Generic methods

This section documents all the generic methods available in the Technique Editor.



Execute an audit only command and reports depending on exit code


Execute an audit only command and reports depending on the exit codes given in parameters. If an exit code is not in the list it will lead to an error status. The command is always executed and the report is adapted to work properly in enforce and in audit mode. It is up to you to make sure the command doesn’t modify the system status at all since it is always executed, even in audit mode.


  • command: Command to run

  • compliant_codes: List of codes that produce a compliant status separated with commas (ex: 1,2,5)

Classes defined

audit_from_command_${command}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Audit a system property through osquery


This method uses osquery to fetch information about the system, and compares the value with the given one, using the provided comparator.


  • query is an osquery query returning exactly one result

  • comparator is the comparator to use: ='' for equality, !='' for non-equality, ``~'' for regex comparison

  • value is the expected value, can be a string or a regex depending on the comparator


This method requires the presence of osquery on the target nodes. It won’t install it automatically. Check the correct way of doing so for your OS.

Building queries

To learn about the possible queries, read the osquery schema for your osquery version.

You can test the queries before using them with the osqueryi command, see the example below.

osqueryi "select cpu_logical_cores from system_info;"

You need to provide a query that returns exactly one value. If it’s not the case, the method will fail as it does not know what to check.


# To check the number of cpus on the machine
audit_from_osquery("select cpu_logical_cores from system_info;", "2");

Will report a compliant report if the machine has 3 cores, and a non compliant one if not.


  • query: The query to execute (ending with a semicolon)

  • comparator: The comparator to use (`=', `!=' or `~', default is `=')

  • value: The expected value

Classes defined

audit_from_osquery_${query}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Execute a Powershell command, script or binary (even in audit mode) and parse its output to report a succes or an error.


Execute either a command, a script or a binary even in audit mode - it supports piping.

It will:

  • report a success if the execution succeeds and the output matches the given regex.

  • report an error otherwise.

Powershell scripts exiting with non-zero return codes will be flagged as failed.

Note: the command will be executed even in Audit mode, it is up to you to make sure it does not impact the system at all.

Note: the regular expression/string to compare to the output are not anchored and are case insensitive.


To return success if process explorer is running, the command parameter needs to be

Get-Process | ForEach { ${const.dollar}_.ProcessName }

as the output of the command is a toString() on the generated objects, so you need to extract the relevant data. And the successRegex needs to be explorer.


  • command: Command or script to execute

  • successRegex: String or regular expression to compare the output with to define success

Classes defined

audit_from_powershell_execution_${command}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Execute a command


Execute the Command in shell.

On Unix based agents, the method status will report:

  • a Repaired if the return code is ``0''

  • an Error if the return code is not ``0''

On Windows based agents the command is executed through Powershell and its & operator. The method status will report:

  • an Error in Audit mode as the command will not be executed

  • an Error in Enforce mode if the command did throw an exception

  • an Error in Enforce mode if the LASTEXITCODE of the execution was not 0. This can happen when calling `.exe' binaries for instance.

  • a Repaired in any other cases

Do not use the ``exit'' command on Windows as the shell used is the same than the one running the agent!

Windows examples

# A simple command execution
Write-Output "rudder test" | Out-File "C:\test.txt

# Another one with a statement, will report a Repaired if the folder exists,
# and an error if it does not.
  if ( (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Rudder" -PathType Container)) {
    "Rudder folder found!"
  } else {
    throw "Rudder folder does not exist!"


  • command: Command to run

Classes defined

command_execution_${command}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Execute a command as a given user


Execute the Command in shell using a specific user.

On Unix based agents, the method status will report:

  • a Repaired if the return code is ``0''

  • an Error if the return code is not ``0''


  • command: Command to run

  • user: User under which to run the command

Classes defined

command_execution_as_user_${command}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Execute a command only once on a node


This method is useful for specific commands that should only be executed once per node.

If you can spot a condition for the command execution by testing the state of its target, it is better to use the condition_from_command method to test the state coupled with the command_execution_result method to run the command if necessary.

In case of reinstallation or factory-reset of the Rudder agent, this method will no longer detect if a command has already been executed.

The method will:

Define the command_execution_once_${command}_kept condition and do nothing if a command_execution_once has already been executed on this machine with the same Unique id.

Execute the command if it is the first occurrence and: * If the parameter Until is any, it will consider the command as executed on the machine and define either: * command_execution_once_${command}_repaired if the return code is in ok_codes, * command_execution_once_${command}_error otherwise. * If the parameter Until is ok and: * If the return code is in the Ok codes list, define the command_execution_once_${command}_repaired condition * If the return code is not in Ok codes it define the command_execution_once_${command}_error condition and retry at next agent run.

If an exit code is not in the list it will lead to an error status. If you want ``0'' to be a success you have to list it in the Ok codes list


If you use:

    command_execution_once("command -a -t", "0", "ok", "my_program_setup")

It will retry to run command -a -t until it returns ``0''. Then it will not execute it again.


  • command: Command to run

  • ok_codes: List of codes that produce a repaired status separated with commas (ex: 1,2,5). Defaults to 0.

  • until: Try to execute the command until a particular state: `ok', `any' (defaults to `any')

  • unique_id: To identify the action without losing track if the command changes. Defaults to the command if you don’t need it.

Classes defined

command_execution_once_${command}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Execute a command and create result conditions depending on its exit code


Execute a command and create result conditions depending on the exit codes given in parameters. If an exit code is not in the list it will lead to an error status. If you want 0 to be a success you have to list it in the kept_codes list


  • command: Command to run

  • kept_codes: List of codes that produce a kept status separated with commas (ex: 1,2,5)

  • repaired_codes: List of codes that produce a repaired status separated with commas (ex: 3,4,6)

Classes defined

command_execution_result_${command}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Execute a command and create result conditions depending on its exit code


This method executes a command, and defines a ${condition}_true or a ${condition}_false condition depending on the result of the command:

  • If the exit code is in the `True codes'' list, this will produce a kept outcome and a `${condition}_true condition,

  • If the exit code is in the `False codes'' list, this will produce a kept outcome and a `${condition}_false condition,

  • If the exit code is not in True codes'' nor in False codes'', or if the command can not be found, it will produce an error outcome and and no condition from ${condition}

The created condition is global to the agent.


On Windows nodes, the exit code is taken from the LASTEXITCODE which is defined either by:

  • The exit code of a binary execution (when the command a call to an exe)

  • The return code of a Powershell script

Direct Powershell execution will almost always return 0 as LASTEXITCODE value, meaning that you have to execute either a binary or a Powershell script to control the return code.


If you run a command /bin/check_network_status that output code 0, 1 or 2 in case of correct configuration, and 18 or 52 in case of invalid configuration, and you want to define a condition based on its execution result, you can use:

condition_from_command("network_correctly_defined", "/bin/check_network_status", "0,1,2", "18,52")
  • If the command exits with 0, 1 or 2, then it will define the conditions

    • network_correctly_defined_true,

    • condition_from_command_network_correctly_defined_kept,

    • condition_from_command_network_correctly_defined_reached,

  • If the command exits 18, 52, then it will define the conditions

    • network_correctly_defined_false,

    • condition_from_command_network_correctly_defined_kept,

    • condition_from_command_network_correctly_defined_reached

  • If the command exits any other code or is not found, then it will define the conditions

    • condition_from_command_network_correctly_defined_error,

    • condition_from_command_network_correctly_defined_reached

  • In audit mode, this method will still execute the command passed in parameter. Which means that you should only pass non system-impacting commands to this method.

  • Rudder will automatically `canonify'' the given Condition prefix at execution time, which means that all non `[a-zA-Z0-9_] characters will be replaced by an underscore.


  • condition: The condition name

  • command: The command to run

  • true_codes: List of codes that produce a true status separated with commas (ex: 1,2,5)

  • false_codes: List of codes that produce a false status separated with commas (ex: 3,4,6)

Classes defined

condition_from_command_${condition}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Create a new condition


This method evaluates an expression, and produces a ${condition}_true or a ${condition}_false condition depending on the result of the expression evaluation:

  • This method always result with a success outcome status

  • If the evaluation results in a `defined'' state, this will define a `${condition}_true condition,

  • If the evaluation results in an `undefined'' state, this will produce a `${condition}_false condition.

Calling this method with a condition expression transforms a complex expression into a single condition.

The created condition is global to the agent.


If you want to check if a condition evaluates to true, like checking that you are on Monday, 2am, on RedHat systems, you can use the following policy

condition_from_expression("backup_time", "Monday.redhat.Hr02")

The method will define: * In any case: * condition_from_expression_backup_time_kept * condition_from_expression_backup_time_reached * And: * backup_time_true if the system is a RedHat like system, on Monday, at 2am. * backup_time_false if the system not a RedHat like system, or it’s not Monday, or it’s not 2am * no extra condition if the expression is invalid (cannot be parsed)


Rudder will automatically `canonify'' the given Condition prefix at execution time, which means that all non `[a-zA-Z0-9_] characters will be replaced by an underscore.


  • condition: The condition prefix

  • expression: The expression evaluated to create the condition (use `any' to always evaluate to true)

Classes defined

condition_from_expression_${condition}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Create a new condition that persists across runs


This method evaluates an expression (=condition combination), and produces a ${condition}_true or a ${condition}_false condition depending on the result on the expression, which will lasts for the Duration time:

  • This method always result with a success outcome status

  • If the expression evaluation results in a `defined'' state, this will define a `${condition}_true condition,

  • If the expression evaluation results in an `undefined'' state, this will produce a `${condition}_false condition.

Calling this method with a condition expression transforms a complex expression into a single class condition.

The created condition is global to the agent and is persisted across runs. The persistence duration is controlled using the parameter Duration which defines for how long the target condition will be defined (in minutes). Note that there is no way to persist indefinitely.


If you want to check if a condition evaluates to true, like checking that you are on Monday, 2am, on RedHat systems, and make it last one hour you can use the following policy

condition_from_expression_persistent_("backup_time", "Monday.redhat.Hr02", "60")

The method will define: * In any case: * condition_from_expression_persistent_backup_time_kept * condition_from_expression_persistent_backup_time_reached * And: * backup_time_true if the system is a RedHat like system, on Monday, at 2am, and will persist for Duration minutes, * backup_time_false if the system not a RedHat like system, or it’s not Monday, or it’s not 2am * no extra condition if the expression is invalid (cannot be parsed)


Rudder will automatically `canonify'' the given Condition prefix at execution time, which means that all non `[a-zA-Z0-9_] characters will be replaced by an underscore.


  • condition: The condition prefix

  • expression: The expression evaluated to create the condition (use `any' to always evaluate to true)

  • duration: The persistence suffix in minutes

Classes defined

condition_from_expression_persistent_${condition}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Test the content of a string variable


Test a string against a regex pattern and create conditions depending on the match result:

  • ${condition}_true condition is defined if the regex matches

  • ${condition}_false condition is defined if the regex does not match the string

The regex is singleline, case sensitive, culture invariant and implicitly enclosed by the start/end of string delimiters ^ and $. This method’s reporting status will always be ``success''.


-name: Define is_matching_true
 method: condition_from_string_match
   condition: is_matching
   value: "Some\nmulti\nline\ntext"
   regex: "Some.*text"


  • condition: Prefix of the class (condition) generated

  • value: String typed value that will be tested against the regex

  • regex: Pattern used to test if the value against

Classes defined

condition_from_string_match_${condition}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Create a condition from the existence of a variable


This method define a condition: * {condition}_true if the variable named from the parameter Variable name is defined * {condition}_false if the variable named from the parameter Variable name is not defined

Also, this method always result with a success outcome status.


  • condition: Prefix of the condition

  • variable_name: Complete name of the variable being tested, like my_prefix.my_variable

Classes defined

condition_from_variable_existence_${condition}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Test the content of a string variable


Test a string variable content and create conditions depending on its value:

  • If the variable is found and its content matches the given regex:

    • a ${condition}_true condition,

    • and kept outcome status

  • If the variable is found but its content does not match the given regex:

    • a ${condition}_false condition,

    • and a kept outcome status

  • If the variable can not be found:

    • a ${condition}_false condition

    • and an error outcome status

Be careful, we are using variable name not the value. For example if you want to match the property value `foo'' you will just need `[foo] without ${…​} syntax

/! Regex for unix machine must be PCRE compatible and those for Windows agent must respect the .Net regex format.

  • If you want to test a technique parameter, use the technique_id of the technique as variable prefix and the`parameter_name` as variable name.

The method only supports plain string type variables.


  • condition: Prefix of the class (condition) generated

  • variable_name: Complete name of the variable being tested, like my_prefix.my_variable

  • expected_match: Regex to use to test if the variable content is compliant

Classes defined

condition_from_variable_match_${condition}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Create a new condition only once


This method define a condition named from the parameter Condition when it is called for the first time. Following agent execution will not define the condition.

This allows executing actions only once on a given machine. The created condition is global to the agent.

In case of reinstallation or factory-reset of the Rudder agent, this method will no longer detect if the condition has already been defined.


If you use:


The first agent run will have the condition my_condition defined, contrary to subsequent runs for which no condition will be defined.


  • condition: The condition to define

Classes defined

condition_once_${condition}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Ensure a directory’s absence


If recursive is false, only an empty directory can be deleted.


  • path: Directory to remove

  • recursive: Should deletion be recursive, true'' or false'' (defaults to ``false'')

Classes defined

directory_absent_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Checks if a directory exists


This bundle will define a condition directory_check_exists_${path}_{ok, reached, kept} if the directory exists, or directory_check_exists_${path}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if the directory doesn’t exists


  • path: Full path of the directory to check

Classes defined

directory_check_exists_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Create a directory if it doesn’t exist

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use directory_present instead.


  • path: Full path of directory to create (trailing `/' is optional)

Classes defined

directory_create_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Create a directory if it doesn’t exist


Create a directory if it doesn’t exist.


  • path: Full path of directory to create (trailing `/' is optional)

Classes defined

directory_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Ensure that all MOF files under MOFFile are applied via DSC.


Ensure that all MOF files contained under the target folder are applied via DSC on the target node.


  • MOFFile: Path to the mof that need to be applied

Classes defined

dsc_apply_${MOFFile}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


This generic method defines if service should run or be stopped


Apply a given DSC resource to the node.


  • tag parameter is purely informative and has no impact on the resource.

  • ResourceName must be the explicit name of the DSC resource you wish to apply

  • ScriptBlock must be a powershell script in plain text, returning an Hashtable containing the parameters to pass to the resource.

Note that this method can only apply built-in Windows resources. It will not be able to apply an external resource.


