Upgrade Rudder on SLES

Before upgrading, especially for minor and major version upgrades, please read the upgrade notes.

Re-import the rpm key since it has changed sinc Rudder 8.3

rpm --import https://repository.rudder.io/rudder_release_key.pub

Our key fingerprint is:

pub   rsa4096 2011-12-15 [SC]
uid                      Rudder Project (release key) <security@rudder-project.org>

Add the Rudder packages repository:

  • on SLES 15:

zypper ar -n 'Rudder 8.2' http://repository.rudder.io/rpm/8.2/SLES_15/ Rudder

If you have an active subscription, use the following to get access to long term support (you need to replace the username and the password by your Rudder account):

zypper ar -n 'Rudder 8.2' https://LOGIN:PASSWORD@download.rudder.io/rpm/8.2/SLES_15/ Rudder

Update your local package database to retrieve the list of packages available in our repository:

zypper refresh
  • on SLES 12:

zypper ar -n 'Rudder 8.2' http://repository.rudder.io/rpm/8.2/SLES_12/ Rudder

If you have an active subscription, use the following to get access to long term support (you need to replace the user name and the password by your Rudder account):

zypper ar -n 'Rudder 8.2' https://LOGIN:PASSWORD@download.rudder.io/rpm/8.2/SLES_12/ Rudder

Update your local package database to retrieve the list of packages available in our repository:

zypper refresh

Rudder agent

For Rudder agent, upgrade the agent package:

zypper update rudder-agent

Rudder server

For Rudder server, upgrade the server packages:

zypper install rudder-server

Note: If you have manually edited the built-in techniques in the git repository, you might need to upgrade you techniques manually.

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