation is not correct (#11177)
Fixed: Redirect FAQ to (#11905)
Technique editor - API
Fixed: Result class containing \{} are not properly canonized (#11600)
Fixed: Autocompletion for rudder commands doesn’t work on RHEL and SLES (#11885)
Fixed: The agent moves obstructions regardless of policy mode (#11866)
Fixed: Agent script argument parsing failure when using non-default locale (#12131)
Fixed: rudder remote run cuts down IP of remote host (#11418)
Fixed: With ``rudder agent run'', nothing is logged in /var/rudder/cfengine-community/outputs/ (#10801)
Fixed: When rudder agent disable fails it prints a success message (#11936)
Fixed: Agent process detection is wrong in rudder agent check on AIX (#11921)
Fixed: rudder-webapp upgrade doesn’t commit updates to ncf hooks (#6758)
Fixed: rudder-inventory-ldap package provides openldap libraries (#3377)
Fixed: typo in rudder-server relay package install output (#12064)
Fixed: Upgrade Java version used when building webapp on old debian versions, since oracle jvm links has changed (#11981)
Fixed: Rudder root on SLES12 shows LDAP error during installation (#10454)
Initial promises & sys tech
Fixed: If we a have generic method command_execution with parameter /bin/true, we get an error on reporting for syslog restart on non-aix nor solaris system (#12139)
Fixed: Rudder server installation fails if apache cannot resolve server hostname (#11983)
Fixed: Use rudder agent check in aix crontab (#11920)
Fixed: Inventory from a node on Xen dom0 is missing UUID and is invalid (#11902)
Fixed: remote execution is cut at 30 secondes (#11416)
Fixed: Api does not fail on bad JSON (#5931)
Fixed: Typo in templating technique (#12126)
Fixed: Typo in tooltip of File content (from remote template) for path of file (#12123)
Fixed: The technique file copy from shared folder reports file source instead of file destination (#6564)
Fixed: Group management technique silently changes the group gid (#11863)
Fixed: sharedfile_to_node reports repaired even if it fails (#11836)
System integration
Fixed: Stopping slapd fails if pid file is empty (#10498)
Fixed: service rudder-* outputs on stderror (#6429)
Fixed: Cannot run rudder server reload-techniques on RedHat 6.6 (#11907)
Fixed: Configuration file of Rudder mention that we may change ``LDAP DIT configuration'', which is wrong (#10664)
Fixed: blocks on inventory parsing error (#10019)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Michael Gliwinski
Dennis Cabooter
Avit Sidis
Dmitry Svyatogorov
Janos Mattyasovszky
The Ranger
Jean Cardona
Alexander Brunhirl
Florian Heigl
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.9 (2017-12-12)
Architecture - Dependencies
sealerate should be scoped ``provided'' (#11781)
Create a command to display system classes (#11049)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Remove limit to have at least 3 characters in all entities names (Rules/Directives/categories …) (#11801)
Fixed: CentOS is written ``Centos'' in the OS graph on the dashboard (#11652)
Fixed: Some icons in the interface look pixelized on hidpi screens (#11237)
Fixed: Fix some CSS issues in Rule’s compliance tables (#11679)
Web - Config management
Fixed: Missing node id in log message on generaction error (#11819)
Fixed: Missing doc on syslog daemon (#11768)
Fixed: Archive REST section outdated for download ZIP archive (#11650)
Fixed: Document how to merge properties, and not simply merge them (#11730)
Fixed: fetch git branch before checkout when building rudder-doc (#11697)
Fixed: Use new ncf branches in rudder-doc (#11693)
Fixed: ``Quick installation'' section on the Rudder doc (#11668)
Fixed: cf-* coredumps if policy_server.dat contains empty lines (#11724)
Fixed: Agent segfaults when merging non-container data variables (#11620)
Fixed: On update error, the help message is not valid anymore (#11803)
Fixed: force option in rudder agent factory-reset does not work (#11769)
Fixed: Impossible to run in house CFEngine and Rudder agent side by side (#11719)
Fixed: Rudder installation fails on SLES12 (#11727)
System integration
Fixed: rudder-init fails to report memory errors from jetty start (#8165)
Fixed: When we have a /var full, Rudder LDAP or Postgres can be corrupted (#11125)
Fixed: Fusioninventory task Deploy is missing a dependency to File-Copy-Recursive (#11701)
Fixed: rudder-pkg should not preserve owner when extracting plugin (#11423)
Fixed: Duration of logrotate for /var/log/rudder/ is too long making /var/log too big (#10912)
Fixed: Allowed network is not currently supported by Apache (#11226)
Fixed: Generic method has leaky classes, resulting in invalid results (#11792)
Fixed: Boken 4.1 ncf with 3.1 agents (#11779)
Fixed: file_from_string_mustache inserts only ${content} (#11744)
Fixed: eval usage is not compatible with CFEngine < 3.9 (#11729)
Web - Maintenance
Fixed: Null pointer exception when restoring group archive. (#11805)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.8 (2017-10-26)