If we want to apply a Registry resource. The resourceName used will be Registry And a potential ScriptBlock could be:

 $Ensure      = "Present"
 $Key         = $HKLM_SOFT + "\ExampleKey"

 $table = @{}
 $table.Add("Ensure", $Ensure)
 $table.Add("Key", $Key)
 $table.Add("ValueName", "RudderTest")
 $table.Add("ValueData", "TestData")

Note that all the ScriptBlock will be readable on the Rudder logs or in the policy files.


  • tag: Informative name

  • resourceName: resourceName

  • scriptBlock: Desired state for the resource

Classes defined

dsc_built_in_resource_${tag}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Compile and apply a given DSC configuration defined by a ps1 file


Compile and apply a given DSC configuration. The DSC configuration must be defined within a .ps1 file, and is expected to be ``self compilable''. A configuration data file (.psd1) containing variables can also be referenced by the ps1 script, by referring to it in the Configuration call.

The method will try to compile the configuration whenever the policies of the nodes are updated of if the previous compilation did not succeed.

All the Rudder variables are usable in your configuration.

Also the current method only allows DSC configurations to be run on the localhost target node, and when using a DSC push setup. Note that it may conflict with already existing DSC configurations not handled by Rudder.

Example 1 - without external data

Here is a configuration named EnsureWebServer.ps1 with simple Windows feature management:

Configuration EnsureWebServer {
 Node 'localhost' {
   # Install the IIS role
   WindowsFeature IIS {
       Ensure       = 'Present'
       Name         = 'Web-Server'

   # Install the ASP .NET 4.5 role
   WindowsFeature AspNet45 {
       Ensure       = 'Present'
       Name         = 'Web-Asp-Net45'


Example 2 with external data

Dsc configurations can be fed with external data, here is an example using a datafile Data.psd1 containing:

     AllNodes = @();
     NonNodeData =
       ConfigFileContents = "Hello World! This file is managed by Rudder"

Used to feed the HelloWorld.ps1 Contents key:

Configuration HelloWorld {
  Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'

  Node 'localhost' {
    File HelloWorld {
        DestinationPath = "${RudderBase}\HelloWorld.txt"
        Ensure          = "Present"
        Contents        = $ConfigurationData.NonNodeData.ConfigFileContents

HelloWorld -ConfigurationData /path/to/Data.psd1

Please note that the reference to the data file is done inside the configuration file.


  • tag: Name of the configuration, for information purposes

  • config_file: Absolute path of the .ps1 configuration file

Classes defined

dsc_from_configuration_${tag}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that all MOF files under MOFFile are applied via DSC.


Ensure that all MOF files contained under the target folder are applied via DSC on the target node.


  • MOFFile: Path to the mof that need to be applied

Classes defined

dsc_mof_file_apply_${MOFFile}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Enforce an environment variable value.


Force the value of a shell environment variable. The variable will be written in /etc/environment. A newly created environment variable will not be usable by the agent until it is restarted.


  • name: Name of the environment variable

  • value: Value of the environment variable

Classes defined

environment_variable_present_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Remove a file if it exists


  • path: File to remove (absolute path on the path node)

Classes defined

file_absent_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Use Augeas binaries to execute augtool commands and options directly on the agent.


Augeas is a tool that provides an abstraction layer for all the complexities that turn around editing files with regular expressions.

This method defines a rudder variable from the output of a augtool command. The method has in total 4 parameters:

  • variable_prefix: target variable prefix

  • variable_name: target variable name

  • commands: augtool script to run

  • autoload: boolean to load or not the common augeas lens, default to true

Augtool provides bunch of other commands and options that you can use in this generic method such as match to print the matches for a specific path expression, span to print position in input file corresponding to tree, retrieve to transform tree into text and save to save all pending changes. If Augeas isn’t installed on the agent, it will produces an error.

This method will execute the commands via augtool. The particular thing you may want to do with this method is using it depending on you needs and in two cases.

With autoload

Augeas will accordingly load all files and lenses before executing the commands you have specified since autoload is active.

file_augeas_commands("label","value","print /files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr[../canonical="server.rudder.local"]","")
# The variable label.value will be defined as such:
${label.value} -> /files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr = ""
file_augeas_commands("label","value","ls files/etc/ \n print /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config","true")
# Will define the variable label.value with the list of files availables in /etc and already parsable with augeas,
# followed by the dump of the sshd_config file, parsed by augeas.

Without autoload

The second case is when you deactivate that option which means that you are specifying autoload to false and in this case you have to load manually your files and lenses in the commands parameter by using the set augeas command. Below is a second example where the lens and file are explicitly set:

file_augeas_commands("label","value","set /augeas/load/Sshd/lens "Sshd.lns \n set /augeas/load/Sshd/incl "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" \n load \n print /augeas/load/Sshd \n print /augeas/load/Sshd \n print /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config","false")


  • variable_prefix: The prefix of the variable name

  • variable_name: The variable to define, the full name will be variable_prefix.variable_name

  • commands: The augeas command(s)

  • autoload: Deactivate the autoload option if you don’t want augeas to load all the files/lens, it’s true by default.

Classes defined

file_augeas_commands_${variable_name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Use augeas commands and options to set a node label’s value.


Augeas is a tool that provides an abstraction layer for all the complexities that turn around editing files with regular expressions. It’s a tree based hierarchy tool, that handles system configuration files where you can securely modify your files and to do so you have to provide the path to the node label’s value.

Augeas uses lenses which are like sort of modules that are in charge of identifying and converting files into tree and back.

This method uses augtool to force the value of an augeas node’s label.

Actually there are two ways to use this method:

  • Either by providing the augeas path to the node’s label and let lens and file empty. ** this way augeas will load the common files and lens automatically

  • Or by using a given file path and a specific lens. better performances since only one lens is loaded support custom lens, custom paths (for instance to apply the Hosts lens to another file than /etc/hosts)

  • Either by simply providing an augeas path to the node’s label

Warning: When you don’t specify the file and lens to use, no backup of the file will be made before editing it.

Two uses cases examples:

In the first case, let’s suppose that you want to set the value of the ip address of the first line in the /etc/hosts file to, to do so you need to provide the augeas path and value parameters.

file_augeas_set("/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr", "", "", "");

The second case is more efficient, and forces the Hosts lens to parse the /etc/hosts file and set the value for the given path node:

file_augeas_set("/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr", "", "Hosts", "/etc/hosts");


  • path: The path to the file and node label

  • value: The value to set

  • lens: Load a specific lens (optional)

  • file: Load a specific file (optional)

Classes defined

file_augeas_set_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a text block is present in a specific location


Ensure that a text block is present in the target file. If the block is not found, it will be added at the end of the file.


Given a file with the following content:


Applying the method with the block:


Will result in the following content:



  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • block: Block(s) to add in the file

Classes defined

file_block_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a section contains exactly a text block


Ensure that a section contains exactly a text block. A section is delimited by a header and a footer. * If the section exists, its content will be replaced if needed * Otherwise it will be created at the end of the file


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • section_start: Start of the section

  • section_end: End of the section

  • block: Block representing the content of the section

Classes defined

file_block_present_in_section_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Checks if a file exists and is a FIFO/Pipe


This bundle will define a condition file_check_FIFO_pipe_${path}_{ok, reached, kept} if the file is a FIFO, or file_check_FIFO_pipe_${path}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if the file is not a fifo or does not exist


  • path: File name (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_check_FIFO_pipe_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Checks if a file exists and is a block device


This bundle will define a condition file_check_block_device_${path}_{ok, reached, kept} if the file is a block_device, or file_check_block_device_${path}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if the file is not a block device or does not exist


  • path: File name (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_check_block_device_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Checks if a file exists and is a character device


This bundle will define a condition file_check_character_device_${path}_{ok, reached, kept} if the file is a character device, or file_check_character_device_${path}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if the file is not a character device or does not exist


  • path: File name (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_check_character_device_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Checks if a file exists


This bundle will define a condition file_check_exists_${path}_{ok, reached, kept} if the file exists, or file_check_exists_${path}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if the file doesn’t exists


  • path: File name (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_check_exists_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

Checks if two files are the same (hard links)


This bundle will define a condition file_check_hardlink_${path}_{ok, reached, kept} if the two files ${path} and ${path_2} are hard links of each other, or file_check_hardlink_${path}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if if the files are not hard links.


  • path: File name #1 (absolute path on the target node)

  • path_2: File name #2 (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_check_hardlink_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Checks if a file exists and is a regular file


This bundle will define a condition file_check_regular_${path}_{ok, reached, kept} if the file is a regular_file, or file_check_regular_${path}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if the file is not a regular file or does not exist


  • path: File name (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_check_regular_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Checks if a file exists and is a socket


This bundle will define a condition file_check_socket_${path}_{ok, reached, kept} if the file is a socket, or file_check_socket_${path}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if the file is not a socket or does not exist


  • path: File name (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_check_socket_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

Checks if a file exists and is a symlink


This bundle will define a condition file_check_symlink_${path}_{ok, reached, kept} if the file is a symlink, or file_check_symlink_${path}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if the file is not a symlink or does not exist


  • path: File name (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_check_symlink_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Checks if first file is symlink to second file


This bundle will define a condition file_check_symlinkto_${target}_{ok, reached, kept} if the file ${path} is a symbolic link to ${target}, or file_check_symlinkto_${target}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if if it is not a symbolic link, or any of the files does not exist. The symlink’s path is resolved to the absolute path and checked against the target file’s path, which must also be an absolute path.


  • path: Symbolic link (absolute path on the target node)

  • target: Target file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_check_symlinkto_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Enforce the content of a file


Enforce the content of a file. The enforce parameter changes the edition method:

  • If enforce is set to true the file content will be forced

  • If enforce is set to false the file content will be forced line by line. Which means that each line managed can not be duplicated and the order will not be guaranteed.

In most cases, the enforce parameter should be set to true. When enforce is set to false, and the managed lines are:


Will be compliant with the following file contents:



  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • lines: Line(s) to add in the file - if lines is a list, please use @{lines} to pass the iterator rather than iterating over each values

  • enforce: Enforce the file to contain only line(s) defined (true or false)

Classes defined

file_lines_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a local source

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_from_local_source instead.


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_copy_from_local_source_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a local source

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_from_local_source_recursion instead.


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • recursion: Recursion depth to enforce for this path (0, 1, 2, …, inf)

Classes defined

file_copy_from_local_source_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a local source if a check command succeeds

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_from_local_source_with_check instead.


This method is a conditional file copy.


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • check_command: Command to run, it will get the source path as argument

  • rc_ok: Return codes to be considered as valid, separated by a comma (default is 0)

Classes defined

file_copy_from_local_source_with_check_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a policy server

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_from_remote_source instead.


Note: This method uses the native agent copy protocol, and can only download files from the policy server. To download a file from an external source, you can use HTTP with the file_download method.

This method requires that the policy server is configured to accept copy of the source file from the agents it will be applied to.

You can download a file from the shared files with:



  • source: Source file (absolute path on the policy server)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_copy_from_remote_source_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a policy server

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_from_remote_source_recursion instead.


This method requires that the policy server is configured to accept copy of the source file or directory from the agents it will be applied to.

You can download a file from the shared files with:



  • source: Source file (absolute path on the policy server)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • recursion: Recursion depth to enforce for this path (0, 1, 2, …, inf)

Classes defined

file_copy_from_remote_source_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Create a file if it doesn’t exist

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_present instead.


  • path: File to create (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_create_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

Create a symlink at a destination path and pointing to a source target except if a file or directory already exists.

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_symlink_present instead.


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_create_symlink_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

Create a symlink at a destination path and pointing to a source target. This is also possible to enforce its creation

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_symlink_present_option instead.


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • enforce: Force symlink if file already exist (true or false)

Classes defined

file_create_symlink_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

Create a symlink at a destination path and pointing to a source target even if a file or directory already exists.

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_symlink_present_force instead.


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_create_symlink_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Download a file if it does not exist, using curl with a fallback on wget

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_from_http_server instead.


This method finds a HTTP command-line tool and downloads the given source into the destination.

It tries curl first, and wget as fallback.


  • source: URL to download from

  • path: File destination (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_download_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Enforce the content of a file

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_content instead.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • lines: Line(s) to add in the file - if lines is a list, please use @{lines} to pass the iterator rather than iterating over each values

  • enforce: Enforce the file to contain only line(s) defined (true or false)

Classes defined

file_ensure_lines_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a section contains exactly a text block

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_block_present_in_section instead.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • section_start: Start of the section

  • section_end: End of the section

  • block: Block representing the content of the section

Classes defined

file_ensure_block_in_section_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a text block is present in a specific location

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_block_present instead.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • block: Block(s) to add in the file

Classes defined

file_ensure_block_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that the file contains a pair of ``key separator value''

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_key_value_present instead.


Edit (or create) the file, and ensure it contains an entry key → value with arbitrary separator between the key and its value. If the key is already present, the method will change the value associated with this key.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • key: Key to define

  • value: Value to define

  • separator: Separator between key and value, for example ``='' or " " (without the quotes)

Classes defined

file_ensure_key_value_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that the file contains a pair of ``key separator value'', with options on the spacing around the separator

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_key_value_present_option instead.


Edit (or create) the file, and ensure it contains an entry key → value with arbitrary separator between the key and its value. If the key is already present, the method will change the value associated with this key.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • key: Key to define

  • value: Value to define

  • option: Option for the spacing around the separator: strict, which prevent spacing (space or tabs) around separators, or lax which accepts any number of spaces around separators

  • separator: Separator between key and value, for example ``='' or " " (without the quotes)

Classes defined

file_ensure_key_value_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that one parameter exists in a list of parameters, on one single line, in the right hand side of a key→values line

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_key_value_parameter_present_in_list instead.


Edit the file, and ensure it contains the defined parameter in the list of values on the right hand side of a key→values line. If the parameter is not there, it will be added at the end, separated by parameter_separator. Optionally, you can define leading and closing character to enclose the parameters If the key does not exist in the file, it will be added in the file, along with the parameter


If you have an initial file (/etc/default/grub) containing


To add parameter dom0_max_vcpus=32 in the right hand side of the line, you’ll need the following policy

file_ensure_key_value_parameter_in_list("/etc/default/grub", "GRUB_CMDLINE", "=", "dom0_max_vcpus=32", " ", "\"", "\"");


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • key: Full key name

  • key_value_separator: character used to separate key and value in a key-value line

  • parameter: String representing the sub-value to ensure is present in the list of parameters that form the value part of that line

  • parameter_separator: Character used to separate parameters in the list

  • leading_char_separator: leading character of the parameters

  • closing_char_separator: closing character of the parameters

Classes defined

file_ensure_key_value_parameter_in_list_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a parameter doesn’t exist in a list of parameters, on one single line, in the right hand side of a key→values line

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_key_value_parameter_absent_in_list instead.


