
Test the content of a string variable.

⚙️ Compatible targets: Linux, Windows


conditionPrefix of the class (condition) generated.

This parameter is required.
variable_nameComplete name of the variable being tested, like my_prefix.my_variable.

This parameter is required.
expected_matchRegex to use to test if the variable content is compliant.

This parameter is required.

Outcome conditions

You need to replace ${condition} with its actual canonified value.

  • ✅ Ok: condition_from_variable_match_${condition}_ok
    • ☑️ Already compliant: condition_from_variable_match_${condition}_kept
    • 🟨 Repaired: condition_from_variable_match_${condition}_repaired
  • ❌ Error: condition_from_variable_match_${condition}_error


method: condition_from_variable_match
  expected_match: VALUE
  variable_name: VALUE
  condition: VALUE


Test a string variable content and create conditions depending on its value:

  • If the variable is found and its content matches the given regex:
    • a ${condition}_true condition,
    • and kept outcome status
  • If the variable is found but its content does not match the given regex:
    • a ${condition}_false condition,
    • and a kept outcome status
  • If the variable can not be found:
    • a ${condition}_false condition
    • and an error outcome status

Be careful, we are using variable name not the value. For example if you want to match the property value "foo" you will just need[foo] without ${...} syntax

/!\ Regex for unix machine must be PCRE compatible and those for Windows agent must respect the .Net regex format.

  • If you want to test a technique parameter, use the technique_id of the technique as variable prefix and theparameter_name as variable name.

The method only supports plain string type variables.