Initial promises & sys tech
Do not send inventory if a forwarder/uploader daemon exists (#11257)
Refactor policy generation tests (#11397)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Screen estate in compliance graph (#10761)
Fixed: Global parameters UI now showing Edit/Delete button on long lines (#11585)
Fixed: Update Directive popup is broken on firefox 38.6.1esr (#11584)
Fixed: Cannot select version of directive to create if technique description contains curly braces (#11393)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: Groups are not reloaded after restoring from archive (#11244)
Fixed: Error at installation of Rudder 4.1 on centos 6 (#11628)
Fixed: Build on Deb7 and ubuntu14.04 fails because jdk8u144 is unavalaible (#11626)
Fixed: We should not try to edit /etc/cron.d/rudder-agent on AIX (#11595)
Fixed: Warning about zip dependency is at top of installation of plugin (#11398)
Fixed: Plugin postint are not run after a rudder upgrade (#11430)
Fixed: rudder-techniques requires a recent ncf version (#11411)
Fixed: Cannot save plugin status during initial install (#11395)
Fixed: When ugrading Rudder, the Windows plugins is not enabled anymore (#11385)
Fixed: PORT in /etc/default/rudder-slapd is ignored (#11331)
Fixed: Archives API list returns date with wrong format (#11408)
Fixed: Allow variable as directive parameters in regexp validated inputs (#11449)
Fixed: generic_variable_definition inserts spaces in multi lined values (#11613)
Fixed: group management technique doesn’t ensure optional user is in group (#8739)
Fixed: Incomplete description of the behaviour of technique copyGitFile, that may result in broken permissions of whole folder (#11422)
Fixed: File content (key/value format) technique allows white space before separator but not after it (#11087)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
Florian Heigl
Hamlyn Mootoo
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.7 (2017-09-07)
Add Debian 9 support (CI/internal changes and #11262)
Web - UI & UX
Fold automatically Group categories if there are too many of them (#11323)
Upgrade openssl to 1.0.2l (#11279)
Bug fixes
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: Inventory endpoint info api is reporting saturated off by one (#11330)
Fixed: Missing doc about latest hooks in the manual (#11305)
Fixed: ``compliance'' user role is broken (#11185)
Initial promises & sys tech
Fixed: When running ``rudder agent inventory'', all other reports are missing on the server (#11285)
Fixed: Upgrade agent to CFEngine 3.10.2 (#11288)
Fixed: Do not display components summary in non-full-compliance modes (#11324)
Fixed: `rudder agent info' should report compliance mode (full-compliance / changes-only / reports-disabled) (#10649)
Fixed: When in changes only mode, with no heartbeat, `rudder agent run' outputs `error: Rudder agent was interrupted during execution by a fatal error.' (#9807)
Web - Maintenance
Fixed: Node compliances table is never archived (#11314)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Ilan Costa
Florian Heigl
Janos Mattyasovszky
Dmitry Svyatogorov
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 ESR series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.6 (2017-08-14)
Architecture - Internal libs
Upgrade to Scala 2.12.3 to improve compilation time (#11192)
Create a file template technique (#9078)
System integration
Add node-post-acceptance hook (#11218)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: If a Rule is enabled but applies no Directive, it is displayed as Disabled (#11123)
Fixed: Wrong sort on compliance in tables (#11229)
Fixed: Disabled Rules status is invisible (#11205)
Fixed: In Directive details, tags input is broken on Iceweasel (#11118)
Fixed: Wrong XML indentation in event log (#10951)
Fixed: Add a margin between the filters and the table in Technical logs tab (#11083)
Fixed: Repaired does not appear as yellow anymore (#11028)
Fixed: Backup of apache vhost by rudder-server-relay created in bad directory (#10860)
Fixed: if plugin is broken, we cannot upgrade it (#11064)
Fixed: When installing Rudder-Webapp, postinst script runs rudder-upgrade before initializing the git, and it can fail (#10990)
Fixed: Do not show instructions for rudder-node-to-relay on root setup (#10859)
Fixed: JSESSION cookie should be ``secure'' (#11159)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Ilan Costa
Florian Heigl
Maxime Longuet
Janos Mattyasovszky
David Svejda
Dmitry Svyatogorov
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 ESR series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.5 (2017-06-22)
Bug fixes
Initial promises & sys tech
Fixed: Broken rsyslog configuration in 4.1 (#10982)
Fixed: No logs when (r)?syslog(-ng)? is restarted in 4.1 (#10987)
Release notes
Note: Rudder 4.1.4 was released but quickly withdrawn because of #10982.