Edit the file, and ensure it does not contain the defined parameter in the list of values on the right hand side of a key→values line. If the parameter is there, it will be removed. Please note that the parameter can be a regular expression. It will also remove any whitespace character between the parameter and parameter_separator Optionally, you can define leading and closing character to enclose the parameters


If you have an initial file (/etc/default/grub) containing

GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN="dom0_mem=16G dom0_max_vcpus=32"

To remove parameter dom0_max_vcpus=32 in the right hand side of the line, you’ll need the following policy

file_ensure_key_value_parameter_not_in_list("/etc/default/grub", "GRUB_CMDLINE", "=", "dom0_max_vcpus=32", " ", "\"", "\"");


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • key: Full key name

  • key_value_separator: character used to separate key and value in a key-value line

  • parameter_regex: Regular expression matching the sub-value to ensure is not present in the list of parameters that form the value part of that line

  • parameter_separator: Character used to separate parameters in the list

  • leading_char_separator: leading character of the parameters

  • closing_char_separator: closing character of the parameters

Classes defined

file_ensure_key_value_parameter_not_in_list_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a key-value pair is present in a section in a specific location. The objective of this method is to handle INI-style files.

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_key_value_present_in_ini_section instead.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • section: Name of the INI-style section under which the line should be added or modified (not including the [] brackets)

  • name: Name of the key to add or edit

  • value: Value of the key to add or edit

Classes defined

file_ensure_key_value_present_in_ini_section_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that the file contains all pairs of ``key separator value'', with arbitrary separator between each key and its value

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_keys_values_present instead.


This method ensures key-value pairs are present in a file.


This method will iterate over the key-value pairs in the dict, and:

  • If the key is not defined in the destination, add the key
    separator + value line.

  • If the key is already present in the file, replace the key
    separator + anything by key + separator + value

This method always ignores spaces and tabs when replacing (which means for example that key = value will match the = separator).

Keys are considered unique (to allow replacing the value), so you should use file_ensure_lines_present if you want to have multiple lines with the same key.


If you have an initial file (/etc/myfile.conf) containing:

key1 = something
key3 = value3

To define key-value pairs, use the variable_dict or variable_dict_from_file methods.

For example, if you use the following content (stored in /tmp/data.json):

   "key1": "value1",
   "key2": "value2"

With the following policy:

# Define the `content` variable in the `configuration` prefix from the json file
variable_dict_from_file("configuration", "content", "/tmp/data.json")
# Enforce the presence of the key-value pairs
file_ensure_keys_values("/etc/myfile.conf", "configuration.content", " = ")

The destination file (/etc/myfile.conf) will contain:

key1 = value1
key3 = value3
key2 = value2


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • keys: Name of the dict structure (without ``$\{}'') containing the keys (keys of the dict), and values to define (values of the dict)

  • separator: Separator between key and value, for example ``='' or " " (without the quotes)

Classes defined

file_ensure_keys_values_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a line is present in a section in a specific location. The objective of this method is to handle INI-style files.

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_line_present_in_ini_section instead.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • section: Name of the INI-style section under which lines should be added (not including the [] brackets)

  • line: Line to ensure is present inside the section

Classes defined

file_ensure_line_present_in_ini_section_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a line is present in a tag in a specific location. The objective of this method is to handle XML-style files. Note that if the tag is not present in the file, it won’t be added, and the edition will fail.

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_line_present_in_xml_tag instead.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • tag: Name of the XML tag under which lines should be added (not including the <> brackets)

  • line: Line to ensure is present inside the section

Classes defined

file_ensure_line_present_in_xml_tag_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a line is absent in a specific location

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_lines_absent instead.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • lines: Line(s) to remove in the file

Classes defined

file_ensure_lines_absent_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that one or more lines are present in a file

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_lines_present instead.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • lines: Line(s) to add in the file

Classes defined

file_ensure_lines_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Download a file if it does not exist, using curl with a fallback on wget


This method finds a HTTP command-line tool and downloads the given source into the destination if it does not exist yet.

This method will NOT update the file after the first download until its removal.

On Linux based nodes it will tries curl first and fallback with wget if needed. On Windows based nodes, only curl will be used.


  • source: URL to download from

  • path: File destination (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_from_http_server_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a local source


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a local source on and from the target node. The copy is not recursive if the target is a directory. To copy recursively a folder from a local source, use the File from local source recursion method.


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_from_local_source_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a local source


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a local source. If the source is a directory, you can force a maximum level of copy recursion.

  • 0 being no recursion, which will only create an empty folder

  • inf being a complete recursive copy of the folder

  • 1,2,3,… will force the maximal level of recursion to copy


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • recursion: Recursion depth to enforce for this path (0, 1, 2, …, inf)

Classes defined

file_from_local_source_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a local source if a check command succeeds


This method is a conditional file copy.

It allows comparing the source and destination, and if they are different, call a command with the source file path as argument, and only update the destination if the commands succeeds (i.e. returns a code included in rc_ok).


# To copy a configuration file only if it passes a config test:
file_from_local_source_with_check("/tmp/program.conf", "/etc/program.conf", "program --config-test", "0");

This will:

  • Compare /tmp/program.conf and /etc/program.conf, and return kept if files are the same

  • If not, it will execute program --config-test "/tmp/program.conf" and check the return code

  • If it is one of the rc_ok codes, it will copy /tmp/program.conf into /etc/program.conf and return a repaired

  • If not, it will return an error


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • check_command: Command to run, it will get the source path as argument

  • rc_ok: Return codes to be considered as valid, separated by a comma (default is 0)

Classes defined

file_from_local_source_with_check_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a policy server


Note: This method uses the agent native file copy protocol, and can only download files from the policy server. To download a file from an external source, you can use HTTP with the file_download method.

This method requires that the policy server is configured to accept copy of the source file from the agents it will be applied to.

You can download a file from the shared files with:



  • source: Source file (absolute path on the policy server)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_from_remote_source_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from a policy server


This method requires that the policy server is configured to accept copy of the source file or directory from the agents it will be applied to.

You can download a file from the shared files with:



  • source: Source file (absolute path on the policy server)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • recursion: Recursion depth to enforce for this path (0, 1, 2, …, inf)

Classes defined

file_from_remote_source_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Build a file from a template on the Rudder server


Write a file based on a template on the Rudder server and data available on the node


To use this method, you need to have:

  • a template on the Rudder server shared folder

  • data to fill this template

The template needs to be located in the shared-files folder and can be accessed with:


The data that will be used while expanding the template is the data available in the agent at the time of expansion. That means:

  • Agent’s system variables (${sys.*}, …) and conditions (linux, …)

  • data defined during execution (result conditions of generic methods, …)

  • conditions based on condition_ generic methods

  • data defined using variable_* generic methods, which allow for example to load data from local json or yaml files.

Template types

Supported templating languages:


This method will provide extra log_warning message if the template was not updated, but the destination file is modified.


  • source_template: Source file containing a template to be expanded (absolute path on the server)

  • destination: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • template_type: Template type (jinja2 or mustache)

Classes defined

file_from_remote_template_${destination}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from the Rudder shared folder.


Ensure that a file or directory is copied from the Rudder shared folder. The Rudder shared folder is located on the Rudder server under /var/rudder/configuration-repository/shared-files. Every file/folder in the shared folder will be available for every managed node. This method will download and update the destination file from a source taken from this shared folder. A file in the shared folder will be updated on the node side at agent run.


  • source: Source file (path, relative to /var/rudder/configuration-repository/shared-files)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • hash_type: Hash algorithm used to check if file is updated (sha256, sha512). Only used on Windows, ignored on Unix. default is sha256

Classes defined

file_from_shared_folder_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Build a file from a mustache string


Build a file from a mustache string. Complete mustache documentation is available in the file_from_template_mustache method documentation.


  • template: String containing a template to be expanded

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node

Classes defined

file_from_string_mustache_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Build a file from a legacy CFEngine template

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. This method uses CFEngine’s templating which is deprecated and not portable across agents. Please use file_from_template_mustache or file_from_template_jinja2 instead.


See file_from_template_type for general documentation about templates usage.


  • source_template: Source file containing a template to be expanded (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_from_template_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Build a file from a jinja2 template


See file_from_template_type for general documentation about templates usage.

This generic method will build a file from a jinja2 template using data (conditions and variables) found in the execution context.


It requires to have the jinja2 python module installed on the node, it can usually be done in ncf with package_present("python-jinja2", "", "", "").

If you are using a jinja2 version older than 2.7 trailing newlines will not be preserved in the destination file.


Jinja2 is a powerful templating language, running in Python. The Jinja2 syntax reference documentation is which will likely be useful, as Jinja2 is very rich and allows a lot more that what is explained here.

This section presents some simple cases that cover what can be done with mustache templating, and the way the agent data is provided to the templating engine.

The main specificity of jinja2 templating is the use of two root containers:

  • classes to access currently defined conditions

  • vars to access all currently defined variables

Note: You can add comments in the template, that will not be rendered in the output file with {# …​ #}.

You can extend the Jinja2 templating engine by adding custom FILTERS and TESTS in the script /var/rudder/configuration-repository/ncf/10_ncf_internals/modules/extensions/

For instance, to add a filter to uppercase a string and a test if a number is odd, you can create the file /var/rudder/configuration-repository/ncf/10_ncf_internals/modules/extensions/ on your Rudder server with the following content:

def uppercase(input):
    return input.upper()

def odd(value):
    return True if (value % 2) else False

FILTERS = {'uppercase': uppercase}
TESTS = {'odd': odd}

These filters and tests will be usable in your jinja2 templates automatically.


To display content based on conditions definition:

{% if classes.my_condition is defined  %}
   display this if defined
{% endif %}
{% if not classes.my_condition is defined %}
   display this if not defined
{% endif %}

Note: You cannot use condition expressions here.

You can also use other tests, for example other built-in ones or those defined in

{% if vars.variable_prefix.my_number is odd  %}
   display if my_number is odd
{% endif %}
Scalar variables

Here is how to display a scalar variable value (integer, string, …), if you have defined variable_string("variable_prefix", "my_variable", "my_value"):

{{ vars.variable_prefix.my_variable }}

You can also modify what is displayed by using filters. The built-in filters can be extended in

{{ vars.variable_prefix.my_variable | uppercase }}

Will display the variable in uppercase.


To iterate over a list, for example defined with:

variable_iterator("variable_prefix", "iterator_name", "a,b,c", ",")

Use the following file:

{% for item in vars.variable_prefix.iterator_name %}
{{ item }} is the current iterator_name value
{% endfor %}

Which will be expanded as:

a is the current iterator_name value
b is the current iterator_name value
c is the current iterator_name value

To iterate over a container defined by the following json file, loaded with variable_dict_from_file("variable_prefix", "dict_name", "path"):

   "hosts": [
   "files": [
       {"name": "file1", "path": "/path1", "users": [ "user1", "user11" ] },
       {"name": "file2", "path": "/path2", "users": [ "user2" ] }
   "properties": {
       "prop1": "value1",
       "prop2": "value2"

Use the following template:

{% for item in vars.variable_prefix.dict_name.hosts %}
{{ item }} is the current hosts value
{% endfor %}

# will display the name and path of the current file
{% for file in vars.variable_prefix.dict_name.files %}
{{ }}: {{ file.path }}
{% endfor %}

# will display the users list of each file
{% for file in vars.variable_prefix.dict_name.files %}
{{ }}: {{ file.users|join(' ') }}
{% endfor %}

# will display the current properties key/value pair
{% for key, value in %}
{{ key }} -> {{ value }}
{% endfor %}

Which will be expanded as:

host1 is the current hosts value
host2 is the current hosts value

# will display the name and path of the current file
file1: /path1
file2: /path2

# will display the users list of each file
file1: user1 user11
file2: user2

# will display the current properties key/value pair
prop1 -> value1
prop2 -> value2
System variables

Some sys dict variables (like sys.ipv4) are also accessible as string, for example:

  • ${sys.ipv4} gives

  • $[sys.ipv4[ethO]} gives

  • $[sys.ipv4[eth1]} gives

These variables are not accessible as dict in the templating data, but are represented as string:

  • ipv4 is a string variable in the sys dict with value

  • ipv4[ethO] is a string variable in the sys dict with value

  • ipv4 is not accessible as a dict in the template

To access these value, use the following syntax in your jinja2 templates:



  • source_template: Source file containing a template to be expanded (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_from_template_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Build a file from a mustache template


See file_from_template_type for general documentation about templates usage.


Mustache is a logic-less templating language, available in a lot of languages, and used for file templating in Rudder. The mustache syntax reference is The Windows implementation follows the standard, the Unix one is a bit richer as describe below.

We will here describe the way to get agent data into a template. Ass explained in the general templating documentation, we can access various data in a mustache template.

The main specificity compared to standard mustache syntax of prefixes in all expanded values:

  • classes to access conditions

  • vars to access all variables


Here is how to display content depending on conditions definition:

   content when my_condition is defined

   content when my_condition is *not* defined

Note: You cannot use condition expressions here.

Scalar variable

Here is how to display a scalar variable value (integer, string, …), if you have defined variable_string("variable_prefix", "my_variable", "my_value"):


We use the triple {{{ }}} to avoid escaping html entities.


Iteration is done using a syntax similar to scalar variables, but applied on container variables.

  • Use {{#vars.container}} content {{/vars.container}} to iterate

  • Use {{{.}}} for the current element value in iteration

  • Use {{{key}}} for the key value in current element

  • Use {{{.key}}} for the key value in current element (Linux only)

  • Use {{{@}}} for the current element key in iteration (Linux only)

To iterate over a list, for example defined with:

variable_iterator("variable_prefix", "iterator_name", "a,b,c", ",")

Use the following file:

{{{.}}} is the current iterator_name value

Which will be expanded as:

a is the current iterator_name value
b is the current iterator_name value
c is the current iterator_name value

To iterate over a container defined by the following json file, loaded with variable_dict_from_file("variable_prefix", "dict_name", "path"):

   "hosts": [
   "files": [
       {"name": "file1", "path": "/path1", "users": [ "user1", "user11" ] },
       {"name": "file2", "path": "/path2", "users": [ "user2" ] }
   "properties": {
       "prop1": "value1",
       "prop2": "value2"

Use the following template:

{{{.}}} is the current hosts value

# will display the name and path of the current file
{{{name}}}: {{{path}}}
# Lines below will only be properly rendered in unix Nodes
# will display the users list of each file
{{{name}}}:{{#users}} {{{.}}}{{/users}}

# will display the current properties key/value pair
{{{@}}} -> {{{.}}}

Which will be expanded as:

host1 is the current hosts value
host2 is the current hosts value

# will display the name and path of the current file
file1: /path1
file2: /path2

# Lines below will only be properly rendered in unix Nodes
# will display the users list of each file
file1: user1 user11
file2: user2

# will display the current properties key/value pair
prop1 -> value1
prop2 -> value2

Note: You can use {{#-top-}} …​ {{/-top-}} to iterate over the top level container.

