Technique syntax

General organization

A technique is made of:

  • General metadata: its name, version, documentation, etc.
  • Parameters it can take
  • Resource file that can be attached
  • A method tree (made of blocks and leaf methods)


  • id: Unique identifier of the technique. Must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters.
  • name: Human-readable name of the technique
  • version: Version in the X.Y format.
  • description (optional): Single line description of what the technique does.
  • documentation (optional): Documentation in Markdown format.
  • tags (optional): Optional key-value tags.
  • category (optional): Rudder category to put the technique in.
  • params (optional): A list of parameters. See below for details.
  • items: A list of items (block or method call). Cannot be empty. See below for details.


id: "ntp"
name: "NTP configuration"
version: "1.0"
description: "This technique configures the local ntp service"
documentation: "**Warning**: it installs
                the [chrony]( service."


The parameters of the technique will be rendered in the directive form. Each parameter contains the following fields:

  • id (optional): UUID identifying the parameter.
  • name: Name of the parameter. Must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters.
  • description (optional): Single line description of what the parameter does.
  • documentation (optional): Documentation (plain text, not in Markdown format).
  • type (optional): The type of the parameter, can be:
    • string: A simple string.
    • multiline-string (default): A multiline string (displayed in a textarea).
    • json: A JSON value.
    • yaml: A YAML value.
    • boolean: A boolean value.
    • mail: A valid email address.
    • ip: A valid IP address.
    • ipv4: A valid IPv4 address.
    • ipv6: A valid IPv6 address.
    • integer: An integer.
    • size-b, size-kb, size-mb, size-gb, size-tb: A size in a given unit (B, kB, MB, GB, TB).
    • permissions: Permissions applicable to a file.
    • shared-file: A file in the server's shared-files folder.
    • password: A password value for a Unix system (in /etc/shadow format), which provides specific behavior. See the password_hashes constraint.
  • default (optional): The default value of the parameter.
  • constraints (optional): Additional restrictions on the value.
    • allow_empty (bool, optional): Whether an empty value is acceptable for this parameter.
    • regex (optional): Restricts allowed value with a regular expression. Defined with:
      • value: The regular expression.
      • error_message (optional): A message to give the user in case the value does not match.
    • select (optional): Allows restricting possible values to a given set. Defined as:
      • An array of:
        • value: The associated value
        • name (optional): The displayed name (value's value by default)
    • password_hashes (optional): A comma-separated list of password hashes types to accept in a password typed field. By default, only accepts pre-hashed values or sha2-crypt algorithms. Available values:
      • pre-hashed: A pre-hashed value in the /etc/shadow format.
      • plain: Plain text password, which will not be modified.
      • unix-crypt-des: DES crypt hash.
      • md5: Simple md5 hash.
      • sha1 Simple sha1 hash.
      • sha256 Simple sha256 hash.
      • sha512 Simple sha512 hash.
      • md5-crypt: md5-crypt hash.
      • sha256-crypt: sha256-crypt hash.
      • sha512-crypt: sha512-crypt hash.
      • md5-crypt-aix: md5-crypt hash for AIX.
      • sha256-crypt-aix: sha256-crypt hash for AIX.
      • sha512-crypt-aix: sha512-crypt hash for AIX.


  - name: dns_server
    description: "The DNS server hostname"
    default: ""
      allow_empty: true
  - name: ntp_server
        - value: ""
          name: "DC1"
        - value: ""
          name: "DC2"


Blocks contains:

  • id (optional): UUID identifying the block.
  • name: Human-readable name of the block
  • tags (optional): Optional key-value tags.
  • items: A list of items (block or method call). Cannot be empty.
  • condition (optional): A condition expression for the whole block. true is an always defined (default), false is never defined.
  • reporting (optional)
    • mode
      • weighted (default)
      • worst-case-weighted-sum: Take the worst outcome from the block and
      • worst-case-weighted-one: Take the worst outcome from as the block as if it was a singe method
      • focus: Apply the outcome of one of the included methods to the whole block, requires passing the id value
      • disabled: No reporting
    • id (required with focus mode): id of the method to focus reporting on.
  - name: "Ensure telnet-server absence"
      cve: CVE-2022-3456
    condition: "debian"
      mode: worst-case-weighted-one
      - ...
      - ... 


Methods contains:

  • method: Method technical name (also called "Technique ID").
  • id (optional): UUID identifying the method.
  • name (optional): Name used in reporting, identifying what the method does. It uses the method name by default.
  • tags (optional): Optional key-value tags.
  • params: Key-Value dictionary of parameters for the method.
  • condition (optional): A condition expression for the method. true is an always defined (default), false is never defined.
  • reporting (optional)
    • mode
      • enabled (default): Normal reporting
      • disabled: No reporting

The methods are documented in the next section of this documentation, sorted by category.


  - name: "Ensure telnet-server absence"
      cve: CVE-2022-3456
    condition: "debian"
    method: package_absent
      name: "telnet-server"
      mode: disabled