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 ESR series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.4 (2017-06-21)
Log check-rudder-agent cron job output (#8438)
Create a rudder agent command to format old logs (#10708)
Bug fixes
Web - Config management
Fixed: When hooks in policy-generation-node-ready or policy-generation-node-finished fails, there is no error in the generation (#10908)
Initial promises & sys tech
Fixed: If syslog service is stopped, it is not restarted automatically by rudder-agent, so agent doesn’t report anything (#8168)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Florian Heigl
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 ESR series and therefore all installations of 4.1.x should be upgraded when possible. When we release a new version of Rudder it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment.
Rudder 4.1.3 (2017-05-23)
Update FAQ links in the doc (#10760)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: When folding directive tree filter, the directive tree stays at its initial size (#10705)
Initial promises & sys tech
Fixed: During install, inventory generated into bad file path: /var/rudder/${inventory_path} (#10774)
Release notes
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1 should be upgraded when possible. The current ``esr'' release is 3.1.*. When we release a new version of Rudder, it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment
Rudder 4.1.2 (2017-05-22)
Architecture - Internal libs
Add a test on agent version parsing (#10726)
Update server requirement with load test data (#10698)
Missing paragraph about rudder-setup installation (#10691)
Add an example of using a condition in the Technique creation tutorial (#10694)
Add Technique editor documentation (#10685)
Complete documentation introduction (#10681)
Translate the technical architecture part of introduction (#10684)
Document fully and partially supported OS (#10679)
Document more precisely the generation process (#10671)
Add a ``general presentation'' chapter in documentation (#10673)
Add relay content for requirements section (#10674)
Improve policy mode documentation (#10667)
Extend node property documentation for templates (#10614)
Improve readability of system techniques reports (#10632)
System integration
Create a hook for pre and post node deletion event (#10568)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Fix details in Technique editor doc (#10699)
Fixed: Cannot generate promises when invalid character in a group name (double quote here) (#10745)
Fixed: We have no way to know that a Technique is disabled (#10660)
Fixed: Directive is still marked unused after using it (#9805)
Fixed: Logout hover background is too wide (#10529)
Fixed: Cannot go back to the previous page on node details (#10515)
New'' buttons should be renamed
Add'' (#10630) -
Fixed: On some resolution, top bar is on two line and we can’t see the whole directive tree (#10552)
Fixed: Mono Font text in directive form are not correctly displayed in Chrome (#9780)
Fixed: Selects in Archives page are not wide enough (#10615)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: In Rudder 4.1 dashboard, Nova agent are ``unknown'' (#10727)
Performance and scalability
Fixed: Unnecessary call to inventory code to check its version during policy validation (#10641)
Web - Config management
Fixed: Tooltips don’t disappear on safari (#6145)
Fixed: Document correctly memory usage (#10744)
Fixed: Broken links in doc (#10730)
Fixed: Missing information in Technique editor doc (#10710)
Fixed: Improve doc index and header menu (#10701)
Fixed: Documentation build broken (#10700)
Fixed: Make a nice agent output screenshot for the intro (#10693)
Fixed: Missing link toward technique editor in intro ``extensibility'' (#10696)
Fixed: Add a diagram about different roles (#10695)
Fixed: Move Technique editor doc in 4.1 (#10697)
Fixed: Bad links, typo, images in french in intro chapter (#10690)
Fixed: Use ``-'' in place of "_" in named reference in doc (#10688)
Fixed: Broken doc build (#10687)
Fixed: Create a ``Rudder extension and third party integration'' chapter (#10675)
Fixed: Broken doc build (#10680)
Fixed: Supported Windows platforms are Windows Server 2008 and after (#10656)