System variables

Some sys dict variables (like sys.ipv4) are also accessible as string, for example:

  • ${sys.ipv4} gives

  • $[sys.ipv4[ethO]} gives

  • $[sys.ipv4[eth1]} gives

These variables are not accessible as dict in the templating data, but are represented as string:

  • ipv4 is a string variable in the sys dict with value

  • ipv4[ethO] is a string variable in the sys dict with value

  • ipv4 is not accessible as a dict in the template

To access these value, use the following syntax in your mustache templates:



  • source_template: Source file containing a template to be expanded (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_from_template_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Build a file from a template


These methods write a file based on a provided template and the data available to the agent.


To use these methods (file_from_template_*), you need to have:

  • a template file

  • data to fill this template

The template file should be somewhere on the local file system, so if you want to use a file shared from the policy server, you need to copy it first (using file_copy_from_remote_source).

It is common to use a specific folder to store those templates after copy, for example in ${sys.workdir}/tmp/templates/.

The data that will be used while expanding the template is the data available in the agent at the time of expansion. That means:

  • Agent’s system variables (${sys.*}, …) and conditions (linux, …)

  • data defined during execution (result conditions of generic methods, …)

  • conditions based on condition_ generic methods

  • data defined in ncf using variable_* generic methods, which allow for example to load data from local json or yaml files.

Template types

ncf currently supports three templating languages:

  • mustache templates, which are documented in file_from_template_mustache

  • jinja2 templates, which are documented in file_from_template_jinja2

  • CFEngine templates, which are a legacy implementation that is here for compatibility, and should not be used for new templates.


Here is a complete example of templating usage:

The (basic) template file, present on the server in /PATH_TO_MY_FILE/ntp.conf.mustache (for syntax reference, see file_from_template_mustache):

server {{{vars.configuration.ntp.hostname}}}
server hardcoded.server.example

And on your local node in /tmp/ntp.json, the following json file:

{ "hostname": "my.hostname.example" }

And the following policy:

# Copy the file from the policy server
file_copy_from_remote_source("/PATH_TO_MY_FILE/ntp.conf.mustache", "${sys.workdir}/tmp/templates/ntp.conf.mustache")
# Define the `ntp` variable in the `configuration` prefix from the json file
variable_dict_from_file("configuration", "ntp", "/tmp/ntp.json")
# Expand your template
file_from_template_type("${sys.workdir}/tmp/templates/ntp.conf.mustache", "/etc/ntp.conf", "mustache")
# or
# file_from_template_mustache("${sys.workdir}/tmp/templates/ntp.conf.mustache", "/etc/ntp.conf")

The destination file will contain the expanded content, for example on a Linux node:

server my.hostname.example


  • source_template: Source file containing a template to be expanded (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • template_type: Template type (cfengine, jinja2 or mustache)

Classes defined

file_from_template_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a parameter doesn’t exist in a list of parameters, on one single line, in the right hand side of a key→values line


Edit the file, and ensure it does not contain the defined parameter in the list of values on the right hand side of a key→values line. If the parameter is there, it will be removed. Please note that the parameter can be a regular expression. It will also remove any whitespace character between the parameter and parameter_separator Optionally, you can define leading and closing character to enclose the parameters


If you have an initial file (/etc/default/grub) containing

GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN="dom0_mem=16G dom0_max_vcpus=32"

To remove parameter dom0_max_vcpus=32 in the right hand side of the line, you’ll need the following policy

file_ensure_key_value_parameter_not_in_list("/etc/default/grub", "GRUB_CMDLINE", "=", "dom0_max_vcpus=32", " ", "\"", "\"");


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • key: Full key name

  • key_value_separator: character used to separate key and value in a key-value line

  • parameter_regex: Regular expression matching the sub-value to ensure is not present in the list of parameters that form the value part of that line

  • parameter_separator: Character used to separate parameters in the list

  • leading_char_separator: leading character of the parameters

  • closing_char_separator: closing character of the parameters

Classes defined

file_key_value_parameter_absent_in_list_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that one parameter exists in a list of parameters, on one single line, in the right hand side of a key→values line


Edit the file, and ensure it contains the defined parameter in the list of values on the right hand side of a key→values line. If the parameter is not there, it will be added at the end, separated by parameter_separator. Optionally, you can define leading and closing character to enclose the parameters If the key does not exist in the file, it will be added in the file, along with the parameter


If you have an initial file (/etc/default/grub) containing


To add parameter dom0_max_vcpus=32 in the right hand side of the line, you’ll need the following policy

file_ensure_key_value_parameter_in_list("/etc/default/grub", "GRUB_CMDLINE", "=", "dom0_max_vcpus=32", " ", "\"", "\"");


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • key: Full key name

  • key_value_separator: character used to separate key and value in a key-value line

  • parameter: String representing the sub-value to ensure is present in the list of parameters that form the value part of that line

  • parameter_separator: Character used to separate parameters in the list

  • leading_char_separator: leading character of the parameters

  • closing_char_separator: closing character of the parameters

Classes defined

file_key_value_parameter_present_in_list_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that the file contains a pair of ``key separator value''


Edit (or create) the file, and ensure it contains an entry key → value with arbitrary separator between the key and its value. If the key is already present, the method will change the value associated with this key.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • key: Key to define

  • value: Value to define

  • separator: Separator between key and value, for example ``='' or " " (without the quotes)

Classes defined

file_key_value_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a key-value pair is present in a section in a specific location. The objective of this method is to handle INI-style files.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • section: Name of the INI-style section under which the line should be added or modified (not including the [] brackets)

  • name: Name of the key to add or edit

  • value: Value of the key to add or edit

Classes defined

file_key_value_present_in_ini_section_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that the file contains a pair of ``key separator value'', with options on the spacing around the separator


Edit (or create) the file, and ensure it contains an entry key → value with arbitrary separator between the key and its value. If the key is already present, the method will change the value associated with this key.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • key: Key to define

  • value: Value to define

  • separator: Separator between key and value, for example ``='' or " " (without the quotes)

  • option: Option for the spacing around the separator: strict, which prevent spacing (space or tabs) around separators, or lax which accepts any number of spaces around separators

Classes defined

file_key_value_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that the file contains all pairs of ``key separator value'', with arbitrary separator between each key and its value


This method ensures key-value pairs are present in a file.


This method will iterate over the key-value pairs in the dict, and:

  • If the key is not defined in the destination, add the key
    separator + value line.

  • If the key is already present in the file, replace the key
    separator + anything by key + separator + value

This method always ignores spaces and tabs when replacing (which means for example that key = value will match the = separator).

Keys are considered unique (to allow replacing the value), so you should use file_ensure_lines_present if you want to have multiple lines with the same key.


If you have an initial file (/etc/myfile.conf) containing:

key1 = something
key3 = value3

To define key-value pairs, use the variable_dict or variable_dict_from_file methods.

For example, if you use the following content (stored in /tmp/data.json):

   "key1": "value1",
   "key2": "value2"

With the following policy:

# Define the `content` variable in the `configuration` prefix from the json file
variable_dict_from_file("configuration", "content", "/tmp/data.json")
# Enforce the presence of the key-value pairs
file_ensure_keys_values("/etc/myfile.conf", "configuration.content", " = ")

The destination file (/etc/myfile.conf) will contain:

key1 = value1
key3 = value3
key2 = value2


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • keys: Name of the dict structure (without ``$\{}'') containing the keys (keys of the dict), and values to define (values of the dict)

  • separator: Separator between key and value, for example ``='' or " " (without the quotes)

Classes defined

file_keys_values_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a line is present in a section in a specific location. The objective of this method is to handle INI-style files.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • section: Name of the INI-style section under which lines should be added (not including the [] brackets)

  • line: Line to ensure is present inside the section

Classes defined

file_line_present_in_ini_section_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a line is present in a tag in a specific location. The objective of this method is to handle XML-style files. Note that if the tag is not present in the file, it won’t be added, and the edition will fail.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • tag: Name of the XML tag under which lines should be added (not including the <> brackets)

  • line: Line to ensure is present inside the section

Classes defined

file_line_present_in_xml_tag_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a line is absent in a specific location


Edit the file, and ensure it does not contain the defined line. Regular expression can be used for both the file name and the lines absent.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • lines: Line(s) to remove in the file

Classes defined

file_lines_absent_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that one or more lines are present in a file


Edit the file, and ensure it contains the defined line(s). Regular expression can be used for the file name.


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • lines: Line(s) to add in the file

Classes defined

file_lines_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Create a file if it doesn’t exist


  • path: File to create (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Remove a file if it exists

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use file_absent instead.


  • path: File to remove (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_remove_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a line in a file is replaced by another one


You can replace lines in a files, based on regular expression and captured pattern


The content to match in the file is a PCRE regular expression, unanchored that you can replace with the content of replacement.

Content can be captured in regular expression, and be reused with the notation ${match.1} (for first matched content), ${match.2} for second, etc, and the special captured group ${match.0} for the whole text.

This regular expression must not match the string used as a replacement. For example, to set kernel.shmmax=5678, the regular expression would be kernel.shmmax=(?!5678$).* and the string used as replacement kernel.shmmax=5678 Note that if you want to replace a key-value line, method File key-value present is more suited.


Here is an example to remove enclosing specific tags

file_replace_lines("/PATH_TO_MY_FILE/file", "<my>(.*)<pattern>", "my ${match.1} pattern")


  • path: File name to edit (absolute path on the target node)

  • line: Line to match in the file

  • replacement: Line to add in the file as a replacement

Classes defined

file_replace_lines_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Report the content of a file


Report the content of a file.

This method does nothing on the system, but only reports a complete or partial content from a given file. This allows centralizing this information on the server, and avoid having to connect on each node to get this information.

This method only works in ``Full Compliance'' reporting mode.



This is the file you want to report content from. The method will return an error if it does not exist.


If empty, the method will report the whole file content. If set, the method will grep the file for the given regular expression, and report the result.


When specifying a regex, will add the number of lines of context around matches (default is 0, i.e. no context).

When reporting the whole file, this parameter is ignored.


# To get the whole /etc/hosts content
file_report_content("/etc/hosts", "", "");
# To get lines starting by "nameserver" in /etc/resolv.conf
file_report_content("/etc/resolv.conf", "^nameserver", "");
# To get lines containing "rudder" from /etc/hosts with 3 lines of context
file_report_content("/etc/hosts", "rudder", "3");


  • path: File to report content from

  • regex: Regex to search in the file (empty for whole file)

  • context: Number of context lines when matching regex (default is 0)

Classes defined

file_report_content_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Report the head of a file


Report the head of a file.

This method does nothing on the system, but only reports a partial content from a given file. This allows centralizing this information on the server, and avoid having to connect on each node to get this information.

This method only works in ``Full Compliance'' reporting mode.



This is the file you want to report content from. The method will return an error if it does not exist.


The number of line to report.


# To get the 3 first line of /etc/hosts
file_report_content("/etc/hosts", "3");


  • path: File to report content from

  • limit: Number of lines to report (default is 10)

Classes defined

file_report_content_head_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Report the tail of a file


Report the tail of a file.

This method does nothing on the system, but only reports a partial content from a given file. This allows centralizing this information on the server, and avoid having to connect on each node to get this information.

This method only works in ``Full Compliance'' reporting mode.



This is the file you want to report content from. The method will return an error if it does not exist.


The number of line to report.


 - name: Get the first 3 lines of /etc/hosts
   method: file_report_content_tail
     path: /etc/hosts
     limit: '3'


  • path: File to report content from

  • limit: Number of lines to report (default is 10)

Classes defined

file_report_content_tail_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

Create a symlink at a destination path and pointing to a source target except if a file or directory already exists.


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_symlink_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

Create a symlink at a destination path and pointing to a source target even if a file or directory already exists.


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

Classes defined

file_symlink_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

Create a symlink at a destination path and pointing to a source target. This is also possible to enforce its creation


  • source: Source file (absolute path on the target node)

  • path: Destination file (absolute path on the target node)

  • enforce: Force symlink if file already exist (true or false)

Classes defined

file_symlink_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


This is a bundle to expand a template in a specific location

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. This method uses CFEngine’s templating which is deprecated and not portable across agents. Please use file_from_template_mustache or file_from_template_jinja2 instead.


  • tml_file: File name (with full path within the framework) of the template file

  • path: File name (with full path) where to expand the template

  • mode: Mode of destination file

  • owner: Owner of destination file

  • group: Group of destination file

Classes defined

file_template_expand_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Make sure a group is absent


  • name: Group name

Classes defined

group_absent_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Create a group


  • name: Group name

Classes defined

group_present_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Checks status of an HTTP URL


Perform a HTTP request on the URL, method and headers provided and check that the response has the expected status code (ie 200, 404, 503, etc)


  • method: Method to call the URL (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

  • url: URL to query

  • expected_status: Expected status code of the HTTP response

  • headers: Headers to include in the HTTP request (as a string, without ’)

Classes defined

http_request_check_status_headers_${url}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Make an HTTP request with a specific header


Perform a HTTP request on the URL, method and headers provided and send the content provided. Will return an error if the request failed.


  • method: Method to call the URL (POST, PUT)

  • url: URL to send content to

  • content: Content to send

  • headers: Headers to include in the HTTP request

Classes defined

http_request_content_headers_${url}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Ensure that the modprobe configuration of a given kernel module is correct


Ensure that the modprobe configuration of a given kernel module is correct. Rudder will search for the module configuration in a per-module dedicated section in /etc/modprobe.d/managed_by_rudder.conf.

  • If the module configuration is not found or incorrect, Rudder will (re-)create its configuration.

  • If the module is configured but with a different option file than used by Rudder, it will add the expected one in /etc/modprobe.d/managed_by_rudder.conf but will leave intact the already present one.

