Upgrade PostgreSQL

Rudder depends on a specific version of postgresql, which makes sure that the correct package is installed. However, multiple versions of PostgreSQL can be installed at once, and upgrading the package doesn’t make sure your database is also upgraded.

As a consequence, you have to make sure your database is up-to-date before upgrading Rudder.

This simplified PostgreSQL documentation. If in doubt, please always refer to the official PostgreSQL documentation https://www.postgresql.org/docs/

This documentation is about Debian and derived distributions since it is usual to upgrade major versions with them. On RHEL and SLES, it is recommended to reinstall the system; this documentation is then not needed. If you need it, please ask.

Before performing any upgrade, make sure to disable those services, by disabling rudder agent first to be sure that it will not enable rudder-relayd and rudder-jetty back during the upgrade

  1. rudder agent disable

  2. systemctl stop rudder-relayd rudder-jetty

Upgrading PostgreSQL without disabling these service can lead to inconsistencies and might break constraints within the database schema. When the database constraints are broken, the typical symptom is an absence of compliance for all nodes, along with errors message in webapp logs in /var/log/rudder/webapp/webapp.log with the table name affected

Also, we strongly recommend you to have a database backup before trying to upgrade it.

Upgrade the package

First, make sure you have the right version installed for the Rudder version you want to upgrade to.

Rudder 8.0 requires at least PostgreSQL 13.

On Debian-like systems:

$ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade postgresql-server

Upgrade your database

PostgreSQL data must be migrated from the current version to the next version. Distributions provide a script to automate this, but you first need to check that you have as much free space on your disk as your database size.

Find your versions

Be careful with versions, we are upgrading postgresql from OldVersion to NewVersion. It is up to you to check that V1 is the version where your data is stored and V2 is the version you want to upgrade to.

Carelessly copy-pasting versions could result in unwanted data removal.

Check the status of the service for the multiple versions you have. The one handling rudder data should have a rudder line

$ systemctl status postgresql@13-main.service

$ systemctl status postgresql@11-main.service

             ├─19837 postgres: 11/main: rudder rudder ::1(47994) idle

Check for the rudder database version:

$ su postgres -c 'psql -q -d rudder -c "SHOW server_version;"'
 13.5 (Debian 13.5-0+deb11u1)

Here we have OldVersion=11 and NewVersion=13.

Upgrade the cluster

On debian like:

# Stop rudder
$ systemctl stop rudder-server

# Debian creates an empty cluster on the new version, drop it
$ pg_dropcluster --stop ${NewVersion} main

# Upgrade the cluster
$ pg_upgradecluster -v ${NewVersion} ${OldVersion} main

# Restart Rudder and check that everything works
$ systemctl start rudder-server

# Drop the old cluster
$ pg_dropcluster ${OldVersion} main

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