Fixed: Doc:
Regenerate now'' button has been renamed
Update policies'' (#10633) -
Fixed: Backup restoration requires disabling the agent (#10639)
Fixed: Rudder installation docs are misleading as to running rudder-init (#10624)
Fixed: Plugin installation doc is not up-to-date for rpkg package (#10555)
Fixed: Node property documentation has error (#10613)
Fixed: Installation fails due to broken nss/nss-softokn detection on CentOS6 (#10734)
Fixed: PostgreSQL could not connect to server when installing Rudder 4.1 nightlies on Centos6 (#10704)
Fixed: Broken agent build on Debian/ubuntu (#10729)
Fixed: Man pages provided in rudder-agent package are out-of-date (#10432)
Fixed: rudder-init doesn’t use fully qualified path for executing cf-agent (#10607)
Fixed: rudder-pkg error on debian8: missing dependency to xz-utils (#10628)
Fixed: When fetching webapp WARs, a repository maven is created in user home (#10618)
System integration
Fixed: Script rudder-init cannot reinit ldap database (#10608)
Fixed: java.lang.InternalError when calling the internal API on Redhat because of invalid version of nss (#9905)
Fixed: Infinite ``rudder is loading'' page if rudder-init didn’t run (#10567)
Fixed: If an error happen during bootstrap, the webapp starts but is in a zombie state and the error page is not displayed (#1974)
Fixed: rudder server debug fails on SLES 11 (#7892)
Server components
Fixed: Inventory endpoint accepts inventory even if ldap or postgresql connectivity failed (#10485)
Fixed: Technique tests do not pass on initial promises (#10725)
Fixed: Unclear field description in MOTD technique (#10655)
Fixed: Technique files contains UTF-8 chars (especially spaces) (#7622)
Fixed: ``Variable (String)'' Directive in the Directive library does not use textarea (#10585)
Fixed: When agent run interval is not 5 minutes, lock database is always purged (#10634)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
François Bayart
Romuald Bouvard
Jean Cardona
Ilan Costa
Christophe Crier
Tristan Gallet
Florian Heigl
Janos Mattyasovszky
Ferenc Ulrich
Kiran V
Rémi Verchère
Josh Watt
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1 should be upgraded when possible. The current ``esr'' release is 3.1.*. When we release a new version of Rudder, it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment
Rudder 4.1.1 (2017-04-19)
Add tests for manageKeyValueFile (#10473)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Different icons for magnifier in pending nodes page (#10524)
Fixed: A magnifier icon appears in the filter fild after displaying directives that would be applied in pending nodes page (#10525)
Fixed: Buttons left-right padding is inconsistent (#10528)
Reset to default'' action in
Change Audit Logs'' doesn’t reset to install version (#9391) -
Fixed: Directive column of pending nodes table is not wide enough. (#10513)
Fixed: rudder-pkg is missing in rudder package (#10556)
Web - Compliance & node report
Fixed: Compliance bar graph doesn’t show small compliance numbers (#10392)
System integration
Fixed: Log contains debug info
** got string: \{''start
:''2017-03-09 00:00:00,''end
,''2017-03-11 00:00:00``}'' (#10553)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Ilan Costa
Florian Heigl
Janos Mattyasovszky
Hamlyn Mootoo
Dmitry Svyatogorov
Rémi Verchère
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1 should be upgraded when possible. The current ``esr'' release is 3.1.*. When we release a new version of Rudder, it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment
Rudder 4.1.0 (2017-03-30)
rpm packages should depend on java headless (#10468)
Web - UI & UX
Add icon for directives which can be migrated to an upper technique version (#10421)
Add icon for directives which use deprecated technique (#10420)
Find a way to display ``deprecated'' techniques which still contain directives in the directives tree (#10229)
Fix some details in Directives page (#10384)
Group Type order should be switched (#10330)
Performance and scalability
Add caching information to static JS/CSS resources (#4519)
Add a convention for ``.disabled'' hooks to not be executed (#10412)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
New category'' button hides
Categories'' title on small screens (#10510) -