The configuration syntax must respect the one used by /etc/modprobe.d defined in the modprobe.d manual page. # To pass a parameter to a module: options module_name parameter_name=parameter_value # To blacklist a module blacklist modulename # etc…​


If you want to force the module to be loaded at boot, use instead the method kernel_module_enabled_at_boot which uses other Rudder dedicated files.


To pass options to a broadcom module * name = b43 * configuration = options b43 nohwcrypt=1 qos=0

Will produce the resulting block in /etc/modprobe.d/managed_by_rudder.conf: # b43 start section options b43 nohwcrypt=1 qos=0 # b43 end section


  • name: Complete name of the kernel module, as seen by lsmod or listed in /proc/modules

  • configuration: Complete configuration block to put in /etc/modprobe.d/

Classes defined

kernel_module_configuration_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a given kernel module will be loaded at system boot


Ensure that a given kernel module is enabled at boot on the system. This method only works on systemd systems. Rudder will look for a line matching the module name in a given section in the file:

  • /etc/modules-load.d/enabled_by_rudder.conf on systemd systems

If the module is already enabled by a different option file than used by Rudder, it will add an entry in the file managed by Rudder listed above, and leave intact the already present one. The modifications are persistent and made line per line, meaning that this Generic Method will never remove lines in the configuration file but only add it if needed.

Please note that this method will not load the module nor configure it, it will only enable its loading at system boot. If you want to force the module to be loaded, use instead the method kernel_module_loaded. If you want to configure the module, use instead the method kernel_module_configuration.


  • name: Complete name of the kernel module, as seen by lsmod or listed in /proc/modules

Classes defined

kernel_module_enabled_at_boot_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a given kernel module is loaded on the system


Ensure that a given kernel module is loaded on the system. If the module is not loaded, it will try to load it via modprobe.


  • name: Complete name of the kernel module, as seen by lsmod or listed in /proc/modules

Classes defined

kernel_module_loaded_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a given kernel module is not loaded on the system


Ensure that a given kernel module is not loaded on the system. If the module is loaded, it will try to unload it using modprobe.


  • name: Complete name of the kernel module, as seen by lsmod or listed in /proc/modules

Classes defined

kernel_module_not_loaded_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Add a monitoring parameter to a node (requires a monitoring plugin)


This method adds monitoring parameters to rudder nodes. The monitoring parameters are used to pass configuration to the monitoring plugins running with Rudder. Expected keys and parameters are specific to each plugin and can be found in their respective documentation.


  • key: Name of the parameter

  • value: Value of the parameter

Classes defined

monitoring_parameter_${key}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Add a monitoring template to a node (requires a monitoring plugin)


This method assigns monitoring templates to a Rudder node. The Rudder plugin respective to each monitoring platform will apply those templates to the node.


  • template: Name of the monitoring template

Classes defined

monitoring_template_${template}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Enforce the absence of a package


See package_state for documentation.


  • name: Name of the package

  • version: Version of the package or any'' for any version (defaults to any'')

  • architecture: Architecture of the package, can be an architecture name or default'' (defaults to default'')

  • provider: Package provider to use, can be yum'', apt'', zypper'', zypper_pattern'', slackpkg'', pkg'', ips'', nimclient'', snap'' or default'' for system default package manager (defaults to ``default'')

Classes defined

package_absent_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify if a package is installed in any version

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use package_present in audit mode instead.


This bundle will define a condition package_check_installed_${file_name}_{ok, reached, kept} if the package is installed, or package_check_installed_${file_name}_{not_ok, reached, not_kept, failed} if the package is not installed


  • name: Name of the package to check

Classes defined

package_check_installed_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Install or update a package in its latest version available

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use package_present instead.


  • name: Name of the package to install

Classes defined

package_install_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Install or update a package in a specific version

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use package_present instead.


  • name: Name of the package to install

  • package_version: Version of the package to install (can be ``latest'' to install it in its latest version)

Classes defined

package_install_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Install a package or verify if it is installed in a specific version, or higher or lower version than a version specified

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use package_present instead.



    "any" usebundle => package_install_version_cmp("postgresql", ">=", "9.1", "verify");


  • name: Name of the package to install or verify

  • version_comparator: Comparator between installed version and defined version, can be ==,⇐,>=,<,>,!=

  • package_version: The version of the package to verify (can be ``latest'' for latest version)

  • action: Action to perform, can be add, verify (defaults to verify)

Classes defined

package_install_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Install a package or verify if it is installed in a specific version, or higher or lower version than a version specified, optionally test update or not (Debian-, Red Hat- or SUSE-like systems only)

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use package_present instead.



    "any" usebundle => package_install_version_cmp_update("postgresql", ">=", "9.1", "verify", "false");


  • name: Name of the package to install or verify

  • version_comparator: Comparator between installed version and defined version, can be ==,⇐,>=,<,>,!=

  • package_version: The version of the package to verify (can be ``latest'' for latest version)

  • action: Action to perform, can be add, verify (defaults to verify)

  • update_policy: While verifying packages, check against latest version (true'') or just installed (false'')

Classes defined

package_install_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Enforce the presence of a package


See package_state for documentation.


  • name: Name of the package, or path to a local package

  • version: Version of the package, can be latest'' for latest version or any'' for any version (defaults to ``any'')

  • architecture: Architecture of the package, can be an architecture name or default'' (defaults to default'')

  • provider: Package provider to use, can be yum'', apt'', zypper'', zypper_pattern'', slackpkg'', pkg'', ips'', nimclient'', snap'' or default'' for system default package manager (defaults to ``default'')

Classes defined

package_present_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Remove a package

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use package_absent instead.



    "any" usebundle => package_remove("htop");


  • name: Name of the package to remove

Classes defined

package_remove_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Enforce the state of a package


These methods manage packages using a package manager on the system.

package_present and package_absent use a new package implementation, different from package_install_*, package_remove_* and package_verify_*. It should be more reliable, and handle upgrades better. It is compatible though, and you can call generic methods from both implementations on the same host. The only drawback is that the agent will have to maintain double caches for package lists, which may cause a little unneeded overhead. These methods will update the corresponding package if updates are available New updates may not be detected even if there are some available, this is due to the update cache that is refresh every 4 hours by default, you can modify this behaviour called updates_cache_expire in rudder global parameter

Package parameters

There is only one mandatory parameter, which is the package name to install. When it should be installed from a local package, you need to specify the full path to the package as name.

The version parameter allows specifying a version you want installed (not supported with snap). It should be the complete versions string as used by the used package manager. This parameter allows two special values:

  • any which is the default value, and is satisfied by any version of the given package

  • latest which will ensure, at each run, that the package is at the latest available version.

The last parameter is the provider, which is documented in the next section.

You can use package_state_options to pass options to the underlying package manager (currently only with _apt package manager).

Note: On RPM-based systems, to get the precise version to use in the version parameter, you can use the following commands:

sudo rpm --qf "%|EPOCH?{%{epoch}:}:{}|%{version}-%{release}\n" -q PACKAGE_NAME

# Examples
sudo rpm --qf "%|EPOCH?{%{epoch}:}:{}|%{version}-%{release}\n" -q htop
# also works with different versions expressions
sudo rpm --qf "%|EPOCH?{%{epoch}:}:{}|%{version}-%{release}\n" -q htop-3.3.0
sudo rpm --qf "%|EPOCH?{%{epoch}:}:{}|%{version}-%{release}\n" -q htop-3.3.0-1.fc39

Package providers

This method supports several package managers. You can specify the package manager you want to use or let the method choose the default for the local system.

The package providers include a caching system for package information. The package lists (installed, available and available updates) are only updated when the cache expires, or when an operation is made by the agent on packages.

Note: The implementation of package operations is done in scripts called modules, which you can find in ${sys.workdir}/modules/packages/.


This package provider uses apt/dpkg to manage packages on the system. dpkg will be used for all local actions, and apt is only needed to manage update and installation from a repository.


This package provider uses yum/rpm to manage packages on the system. rpm will be used for all local actions, and yum is only needed to manage update and installation from a repository.

It is able to downgrade packages when specifying an older version.


This package provider uses zypper/rpm to manage packages on the system. rpm will be used for all local actions, and zypper is only needed to manage update and installation from a repository.

Note: If the package version you want to install contains an epoch, you have to specify it in the version in the epoch:version form, like reported by zypper info.


This package provider uses zypper with the -t pattern option to manage zypper patterns or meta-packages on the system.

Since a zypper pattern can be named differently than the rpm package name providing it, please always use the exact pattern name (as listed in the output of zypper patterns) when using this provider.

Note: When installing a pattern from a local rpm file, Rudder assumes that the pattern is built following the official zypper documentation.

Older implementations of zypper patterns may not be supported by this module.

This provider doesn’t support installation from a file.


This package provider uses Slackware’s installpkg and upgradepkg tools to manage packages on the system


This package provider uses FreeBSD’s pkg to manage packages on the system. This provider doesn’t support installation from a file.


This package provider uses Solaris’s pkg command to manage packages from IPS repositories on the system. This provider doesn’t support installation from a file.


This package provider uses AIX’s nim client to manage packages from nim This provider doesn’t support installation from a file.


This package provider uses Ubuntu’s snap to manage packages on the system This provider doesn’t support installation from a file.


# To install postgresql in version 9.1 for x86_64 architecture
package_present("postgresql", "9.1", "x86_64", "");
# To ensure postgresql is always in the latest available version
package_present("postgresql", "latest", "", "");
# To ensure installing postgresql in any version
package_present("postgresql", "", "", "");
# To ensure installing postgresql in any version, forcing the yum provider
package_present("postgresql", "", "", "yum");
# To ensure installing postgresql from a local package
package_present("/tmp/postgresql-9.1-1.x86_64.rpm", "", "", "");
# To remove postgresql
package_absent("postgresql", "", "", "");


  • name: Name of the package, or path to a local package if state is present

  • version: Version of the package, can be latest'' for latest version or any'' for any version (defaults to ``any'')

  • architecture: Architecture of the package, can be an architecture name or default'' (defaults to default'')

  • provider: Package provider to use, can be yum'', apt'', zypper'', zypper_pattern'', slackpkg'', pkg'', ips'', nimclient'', snap'' or default'' for system default package manager (defaults to ``default'')

  • state: State of the package, can be present'' or absent'' (defaults to ``present'')

Classes defined

package_state_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Enforce the state of a package with options


See package_state for documentation.


  • name: Name of the package, or path to a local package if state is present

  • version: Version of the package, can be latest'' for latest version or any'' for any version (defaults to ``any'')

  • architecture: Architecture of the package, can be an architecture name or default'' (defaults to default'')

  • provider: Package provider to use, can be yum'', apt'', zypper'', zypper_pattern'', slackpkg'', pkg'', ips'', nimclient'', snap'' or default'' for system default package manager (defaults to ``default'')

  • state: State of the package, can be present'' or absent'' (defaults to ``present'')

  • options: Options no pass to the package manager (defaults to empty)

Classes defined

package_state_options_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


This method manage packages using a chocolatey on the system.


Install a windows package using a given provider


Required args:

  • PackageName Name of target package

  • Status can be present'' or absent''

Optional args:

  • Provider Provider used to installed the package

  • Params Package parameters, passed to the installer

  • Version can be any'', latest'' or any exact specific version number

  • Source ``any'' or any specific arch

  • ProviderParams provider specific options

  • AutoUpgrade default set to false



The method is a simple transcription of the cchoco cChocoPaclageInstaller DSC resource, adapted to Rudder. The DSC module cchoco must be installed on your node before trying to use this method.

You can check the cchoco/chocolatey documentation to get more detailed information on the parameters. WARNING: If some exceptions are thrown about undefined env PATH variable after fresh cchoco lib in rudder, you may need to reboot your machine or notify your system that the env variables have been changed.


  • PackageName: Software name to install

  • Status: `present' or `absent', defaults to `present'

  • Provider: default to choco

  • Params: params to pass to the package installation

  • Version: version, default to latest

  • Source: source

  • ProviderParams: provider parameters, default to choco

  • AutoUpgrade: autoUpgrade, default to false

Classes defined

package_state_windows_${PackageName}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify if a package is installed in its latest version available

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use package_present in audit mode


  • name: Name of the package to verify

Classes defined

package_install_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify if a package is installed in a specific version

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use package_present in audit mode


  • name: Name of the package to verify

  • version: Version of the package to verify (can be ``latest'' for latest version)

Classes defined

package_install_${name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Set permissions on a file or directory (non recursively)


  • path: Path to the file/directory

  • mode: Mode to enforce (like ``640'')

  • owner: Owner to enforce (like ``root'')

  • group: Group to enforce (like ``wheel'')

Classes defined

permissions_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify that an ace is present on a file or directory. This method will append the given aces to the current POSIX ACLs of the target.


The permissions_*acl_* manage the POSIX ACL on files and directories.

Please note that the mask will be automatically recalculated when editing ACLs.



Path can be a regex with the following format:

  • matches any filename or directory at one level, e.g. .cf will match all files in one directory that end in .cf but it won’t search across directories. /.cf on the other hand will look two levels deep.

  • ? matches a single letter

  • [a-z] matches any letter from a to z

  • {x,y,anything} will match x or y or anything.


Can be:

  • true to apply the given aces to folder and sub-folders and files.

  • or false to apply to the strict match of Path

If left blank, recursivity will automatically be set to false

User and Group

ACE for user and group can be left blank if they do not need any specification. If fulfill, they must respect the format:



  • username being the Linux account name

  • groupname the Linux group name

  • Current owner user and owner group can be designed by the character *

The operator can be: * + to add the given ACE to the current ones. * - to remove the given ACE to the current ones. * = to force the given ACE to the current ones.

You can define multiple ACEs by separating them with commas.


ACE for other must respect the classic:

  • [+-=]r?w?x? It can also be left blank to let the Other ACE unchanged.


Given a file with the following getfacl output:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root

Applying this method with the following parameters:

  • path: /tmp/myTestFile

  • recursive: false

  • user: *:-x, bob:

  • group: *:+rw

  • other: =r

Will transform the previous ACLs in:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root

This method can not remove a given ACE, see here how the user bob ACE is handled.


  • path: Path of the file or directory

  • recursive: Recursive Should ACLs cleanup be recursive, true'' or false'' (defaults to ``false'')

  • user: User acls, comma separated, like: bob:+rwx, alice:-w

  • group: Group acls, comma separated, like: wheel:+wx, anon:-rwx

  • other: Other acls, like -x

Classes defined

permissions_acl_entry_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify if a directory has the right permissions non recursively


  • path: Path of the directory

  • mode: Mode to enforce

  • owner: Owner to enforce

  • group: Group to enforce

Classes defined

permissions_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify if a directory and its content have the right permissions recursively

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use permissions_dirs_recursive instead.


