
Trigger a repaired outcome when a job should be run (without checks).

⚙️ Compatible targets: Linux


job_idA string to identify this job.

This parameter is required.
agent_periodicityAgent run interval (in minutes).

This parameter is required.
max_execution_delay_minutesOn how many minutes you want to spread the job.

This parameter is required.
max_execution_delay_hoursOn how many hours you want to spread the job.

This parameter is required.
start_on_minutesAt which minute should be the first run.

This parameter is required.
start_on_hoursAt which hour should be the first run.

This parameter is required.
start_on_day_of_weekAt which day of week should be the first run.

This parameter is required.
periodicity_minutesDesired job run interval (in minutes).

This parameter is required.
periodicity_hoursDesired job run interval (in hours).

This parameter is required.
periodicity_daysDesired job run interval (in days).

This parameter is required.

Outcome conditions

You need to replace ${job_id} with its actual canonified value.

  • ✅ Ok: schedule_simple_${job_id}_ok
    • ☑️ Already compliant: schedule_simple_${job_id}_kept
    • 🟨 Repaired: schedule_simple_${job_id}_repaired
  • ❌ Error: schedule_simple_${job_id}_error


method: schedule_simple_stateless
  start_on_minutes: VALUE
  start_on_day_of_week: VALUE
  agent_periodicity: VALUE
  start_on_hours: VALUE
  max_execution_delay_minutes: VALUE
  periodicity_minutes: VALUE
  periodicity_hours: VALUE
  periodicity_days: VALUE
  max_execution_delay_hours: VALUE
  job_id: VALUE


This bundle will define a condition schedule_simple_${job_id}_{kept,repaired,not_ok,ok,reached}

  • _ok or _kept for when there is nothing to do
  • _repaired if the job should run
  • _not_ok and _reached have their usual meaning

No effort is done to check if a run has already been done for this period or not. If the agent is run twice, the job will be run twice, and if the agent is not run, the job will no be run.