Fixed: Some tooltips can’t overflow their container (#10509)
Fixed: A running Policy generation is not displayed on the Status dropdown (#10451)
Fixed: Directive page not displaying with ``None.get'' in logs (#10501)
Fixed: When activating change requests, the CR zone doesn’t appear in the main bar (#10499)
Fixed: GUI breaks completely with IE 11 (#10452)
Fixed: padding-down instead of padding-bottom in rudder.css (#10465)
Fixed: Weird appearance of accept new nodes popup (#10458)
Fixed: Display issue on ``Accept new Nodes'' page (#9165)
Fixed: Dropdown lists in directive forms are not wide enough and hide the contents of options (#10361)
Fixed: In the rule table, Recent changes column change size during page loading (#10340)
Fixed: On the Rule details, if I click on ``Clone'', then cancel action, I get switched to Settings tab (#10345)
Fixed: Directive from a whole deprecated technique are not displayed (#10422)
Fixed: ``Create with latest version'' button text is cut off in new directive page (#10358)
Fixed: Cannot use slashes in quick search (#10407)
Fixed: Quick search text has gone a hard to read gray (#10400)
Fixed: Checkboxes in Administration menu are not locked for users with missing permissions (#9328)
Fixed: Bad Rudder logo in src/main/webapp/images (#10386)
Fixed: Rudder (svg) logo aren’t displayed with chrome (#10387)
Fixed: Tooltips are broken in Rule tables (#10389)
Fixed: Directive ``Migrate'' button is stuck to the version dropdown list (#10360)
Fixed: ``Delete #1'' button in directive form’s text is not centered (#10359)
Fixed: Save button shown even no permission to change it (#9819)
Fixed: If there is an error in the Parameter edition/creation popup, its shape change (#10248)
Fixed: Inconsistent capitalization of titles in the menu (#9545)
Fixed: Inconsistent message style in settings page (#9426)
Fixed: Wrong action named in API accounts table (#10203)
Web - Technique editor
Fixed: Cannot open technique editor on SLES12 (#10511)
Fixed: Validation hooks should execute cf-promises by exec (#10449)
Web - Compliance & node report
Fixed: Several core features don’t work anymore with more than 1000 nodes (#10456)
Fixed: slapd migration for 4.1 is not done on Ubuntu 16.04 (#10517)
Fixed: Rudder 4.1 fails to install Ubuntu/Debian because of rudder-slapd service restart (#10506)
Fixed: Error when upgrading from Rudder 3.1 to Rudder 4.1 on Debian 8 (#10440)
Fixed: On SLES12, missing package rsyslog-module-pgsql (#10497)
Fixed: Use the same initial database password everywhere to avoid breaking database connection before rudder-init (#10484)
Fixed: Relay-Api does not handle different Apache versions (#10455)
Fixed: Error on hooks on fresh install on Centos7 (#10436)
Fixed: LDAP error at upgrade - Cannot allocate memory (#10424)
Fixed: On Centos 7.3, upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1 fail due to SELinux problem (#10372)
Fixed: Upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1 failed on Centos7.3, and purged LDAP directory (#10373)
Fixed: Don’t display warning about configuring policy server on root server (#8976)
System integration
Fixed: Error in migration (ldap backup not found because ending by .gz) (#10521)
Fixed: Apache not started on a fresh centos7 install (selinux problem) (#10426)
Fixed: On freshly installed centos7, ldap connections fail with ``bad auth'' (#10427)
Fixed: rudder-upgrade fails if run twice (#10466)
Fixed: rudder-slapd force-stop doesn’t exist on sles 12 (#10464)
Fixed: rudder-reports doesn’t start postgresql on postinstall on sles 12 (#10460)
Fixed: Unable to setup metadata virtual space list (#10444)
Fixed: /var/log/rudder/ldap/slapd.log is full of not indexed message (#10429)
Fixed: Hook failed with fork: retry: No child processes (#10457)
Fixed: After running rudder-init, no connectivity to postgresql (#10486)
Relay server or API
Fixed: Error in the cron job prevents purging expired files shared between nodes (#10417)
Architecture - Dependencies
Fixed: Update monix (critical bug fix) (#10393)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This is a bug fix release in the 4.1 series and therefore all installations of 4.1 should be upgraded when possible. The current ``esr'' release is 3.1.*. When we release a new version of Rudder, it has been thoroughly tested, and we consider the release enterprise-ready for deployment