  • path: Path to the directory

  • mode: Mode to enforce

  • owner: Owner to enforce

  • group: Group to enforce

Classes defined

permissions_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify if a directory and its content have the right permissions recursively


  • path: Path to the directory

  • mode: Mode to enforce

  • owner: Owner to enforce

  • group: Group to enforce

Classes defined

permissions_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify that an ace is absent on a file or directory for a given group. This method will make sure that no ace is present in the POSIX ACL of the target.


The permissions_*acl_* manage the POSIX ACL on files and directories.

Please note that the mask will be automatically recalculated when editing ACLs.



Path can be a regex with the following format:

  • matches any filename or directory at one level, e.g. .cf will match all files in one directory that end in .cf but it won’t search across directories. /.cf on the other hand will look two levels deep.

  • ? matches a single letter

  • [a-z] matches any letter from a to z

  • {x,y,anything} will match x or y or anything.


Can be:

  • true to apply the given aces to folder and sub-folders and files.

  • or false to apply to the strict match of Path

If left blank, recursivity will automatically be set to false


Username to enforce the ace absence, being the Linux account name. This method can only handle one groupname.


Given a file with the following getfacl output:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root

Applying this method with the following parameters:

  • path: /tmp/myTestFile

  • recursive: false

  • group: bob

Will transform the previous ACLs in:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root


  • path: Path of the file or directory

  • recursive: Recursive Should ACLs cleanup be recursive, true'' or false'' (defaults to ``false'')

  • group: Group name

Classes defined

permissions_group_acl_absent_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify that an ace is present on a file or directory for a given group. This method will make sure the given ace is present in the POSIX ACL of the target for the given group.


The permissions_*acl_* manage the POSIX ACL on files and directories.

Please note that the mask will be automatically recalculated when editing ACLs.



Path can be a regex with the following format:

  • matches any filename or directory at one level, e.g. .cf will match all files in one directory that end in .cf but it won’t search across directories. /.cf on the other hand will look two levels deep.

  • ? matches a single letter

  • [a-z] matches any letter from a to z

  • {x,y,anything} will match x or y or anything.


Can be:

  • true to apply the given aces to folder and sub-folders and files.

  • or false to apply to the strict match of Path

If left blank, recursivity will automatically be set to false


Group to enfoorce the ace, being the Linux account name. This method can only handle one groupname.


The operator can be: * + to add the given ACE to the current ones. * - to remove the given ACE to the current ones. * = to force the given ACE to the current ones. * empty if no operator is specified, it will be interpreted as =.

ACE must respect the classic:

  • ^[+-=]?(?=.*[rwx])r?w?x?$


Given a file with the following getfacl output:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root

Applying this method with the following parameters:

  • path: /tmp/myTestFile

  • recursive: false

  • group: bob

  • ace: -rw

Will transform the previous ACLs in:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root


  • path: Path of the file or directory

  • recursive: Recursive Should ACLs cleanup be recursive, true'' or false'' (defaults to ``false'')

  • group: Group name

  • ace: ACE to enforce for the given group.

Classes defined

permissions_group_acl_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure NTFS permissions on a file for a given user.


Ensure that the correct NTFS permissions are applied on a file for a given user.

Inheritance and propagation flags can also be managed. If left blank, no propagation will be set.

To manage effective propagation or effective access, please disable the inheritance on the file before applying this generic method.

Note: that the Synchronize permission may not work in some cases. This is a known bug.

Right validate set:

None, ReadData, ListDirectory, WriteData, CreateFiles, AppendData, CreateDirectories, ReadExtendedAttributes, WriteExtendedAttributes, ExecuteFile, Traverse, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ReadAttributes, WriteAttributes, Write, Delete, ReadPermissions, Read, ReadAndExecute, Modify, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership, Synchronize, FullControl

AccessType validate set:

Allow, Deny

PropagationPolicy validate set:

ThisFolderOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles, ThisFolderAndSubfolders, ThisFolderAndFiles, SubfoldersAndFilesOnly, SubfoldersOnly, FilesOnly


  • path: File path

  • user: DOMAIN

  • rights: Comma separated right list

  • accesstype: Allow'' or Deny''

  • propagationpolicy: Define the propagation policy of the access rule that Rudder is applying

Classes defined

permissions_ntfs_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify that the other ace given is present on a file or directory. This method will make sure the given other ace is present in the POSIX ACL of the target for.


The permissions_*acl_* manage the POSIX ACL on files and directories.

Please note that the mask will be automatically recalculated when editing ACLs.



Path can be a regex with the following format:

  • matches any filename or directory at one level, e.g. .cf will match all files in one directory that end in .cf but it won’t search across directories. /.cf on the other hand will look two levels deep.

  • ? matches a single letter

  • [a-z] matches any letter from a to z

  • {x,y,anything} will match x or y or anything.


Can be:

  • true to apply the given aces to folder and sub-folders and files.

  • or false to apply to the strict match of Path

If left blank, recursivity will automatically be set to false


The operator can be: * + to add the given ACE to the current ones. * - to remove the given ACE to the current ones. * = to force the given ACE to the current ones. * empty if no operator is specified, it will be interpreted as =.

ACE must respect the classic:

  • ^[+-=]?(?=.*[rwx])r?w?x?$


Given a file with the following getfacl output:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root

Applying this method with the following parameters:

  • path: /tmp/myTestFile

  • recursive: false

  • other ace: -rw

Will transform the previous ACLs in:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root


  • path: Path of the file or directory

  • recursive: Recursive Should ACLs cleanup be recursive, true'' or false'' (defaults to ``false'')

  • other: ACE to enforce for the given other.

Classes defined

permissions_other_acl_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure ACL on a file or folder and all its parent folders


Ensure ACL on a file or folder and all its parent folders.

Force the given ACL on the target path (supports globbing).

  • If recursive is set to true, the permissions will be applied to every files and folder under the resolved path input.

  • If the parent_permissions_* inputs are not empty, they will be applied to every parent folders to the resolved path input, excepting the root folder /.

  • ACL inputs are expected to be comma separated, and to follow this schema:

    • myuser:wx to force the ACL entry

    • myuser:+wx to edit the ACL without enforcing them all

If the path input resolves to /this/is/my/path/mylogfile, parent folders permissions will be applied to:



-name: Allows bob to write in its logfile
 method: permissions_posix_acl_entry_parent
   path: /this/is/my/path/mylogfile
   recursive: false
   user: "bob:rwx"
   parent_permissions_user: "bob:rx"
-name: Allows Bob and Alice to write in its logfile
 method: permissions_posix_acl_entry_parent
   path: /this/is/my/path/mylogfile
   recursive: false
   user: "bob:rwx,alice:+rwx"
   parent_permissions_user: "bob:rx,alice:rx"


  • path: Path of the file or directory

  • recursive: Recursive Should ACLs cleanup be recursive, true'' or false'' (defaults to ``false'')

  • user: User acls, comma separated, like: bob:+rwx, alice:-w

  • group: Group acls, comma separated, like: wheel:+wx, anon:-rwx

  • other: Other acls, like -x

  • parent_permissions_user: User acls, comma separated, like: bob:+rwx, alice:-w

  • parent_permissions_group: Group acls, comma separated, like: wheel:+wx, anon:-rwx

  • parent_permissions_other: Other acls, like -x

Classes defined

permissions_posix_acl_entry_parent_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that files or directories has no ACLs set


The permissions_*acl_* manage the POSIX ACL on files and directories.



Path can be globbing with the following format:

    • matches any filename or directory at one level, e.g. will match all files in one directory that end in .cf but it won’t search across directories. _/*.cf on the other hand will look two levels deep.

  • ? matches a single letter

  • [a-z] matches any letter from a to z

  • \{x,y,anything} will match x or y or anything.


Can be:

  • true to apply the given aces to folder and sub-folders and files.

  • or false to apply to the strict match of Path

If left blank, recursivity will automatically be set to false


The method has basically the same effect as setfacl -b <path>.

Given a file with the following getfacl output:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root

It will remove all ACLs, and only let classic rights, here:

root@server# getfacl myTestFile
# file: myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root

root@server# ls -l myTestFile
-rwxr----- 1 root root 0 Mar 22 11:24 myTestFile


  • path: Path of the file or directory

  • recursive: Should ACLs cleanup be recursive, true'' or false'' (defaults to ``false'')

Classes defined

permissions_posix_acls_absent_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify if a file or directory has the right permissions recursively

WARNING: This generic method is deprecated. Use permissions_recursive instead.


  • path: Path to the file / directory

  • mode: Mode to enforce

  • owner: Owner to enforce

  • group: Group to enforce

Classes defined

permissions_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify if a file or directory has the right permissions recursively


The method ensures that all files and directories under path have the correct owner, group owner and permissions.

This method is in fact a call to the permissions_type_recursion method with all'' type and inf'' recursion.


  • path: Path to the file / directory

  • mode: Mode to enforce

  • owner: Owner to enforce

  • group: Group to enforce

Classes defined

permissions_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a file or directory is present and has the right mode/owner/group


The method ensure that all files|directories|files and directories have the correct owner, group owner and permissions.

The parameter type can be either: all'', files'' or directories''. The parameter recursion can be either: 0,1,2,3,…. inf'' The level of recursion is the maximum depth of subfolder that will be managed by the method:

  • 0 being the current folder/file

  • 1 being the current folder/file and its subfolders

  • ..

  • inf being the file or the whole folder tree


  • path: Path to edit

  • mode: Mode of the path to edit

  • owner: Owner of the path to edit

  • group: Group of the path to edit

  • type: Type of the path to edit (all/files/directories)

  • recursion: Recursion depth to enforce for this path (0, 1, 2, …, inf)

Classes defined

permissions_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify that an ace is absent on a file or directory for a given user. This method will make sure that no ace is present in the POSIX ACL of the target.


The permissions_*acl_* manage the POSIX ACL on files and directories.

Please note that the mask will be automatically recalculated when editing ACLs.



Path can be a regex with the following format:

  • matches any filename or directory at one level, e.g. .cf will match all files in one directory that end in .cf but it won’t search across directories. /.cf on the other hand will look two levels deep.

  • ? matches a single letter

  • [a-z] matches any letter from a to z

  • {x,y,anything} will match x or y or anything.


Can be:

  • true to apply the given aces to folder and sub-folders and files.

  • or false to apply to the strict match of Path

If left blank, recursivity will automatically be set to false


Username to enforce the ace absence, being the Linux account name. This method can only handle one username.


Given a file with the following getfacl output:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root

Applying this method with the following parameters:

  • path: /tmp/myTestFile

  • recursive: false

  • user: bob

Will transform the previous ACLs in:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root


  • path: Path of the file or directory

  • recursive: Recursive Should ACLs cleanup be recursive, true'' or false'' (defaults to ``false'')

  • user: Username of the Linux account.

Classes defined

permissions_user_acl_absent_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Verify that an ace is present on a file or directory for a given user. This method will make sure the given ace is present in the POSIX ACL of the target.


The permissions_*acl_* manage the POSIX ACL on files and directories.

Please note that the mask will be automatically recalculated when editing ACLs.



Path can be globbing with the following format:

  • matches any filename or directory at one level, e.g. .cf will match all files in one directory that end in .cf but it won’t search across directories. /.cf on the other hand will look two levels deep.

  • ? matches a single letter

  • [a-z] matches any letter from a to z

  • {x,y,anything} will match x or y or anything.


Can be:

  • true to apply the given aces to folder and sub-folders and files.

  • or false to apply to the strict match of Path

If left blank, recursivity will automatically be set to false


Username to enforce the ace, being the Linux account name. This method can only handle one username.


The operator can be: * + to add the given ACE to the current ones. * - to remove the given ACE to the current ones. * = to force the given ACE to the current ones. * empty if no operator is specified, it will be interpreted as =.

ACE must respect the classic:

  • ^[+-=]?(?=.*[rwx])r?w?x?$


Given a file with the following getfacl output:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root

Applying this method with the following parameters:

  • path: /tmp/myTestFile

  • recursive: false

  • user: bob

  • ace: -rw

Will transform the previous ACLs in:

root@server# getfacl /tmp/myTestFile
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: tmp/myTestFile
# owner: root
# group: root


  • path: Path of the file or directory.

  • recursive: Recursive Should ACLs cleanup be recursive, true'' or false'' (defaults to ``false'').

  • user: Username of the Linux account.

  • ace: ACE to enforce for the given user.

Classes defined

permissions_user_acl_present_${path}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Execute a Powershell command, script or binary, and parse its output to define success, repair or error status


Execute either a command, a script or a binary - it supports piping. If the execution succeed, it parses the output as a string. It the output contains the successRegex, it defines a success, else if the output contains the repairRegex, it defines a repair, else it defines an error. successRegex and repairRegex are both optional, but at least one must be defined otherwise the method will always return an error.


To return success if process explorer is running, the command parameter needs to be

Get-Process | ForEach { ${const.dollar}_.ProcessName }

as the output of the command is a toString() on the generated objects, so you need to extract the relevant data. And the successRegex needs to be explorer.

Note: the regular expression/string to compare to the output are case insensitive and not anchored.

Note: powershell scripts exiting with a non-zero exit code will always result in an error

Note: the $ need to be escaped, otherwise $_ is evaluated at runtime


  • command: Command or script to execute

  • successRegex: String or regular expression to compare the output with to define success

  • repairedRegex: String or regular expression to compare the output with to define repair

Classes defined

powershell_execution_${command}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}



Ensure that a registry entry is absent from the given key.


Ensure that a registry entry is absent from the given key.

There are two different supported syntaxes to describe a Registry Key:

  • with short drive like HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myKey

  • with long drive name preceded by Registry:: like Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\myKey


- name: Make sure the Rudder reg does not define the unwantedEntry property
  method: registry_entry_absent
    key: "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Rudder"
    entry: "unwantedEntry"

- name: Make sure the Rudder reg does not define the unwantedEntry property
  method: registry_entry_absent
    key: "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:\SOFTWARE\Rudder"
    entry: "unwantedEntry"


  • key: Registry key (ie, HKLM:)

  • entry: Registry entry name

Classes defined

registry_entry_absent_${entry}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure the value of a registry entry is correct.


If the key and/or its entry does not exist yet, it will be created.

There are two different supported syntaxes to describe a Registry Key:

  • with short drive like HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myKey

  • with long drive name preceded by Registry:: like Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\myKey

Please, note that Rudder can not create new drive and new ``first-level'' Registry Keys.