Rudder 4.1.0.rc1 (2017-03-07)
Web - UI & UX
Adjust providers display in the node properties tab (#10320)
Display provider of node properties if defined (#10302)
Change graph lib to more efficient one (#8171)
Adjust the height box height’s css property instead of max-height (#10252)
Add autocomplete on rule/directive tags (#10192)
Technique version'' select and
Migrate'' button should be aligned (#9938) -
Reorder and hide deprecated Techniques in Directive tree (#10228)
UI to define node properties (#10169)
Reorganize Directives page interface (#10080)
Initial promises & sys tech
Remove unused body yum_remi (#10349)
System integration
Add a package manager for plugins (#10254)
More consistent naming of techniques (#10214)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Compliance display when hoverving over the compliance bar is too precise (#9323)
Fixed: Compliance/Recent change column should not be present by default in directive screen (#10339)
Fixed: Compliance bar isn’t display the same way in `List nodes' and `Rules' pages (#10321)
Fixed: Display of shared files popup is broken (#10329)
Fixed: Inconsistent titles style in Rule settings (#10325)
Fixed: Disabled label disappear passing the mouse over the policy mode label (#10323)
Fixed: Cannot change schedule on Node (#10318)
Fixed: Clone group popup is broken (#10307)
Fixed: Lost space at the bottom of the group page (#10281)
Fixed: When clicking refresh in rules, grid header height change (#10262)
Fixed: When trying to create a new API account that has the same name as an existing account, nothing happen (#10250)
Fixed: Setting title are barelly outstanding (#10261)
Fixed: Button are not correctly aligned compared to tables in 4.1 (#10257)
Fixed: Rules form fields are too wide (#10202)
Fixed: Vertically center the filter line in the event logs page (#10219)
Fixed: Inconsistent titles style in the Settings page (#10217)
Fixed: Parameters description won’t show up in 4.1 (#10197)
Fixed: Broken display in Rule popup creation (#10182)
Fixed: If we set a short description for a Rule, it won’t show up anymore in the rule list (#10196)
Web - Config management
Fixed: Remove ``rights'' in node property (#10301)
Fixed: When we filter directive by tags, and update a directive, the tree is refreshed without taking into account the filter (#10271)
Fixed: When we add/remove/update a tag to a Directive/Rule, we get an empty event log (#10275)
Fixed: Tag filter creation greyed out after creating a tag filter (#10272)
Fixed: ``Migrate'' button is displayed for deprecated techniques even if all version are deprecated (#9859)
Web - Nodes & inventories
Fixed: Include Timezone in Node Info (#7092)
Fixed: Improve management of rights and other metadata of node properties (#10235)
Fixed: Cannot choose between Group or category when creating a Group (#10249)
Fixed: Users with ``node_all'' security role can not change Agent Policy Mode (#9936)
Fixed: Can not see details of pending node (#10174)
Fixed: Inventories with fields containing only spaces/tabs/… may fail to be parsed due to invalid sanitization of entry (#10220)
Fixed: make clean in rudder agent package doesn’t remove build-cfengine-stamp (#10334)
Fixed: Accept TTL with spaces in relay API (#10296)
Fixed: Error downloading perl modules with https (#10264)
Fixed: Missing prefix in asynchronous output in remote run (#10190)
Fixed: Impossible to share file due to wrong permissions for /var/rudder/shared-files (#10184)
Fixed: version is not properly set in web interface (#10107)
Web - Compliance & node report
Fixed: Recent changes aren’t display sometimes on Rules list (#10194)
Plugin - datasources
Fixed: EventLog at promise generation for datasources change, even if nothing changed (#10198)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Dennis Cabooter
Janos Mattyasovszky
Hamlyn Mootoo
Dmitry Svyatogorov
This software is in beta status and contains several new features but we have tested it and believe it to be free of any critical bugs.¬The use on production systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. However, we do encourage testing, and welcome all and any feedback!
Rudder 4.1.0.beta3 (2017-02-14)
Document the relay API (#9997)
Initial promises & sys tech
Use rudder agent run as cfruncommand (#10081)
Architecture - Dependencies
Switch to Scala 2.12 / Lift 3.0 (#10127)
Architecture - Refactoring
Scala actors are deprecated in scala 2.11 and removed in 2.12: update inventory-endpoint (#10119)
Deprecate old techniques versions (#10159)
Bug fixes
Web - UI & UX
Fixed: Status dropdown’s display is broken (#10177)
Fixed: Display of new ``Display compliance and recent changes columns on rule summary'' setting is broken (#10173)
Fixed: Included ``time ended'' in Status dropdown (#10133)
Fixed: On Group creation, the tooltip on the ``Save'' button doesn’t appear when it is disabled (#10116)
Fixed: Broken text fields in directive form (#10164)
Fixed: Broken link in CFEngine doc (#10151)
Fixed: the shared-files directory is owned by root (#10178)
Fixed: openjdk8 cannot be installed if there is a backport in the building os (#10163)
Fixed: rudder-techniques depends on perl(XML::TreePP) (#9845)
Fixed: Missing entry in after update to 4.1.0.b2 (#10132)
Fixed: rudder-relay has bad ``sed'' line (#10131)
Initial promises & sys tech
Fixed: Download Shared from node and to nodes fail because /var/rudder/share-files is non existent (on centos) (#10085)
Fixed: Allow relay-api to make asynchronous remote run call with output (#10114)
Architecture - Dependencies
Fixed: Test broken with ``FileNotFoundException /ldap/bootstrap.ldif'' (#10147)
Fixed: warning: Class javax.annotation.Nonnull not found - continuing with a stub. (#10146)
Fixed: warning: Class javax.annotation.Nonnull not found - continuing with a stub. (#10146)
Fixed: Use correct repository definition in pom.xml (#10120)
Server components
Fixed: pass ttl through url parameters in sharedfiles api (#10138)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This software is in beta status and contains several new features but we have tested it and believe it to be free of any critical bugs.¬The use on production systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. However, we do encourage testing, and welcome all and any feedback!
Rudder 4.1.0~beta2 (2017-02-02)
Web - UI & UX
Reorganize Rules page interface (#9960)
Web - Config management
Remove all datasource code from Rudder main and add needed hooks (#10050)
Architecture - Dependencies
Requires Java8 (jdk8) for Rudder 4.1 (#9917)
Bug fixes
Fixed: Wrong ncf version dependency in 4.1 (#10091)
Fixed: On CentOS relay API uses /etc/httpd/logs/wsgi.18610.0.1.sock (#10072)
Fixed: The user trying to open nodes list in relay-api is not rudder (#10068)
Fixed: Wrong permission for /etc/sudoers.d/rudder-relay file on Sles (#10065)
Fixed: Remove rudder-apache-common.conf in postinstall (#10041)
Fixed: Not having set %{real_name} does operate on /bin (#10003)
Fixed: Allow to restrict edits on sudoers during install (#10001)
Web - Config management
Fixed: When I save a Directive, after cliking ``save'', it’s not possible to scroll anymore in the Directive tree (#10010)
Server components
Fixed: the relay api should read nodeslist on each call (#10111)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Janos Mattyasovszky
This software is in beta status and contains several new features but we have tested it and believe it to be free of any critical bugs.¬The use on production systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. However, we do encourage testing, and welcome all and any feedback!
Rudder 4.1.0~beta1 (2017-01-17)
Add a Relay API: share files between nodes, launch run on remote run behind relay (#9707)
Server components
Implement notifications for different server-side actions and events (hooks) (#8353)
Web - UI & UX
Improve Json display in the Nodes properties tab (#9984)
System integration
Do not create a temporary cron a postinstall (#9860)
Architecture - Refactoring
Store node compliance in database (#9645)
Architecture - Internal libs
Change pom version on master to 4.1 (#9686)
Bug fixes
Initial promises & sys tech
Fixed: FusionInventory –scan-homedirs should not be on by default (#7421)
Fixed: We should disable link tests for the manual on master (#9803)
Web - Config management
Fixed: Rule details text can be misleading (#6143)
Release notes
Special thanks go out to the following individuals who invested time, patience, testing, patches or bug reports to make this version of Rudder better:
Florial Heigl
Janos Mattyasovszky
This software is in beta status and contains several new features but we have tested it and believe it to be free of any critical bugs.¬The use on production systems is not encouraged at this time and is at your own risk. However, we do encourage testing, and welcome all and any feedback!