- name: Rudder registry "myEntry" property must be set to 1
  method: registry_entry_present
    key: "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Rudder"
    entry: "myEntry"
    value: "1"
    registryType: "Dword"

- name: Rudder registry "myEntry" property must be set to 1
  method: registry_entry_present
    key: "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rudder"
    entry: "myEntry"
    value: "1"
    registryType: "Dword"


  • key: Registry key path (ie, HKLM:)

  • entry: Registry entry name

  • value: Registry value

  • registryType: Registry value type (String, ExpandString, MultiString, Dword, Qword)

Classes defined

registry_entry_present_${entry}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a registry key does not exist.


Remove a Registry Key if it is present on the system.

There are two different supported syntaxes to describe a Registry Key:

  • with short drive like HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myKey

  • with long drive name preceded by Registry:: like Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\myKey

Please, note that Rudder can not remove drives and ``first-level'' Registry Keys.


-name: Short name first-level key syntax
 method: registry_key_absent
   key: "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Rudder"

-name: Long name first-level key syntax
 method: registry_key_absent
   key: "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rudder"


  • key: Registry key (ie, HKLM:)

Classes defined

registry_key_absent_${key}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Ensure that a Registry Key does exist.


Create a Registry Key if it does not exist.

There are two different supported syntaxes to describe a Registry Key:

  • with short drive like HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myKey

  • with long drive name preceded by Registry:: like Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\myKey

    Please, note that Rudder can not create new drive and new ``first-level'' Registry Keys.


- name: Make sure the Rudder reg key is defined
  method: registry_entry_present
    key: "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Rudder"

#### Parameters
* **key**: Registry key (ie, HKLM:\Software\Rudder)

#### Classes defined

registry_key_present_${key}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

## Report

### report_if_condition
Report a Rudder report based on a condition.

#### Usage
This method will only send a Rudder report:

If the **condition** is met, it will report a compliant report, with the following message:
`**<report_message>** was correct.`

Otherwise, it will report an error, with the following message:
`**report_message** was incorrect`

This method will never be in a repaired state.

#### Parameters
* **report_message**: Message subject, will be extended based on the report status
* **condition**: Condition to report a success

#### Classes defined

report_if_condition_${report_message}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

## Rudder

### rudder_inventory_trigger
Trigger an inventory on the agent

#### Usage
Trigger a Rudder inventory. This will not run the inventory
immediately but next time the agent runs.

#### Parameters
* **id**: Id of the reporting for this method (internal identifier, needs to be unique for each use of the method)

#### Classes defined

rudder_inventory_trigger_${id}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

## Schedule

### schedule_simple
Trigger a repaired outcome when a job should be run

#### Usage
This method compute the expected time for running the job, based on the parameters and splayed uing system ids, and define a conditions based on this computation:

 * `schedule_simple_${job_id}_kept` if the job should not be run now
 * `schedule_simple_${job_id}_repaired` if the job should be run
 * `schedule_simple_${job_id}_error` if their is an inconsistency in the method parameters

#### Example

If you want to run a job, at every hour and half-hour (0:00 and 0:30),
with no spread across system, with an agent running with default schedule
of 5 minutes, and making sure that the job is run (if the agent couldn't
run it, then at the next agent execution the job should be run), you will
call the method with the following parameters:

schedule_simple(job_schedule_id'', 5'', 0'', 0'', 0'', 0'', 0'', 30'', 0'', 0'', ``catchup'')

During each run right after o'clock and half-hour, this method will define the condition
schedule_simple_job_schedule_id_repaired, that you can use as a condition for a generic
method `command_execution`

#### Parameters
* **job_id**: A string to identify this job
* **agent_periodicity**: Agent run interval (in minutes)
* **max_execution_delay_minutes**: On how many minutes you want to spread the job
* **max_execution_delay_hours**: On how many hours you want to spread the job
* **start_on_minutes**: At which minute should be the first run
* **start_on_hours**: At which hour should be the first run
* **start_on_day_of_week**: At which day of week should be the first run
* **periodicity_minutes**: Desired job run interval (in minutes)
* **periodicity_hours**: Desired job run interval (in hours)
* **periodicity_days**: Desired job run interval (in days)
* **mode**: "nodups": avoid duplicate runs in the same period / "catchup": avoid duplicates and one or more run have been missed, run once before next period / "stateless": no check is done on past runs

#### Classes defined

schedule_simple_${job_id}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### schedule_simple_catchup
Trigger a repaired outcome when a job should be run (avoid losing a job)

#### Usage
This bundle will define a condition `schedule_simple_${job_id}_{kept,repaired,not_ok,ok,reached}`

 * _ok or _kept for when there is nothing to do
 * _repaired if the job should run
 * _not_ok and _reached have their usual meaning

 If the agent run is skipped during the period, method tries to catchup the run on next agent run.
 If the agent run is skipped twice, only one run is caught up.
 If the agent is run twice (for example from a manual run), the job is run only once.

#### Parameters
* **job_id**: A string to identify this job
* **agent_periodicity**: Agent run interval (in minutes)
* **max_execution_delay_minutes**: On how many minutes you want to spread the job
* **max_execution_delay_hours**: On how many hours you want to spread the job
* **start_on_minutes**: At which minute should be the first run
* **start_on_hours**: At which hour should be the first run
* **start_on_day_of_week**: At which day of week should be the first run
* **periodicity_minutes**: Desired job run interval (in minutes)
* **periodicity_hours**: Desired job run interval (in hours)
* **periodicity_days**: Desired job run interval (in days)

#### Classes defined

schedule_simple_${job_id}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### schedule_simple_nodups
Trigger a repaired outcome when a job should be run (avoid running twice)

#### Usage
This bundle will define a condition `schedule_simple_${job_id}_{kept,repaired,not_ok,ok,reached}`

 * _ok or _kept for when there is nothing to do
 * _repaired if the job should run
 * _not_ok and _reached have their usual meaning

 If the agent is run twice (for example from a manual run), the jo is run only once.
 However if the agent run is skipped during the period, the job is never run.

#### Parameters
* **job_id**: A string to identify this job
* **agent_periodicity**: Agent run interval (in minutes)
* **max_execution_delay_minutes**: On how many minutes you want to spread the job
* **max_execution_delay_hours**: On how many hours you want to spread the job
* **start_on_minutes**: At which minute should be the first run
* **start_on_hours**: At which hour should be the first run
* **start_on_day_of_week**: At which day of week should be the first run
* **periodicity_minutes**: Desired job run interval (in minutes)
* **periodicity_hours**: Desired job run interval (in hours)
* **periodicity_days**: Desired job run interval (in days)

#### Classes defined

schedule_simple_${job_id}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### schedule_simple_stateless
Trigger a repaired outcome when a job should be run (without checks)

#### Usage
This bundle will define a condition `schedule_simple_${job_id}_{kept,repaired,not_ok,ok,reached}`

 * _ok or _kept for when there is nothing to do
 * _repaired if the job should run
 * _not_ok and _reached have their usual meaning

 No effort is done to check if a run has already been done for this period or not.
 If the agent is run twice, the job will be run twice, and if the agent is not run, the job will no be run.

#### Parameters
* **job_id**: A string to identify this job
* **agent_periodicity**: Agent run interval (in minutes)
* **max_execution_delay_minutes**: On how many minutes you want to spread the job
* **max_execution_delay_hours**: On how many hours you want to spread the job
* **start_on_minutes**: At which minute should be the first run
* **start_on_hours**: At which hour should be the first run
* **start_on_day_of_week**: At which day of week should be the first run
* **periodicity_minutes**: Desired job run interval (in minutes)
* **periodicity_hours**: Desired job run interval (in hours)
* **periodicity_days**: Desired job run interval (in days)

#### Classes defined

schedule_simple_${job_id}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

## Service

### service_action
Trigger an action on a service using the appropriate tool

#### Usage
The `service_*` methods manage the services running on the system.

#### Parameters

##### Service name

The name of the service is the name understood by the service manager, except for the
`is-active-process` action, where it is the regex to match against the running processes list.

##### Action

The action is the name of an action to run on the given service.
The following actions can be used:

* `start`
* `stop`
* `restart`
* `reload` (or `refresh`)
* `is-active` (or `status`)
* `is-active-process` (in this case, the "service" parameter is the regex to match against process list)
* `enable`
* `disable`
* `is-enabled`

Other actions may also be used, depending on the selected service manager.

#### Implementation

These methods will detect the method to use according to the platform. You can run the methods with an `info`
verbosity level to see which service manager will be used for a given action.

WARNING: Due to compatibility issues when mixing calls to systemctl and service/init.d,
when an init script exists, we will not use systemctl compatibility layer but directly service/init.d.

The supported service managers are:

* systemd (any unknown action will be passed directly)
* upstart
* smf (for Solaris)
* service command (for non-boot actions, any unknown action will be passed directly)
* /etc/init.d scripts (for non-boot actions, any unknown action will be passed directly)
* SRC (for AIX) (for non-boot actions)
* chkconfig (for boot actions)
* update-rc.d (for boot actions)
* chitab (for boot actions)
* links in /etc/rcX.d (for boot actions)
* Windows services

#### Examples

To restart the apache2 service

service_action(apache2'', restart''); service_restart(``apache2'');

#### Parameters
* **name**: Name of the service
* **action**: Action to trigger on the service (start, stop, restart, reload, ...)

#### Classes defined

service_action_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_check_disabled_at_boot
Check if a service is set to not start at boot using the appropriate method

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, etc...)

#### Classes defined

service_check_disabled_at_boot_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_check_running
Check if a service is running using the appropriate method

#### Parameters
* **name**: Process name

#### Classes defined

service_check_running_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_check_running_ps
Check if a service is running using ps

#### Parameters
* **name**: Regular expression used to select a process in ps output

#### Classes defined

service_check_running_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_check_started_at_boot
Check if a service is set to start at boot using the appropriate method

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, etc...)

#### Classes defined

service_check_started_at_boot_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_disabled
Force a service not to be enabled at boot

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, etc...)

#### Classes defined

service_disabled_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_enabled
Force a service to be started at boot

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, Windows, SRC, SMF, etc...)

#### Classes defined

service_enabled_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_ensure_disabled_at_boot
Force a service not to be enabled at boot

**WARNING**: This generic method is deprecated.
Use [service_disabled_at_boot](#_service_disabled_at_boot) instead.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, etc...)

#### Classes defined

service_ensure_disabled_at_boot_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_ensure_running
Ensure that a service is running using the appropriate method

**WARNING**: This generic method is deprecated.
Use [service_started](#_service_started) instead.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, etc...)

#### Classes defined

service_ensure_running_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_ensure_running_path
Ensure that a service is running using the appropriate method, specifying the path of the service in the ps output, or using Windows task manager

**WARNING**: This generic method is deprecated.
Use [service_started_path](#_service_started_path) instead.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, Windows, etc...)
* **path**: Service with its path, as in the output from 'ps'

#### Classes defined

service_ensure_running_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_ensure_started_at_boot
Force a service to be started at boot

**WARNING**: This generic method is deprecated.
Use [service_enabled](#_service_enabled) instead.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, Windows, SRC, SMF, etc...)

#### Classes defined

service_ensure_started_at_boot_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_ensure_stopped
Ensure that a service is stopped using the appropriate method

**WARNING**: This generic method is deprecated.
Use [service_stopped](#_service_stopped) instead.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service

#### Classes defined

service_ensure_stopped_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_reload
Reload a service using the appropriate method

#### Usage
See [service_action](#_service_action) for documentation.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Name of the service

#### Classes defined

service_reload_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_restart
Restart a service using the appropriate method

#### Usage
See [service_action](#_service_action) for documentation.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Name of the service

#### Classes defined

service_restart_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_restart_if
Restart a service using the appropriate method if the specified class is true, otherwise it is considered as not required and success classes are returned.

**WARNING**: This generic method is deprecated.
Use [service_restart](#_service_restart) with a condition

#### Usage
See [service_action](#_service_action) for documentation.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Name of the service
* **expression**: Condition expression which will trigger the restart of Service "(package_service_installed|service_conf_changed)" by example

#### Classes defined

service_restart_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_start
Start a service using the appropriate method

**WARNING**: This generic method is deprecated.
This is an action that should not be used in the general case.
If you really want to call the start method, use [service_action](#_service_action).
Otherwise, simply call [service_started](#_service_started)

#### Usage
See [service_action](#_service_action) for documentation.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Name of the service

#### Classes defined

service_start_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_started
Ensure that a service is running using the appropriate method

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, etc...)

#### Classes defined

service_started_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_started_path
Ensure that a service is running using the appropriate method, specifying the path of the service in the ps output, or using Windows task manager

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name (as recognized by systemd, init.d, Windows, etc...)
* **path**: Service with its path, as in the output from 'ps'

#### Classes defined

service_started_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_status
This generic method defines if service should run or be stopped

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service name
* **status**: Desired state for the user - can be 'Stopped' or 'Running'

#### Classes defined

service_status_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_stop
Stop a service using the appropriate method

**WARNING**: This generic method is deprecated.
This is an action that should not be used in the general case.
If you really want to call the stop method, use [service_action](#_service_action).
Otherwise, simply call [service_stopped](#_service_stopped)

#### Usage
See [service_action](#_service_action) for documentation.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Name of the service

#### Classes defined

service_stop_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### service_stopped
Ensure that a service is stopped using the appropriate method

#### Parameters
* **name**: Service

#### Classes defined

service_stopped_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

## Sharedfile

### sharedfile_from_node
This method retrieves a file shared from another Rudder node

#### Usage
This method retrieves a file shared from a Rudder node using a unique file identifier.

The file will be downloaded using native agent protocol and copied into a new file.
The destination path must be the complete absolute path of the destination file.

See [sharedfile_to_node](#_sharedfile_to_node) for a complete example.

#### Parameters
* **remote_node**: Which node to take the file from
* **file_id**: Unique name that was used to identify the file on the sender
* **file_path**: Where to put the file content

#### Classes defined

sharedfile_from_node_${file_id}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### sharedfile_to_node
This method shares a file with another Rudder node

#### Usage
This method shares a file with another Rudder node using a unique file identifier.

Read the Rudder documentation for a [high level overview of file sharing between nodes](

The file will be kept on the policy server and transmitted to the destination node's policy server if it is different.
It will be kept on this server for the destination node to download as long as it is not replaced by a new
file with the same id or remove by expiration of the TTL.

#### Parameters

This section describes the generic method parameters.

#### remote_node

The node you want to share this file with. The uuid of a node
is visible in the Nodes details (in the Web interface) or by entering
`rudder agent info` on the target node.

##### file_id

This is a name that will be used to identify the file in the target node. It should be unique
and describe the file content.

##### file_path

The local absolute path of the file to share.

##### ttl

The TTL can be:

* A simple integer, in this case it is assumed to be a number of *seconds*
* A string including units indications, the possible units are:

* *days*, *day* or *d*
* *hours*, *hour*, or *h*
* *minutes*, *minute*, or *m*
* *seconds*, *second* or *s*

The ttl value can look like *1day 2hours 3minutes 4seconds* or can be abbreviated in the form *1d 2h 3m 4s*, or without spaces *1d2h3m4s* or any combination like *1day2h 3minute 4seconds*
Any unit can be skipped, but the decreasing order needs to be respected.

##### file_id

This is a name that will be used to identify the file once stored on the server. It should be unique
and describe the file content.

#### Example:

We have a node *A*, with uuid `2bf1afdc-6725-4d3d-96b8-9128d09d353c` which wants to share
the `/srv/db/` with node *B* with uuid `73570beb-2d4a-43d2-8ffc-f84a6817849c`.

We want this file to stay available for one year for node *B* on its policy server.

The node *B* wants to download it into `/opt/application/etc/`.

They have to agree (i.e. it has to be defined in the policies of both nodes) on the id of the file,
that will be used during the exchange, here it will be ``.

To share the file, node *A* will use:

sharedfile_to_node(73570beb-2d4a-43d2-8ffc-f84a6817849c'','', /srv/db/'', 356 days'')

To download the file, node *B* will use [sharedfile_from_node](#_sharedfile_from_node) with:

sharedfile_from_node(2bf1afdc-6725-4d3d-96b8-9128d09d353c'','', ``/opt/application/etc/'')

#### Parameters
* **remote_node**: Which node to share the file with
* **file_id**: Unique name that will be used to identify the file on the receiver
* **file_path**: Path of the file to share
* **ttl**: Time to keep the file on the policy server in seconds or in human readable form (see long description)

#### Classes defined

sharedfile_to_node_${file_id}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

## Sysctl

### sysctl_value
Enforce a value in sysctl (optionally increase or decrease it)

#### Usage
Enforce a value in sysctl

#### Behaviors

Checks for the current value defined for the given key
If it is not set, this method attempts to set it in the file defined as argument
If it is set, and corresponds to the desired value, it will success
If it is set, and does not correspond, the value will be set in the file defined, sysctl
configuration is reloaded with `sysctl --system` and the
resulting value is checked.
If it is not taken into account by sysctl because
its overridden in another file or its an invalid key, the method returns an error

#### Prerequisite

This method requires an /etc/sysctl.d folder, and the `sysctl --system` option.
It does not support Debian 6 or earlier, CentOS/RHEL 6 or earlier, SLES 11 or earlier,
Ubuntu 12_04 or earlier, AIX and Solaris.

##### Parameters

`key`   : the key to enforce/check
`value` : the expected value for the key
`filename` : filename (without extension) containing the key=value when need to be set, within /etc/sysctl.d.
             This method adds the correct extension at the end of the filename
Optional parameter:
 `min`: The value is the minimal value we request. the value is only changed if the current value is lower than `value`
 `max`: The value is the maximal value we request: the value is only changed if the current value is higher than `value`
 `default` (default value): The value is strictly enforced.

Comparison is numerical if possible, else alphanumerical
So 10 > 2, but Test10 < Test2

#### Examples

To ensure that swappiness is disabled, and storing the configuration parameter in 99_rudder.conf

sysctl_value(vm.swappiness'', 99_rudder'', ``0'', "")

To ensure that the UDP buffer is at least 26214400

sysctl_value(net.core.rmem_max'', 99_rudder'', 26214400'', min'')

#### Parameters
* **key**: The key to enforce
* **value**: The desired value
* **filename**: File name where to put the value in /etc/sysctl.d (without the .conf extension)
* **option**: Optional modifier on value: Min, Max or Default (default value)

#### Classes defined

sysctl_value_${key}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

## User

### user_absent
Remove a user

#### Usage
This method ensures that a user does not exist on the system.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User login

#### Classes defined

user_absent_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_create
Create a user

**WARNING**: This generic method is deprecated.
Please split into calls to other user_* methods:
[user_present](#_user_present) [user_fullname](#_user_fullname) [user_home](#_user_home)
[user_primary_group](#_user_primary_group) [user_shell](#_user_shell) and [user_locked](#_user_locked)

#### Usage
This method does not create the user's home directory.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User login
* **description**: User description
* **home**: User's home directory
* **group**: User's primary group
* **shell**: User's shell
* **locked**: Is the user locked ? true or false

#### Classes defined

user_create_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_fullname
Define the fullname of the user, user must already exists.

#### Usage
This method does not create the user.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User's login
* **fullname**: User's fullname

#### Classes defined

user_fullname_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_group
Define secondary group for a user

#### Usage
Ensure that a user is within a group

#### Behavior

Ensure that the user belongs in the given secondary group (non-exclusive)

##### Parameters

`login`      : the user login
`group_name`: secondary group name the user should belong to (non-exclusive)

#### Examples

To ensure that user `test` belongs in group `dev`

user_group(test'', dev'')

Note that it will make sure that user test is in group dev, but won't remove it
from other groups it may belong to

#### Parameters
* **login**: User login
* **group_name**: Secondary group name for the user

#### Classes defined

user_group_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_home
Define the home of the user. User must already exists.

#### Usage
This method does not create the user, nor the home directory.
    entry example: /home/myuser
    The home given will be set, but not created.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User's login
* **home**: User's home

#### Classes defined

user_home_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_locked
Ensure the user is locked. User must already exist.

#### Usage
This method does not create the user. Note that locked accounts will
  be marked with "!" in /etc/shadow, which is equivalent to "*".
  To unlock a user, apply a user_password method.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User's login

#### Classes defined

user_locked_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_password_clear
Ensure a user's password.
 as used in the UNIX /etc/shadow file.

#### Usage
User must exists, password will appear in clear text in code.
  An empty password will lead to an error and be notified.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User login
* **password**: User clear password

#### Classes defined

user_password_clear_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_password_hash
Ensure a user's password. Password must respect `$id$salt$hashed` format
 as used in the UNIX /etc/shadow file.

#### Usage
User must exists, password must be pre-hashed. Does not handle
  empty password accounts. See UNIX /etc/shadow format.
  entry example: `$1$jp5rCMS4$mhvf4utonDubW5M00z0Ow0`

  An empty password will lead to an error and be notified.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User login
* **password**: User hashed password

#### Classes defined

user_password_hash_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_present
Ensure a user exists on the system.

#### Usage
This method does not create the user's home directory.
 Primary group will be created and set with default one, following the useradd default behavior.
 As in most UNIX system default behavior user creation will fail if a group with
 the user name already exists.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User login

#### Classes defined

user_present_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_primary_group
Define the primary group of the user. User must already exist.

#### Usage
This method does not create the user.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User's login
* **primary_group**: User's primary group

#### Classes defined

user_primary_group_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_secondary_groups
Define secondary groups for a user

#### Usage
Make sure that a user belong to the listed groups

#### Behavior

Ensure that the user belongs in the given secondary group, if `force` is set,
the user will be force to only be part of the listed `groups`.

#### Examples

-name: bob must be in the printers group method: user_secondary_groups params: login: bob groups: printers force: false

-name: jenkins must only be part of jenkins and docker method: user_secondary_groups params: login: jenkins groups: jenkins,docker force: true

#### Parameters
* **login**: User login
* **groups**: Comma separated secondary groups name
* **force**: Remove user from non-listed groups, "true" or "false" (defaults to "false")

#### Classes defined

user_secondary_groups_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_shell
Define the shell of the user. User must already exist.

#### Usage
This method does not create the user.
  entry example: /bin/false

#### Parameters
* **login**: User's login
* **shell**: User's shell

#### Classes defined

user_shell_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_status
This generic method defines if user is present or absent

#### Parameters
* **user**: User name
* **status**: Desired state for the user - can be 'Present' or 'Absent'

#### Classes defined

user_status_${user}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### user_uid
Define the uid of the user. User must already exists, uid must be non-allowed(unique).

#### Usage
This method does not create the user.

#### Parameters
* **login**: User's login
* **uid**: User's uid

#### Classes defined

user_uid_${login}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

## Variable

### variable_dict
Define a variable that contains key,value pairs (a dictionary)

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${[key]}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).
Please note that only global variables are available within templates.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **value**: The variable content in JSON format

#### Classes defined

variable_dict_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_dict_from_file
Define a variable that contains key,value pairs (a dictionary) from a JSON file

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${[key]}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).
Please note that only global variables are available within templates.

See [variable_dict_from_file_type](#_variable_dict_from_file_type) for complete documentation.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **file_name**: The absolute local file name with JSON content

#### Classes defined

variable_dict_from_file_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_dict_from_file_type
Define a variable that contains key,value pairs (a dictionary) from a JSON, CSV or YAML file

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${[key]}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).

This method will load data from various file formats (yaml, json, csv).

#### CSV parsing

The input file must use CRLF as line delimiter
to be readable (as stated in RFC 4180).

#### Examples

To read a json file with format auto detection

variable_dict_from_file_type(prefix'', var'', /tmp/file.json'', "); # To force yaml reading on a non file without yaml extension variable_dict_from_file_type(''prefix,''var,''/tmp/file``,''YAML");

If `/tmp/file.json` contains:

\{ key1'': value1'' }

You will be able to access the `value1` value with `${prefix.var[key1]}`.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **file_name**: The file name to load data from
* **file_type**: The file type, can be "JSON", "CSV", "YAML" or "auto" for auto detection based on file extension, with a fallback to JSON (default is "auto")

#### Classes defined

variable_dict_from_file_type_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_dict_from_osquery
Define a variable that contains key,value pairs (a dictionary) from an osquery query

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${[key]}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).
Please note that only global variables are available within templates.

This method will define a dict variable from the output of an osquery query.
The query will be executed at every agent run, and its result will be usable as a standard
dict variable.

#### Setup

This method requires the presence of [osquery]( on the target nodes.
It won't install it automatically. Check the correct way of doing so for your OS.

#### Building queries

To learn about the possible queries, read the [osquery schema]( for your
osquery version.

You can test the queries before using them with the `osqueryi` command, see the example below.

#### Examples

To get the number of cpus on the machine

variable_dict_from_osquery(prefix'', var1'', ``select cpu_logical_cores from system_info;'');

It will produce the dict from the output of:

osqueryi –json ``select cpu_logical_cores from system_info;''

Hence something like:

[ \{cpu_logical_cores'':8''}]

To access this value, use the `${prefix.var1[0][cpu_logical_cores]}` syntax.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **query**: The query to execute (ending with a semicolon)

#### Classes defined

variable_dict_from_osquery_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_dict_merge
Define a variable resulting of the merge of two other variables

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${[key]}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

The resulting variable will be the merge of the two parameters, which means it is built by:

* Taking the content of the first variable
* Adding the content of the second variable, and replacing the keys that were already there

It is only a one-level merge, and the value of the first-level key will be completely replaced by the merge.

This method will fail if one of the variables is not defined. See [variable_dict_merge_tolerant](#_variable_dict_merge_tolerant)
if you want to allow one of the variables not to be defined.

### Usage

If you have a `prefix.variable1` variable defined by:

\{ key1'': value1'', key2'': value2'', key3'': \{ keyx'': ``valuex'' } }

And a `prefix.variable2` variable defined by:

\{ key1'': different'', key3'': value3'', key4'': value4'' }

And that you use:

variablr_dict_merge(prefix'', variable3,''prefix.variable1``,''prefix.variable2")

You will get a `prefix.variable3` variable containing:

\{ key1'': different'', key2'': value2'', key3'': value3'', key4'': value4'' }

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **first_variable**: The first variable, which content will be overridden in the resulting variable if necessary (written in the form
* **second_variable**: The second variable, which content will override the first in the resulting variable if necessary (written in the form

#### Classes defined

variable_dict_merge_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_dict_merge_tolerant
Define a variable resulting of the merge of two other variables, allowing merging undefined variables

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${[key]}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

See [variable_dict_merge](#_variable_dict_merge) for usage documentation. The only difference is that this method
will not fail if one of the variables do not exist, and will return the other one. If both are undefined, the method will still fail.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **first_variable**: The first variable, which content will be overridden in the resulting variable if necessary (written in the form
* **second_variable**: The second variable, which content will override the first in the resulting variable if necessary (written in the form

#### Classes defined

variable_dict_merge_tolerant_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_iterator
Define a variable that will be automatically iterated over

#### Usage
The generated variable is a special variable that is automatically
iterated over. When you call a generic method with this variable as a parameter, n calls will be made,
one for each items of the variable.
Note: there is a limit of 10000 items

To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).
Please note that only global variables are available within templates.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **value**: The variable content
* **separator**: Regular expression that is used to split the value into items ( usually: , )

#### Classes defined

variable_iterator_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_iterator_from_file
Define a variable that will be automatically iterated over

#### Usage
The generated variable is a special variable that is automatically
iterated over. When you call a generic method with this variable as a parameter, n calls will be made,
one for each items of the variable.
Note: there is a limit of 10000 items
Note: empty items are ignored

To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).
Please note that only global variables are available within templates.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **file_name**: The path to the file
* **separator_regex**: Regular expression that is used to split the value into items ( usually: \n )
* **comments_regex**: Regular expression that is used to remove comments ( usually: \s*#.*?(?=\n) )

#### Classes defined

variable_iterator_from_file_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_string
Define a variable from a string parameter

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).
Please note that only global variables are available within templates.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **value**: The variable content

#### Classes defined

variable_string_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_string_default
Define a variable from another variable name, with a default value if undefined

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).
Please note that only global variables are available within templates.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **source_variable**: The source variable name
* **default_value**: The default value to use if source_variable is not defined

#### Classes defined

variable_string_default_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_string_escaped
Define a variable from another string variable and escape regular expression characters in it.

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${<name>_escaped}` where <name> is the composed complete name
of the variable you want to escape.

Please note that the variable you want to escape must be defined before this method evaluation.

#### Example:

With a variable defined by the generic method `variable_string`, named `my_prefix.my_variable` and valued to:

something like [] that

Passing `my_prefix.my_variable` as `name` parameter to this method will result in a
variable named `my_prefix.my_variable_escaped` and valued to:

something like [] that

#### Parameters
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be

#### Classes defined

variable_string_escaped_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_string_from_augeas
Use Augeas binaries to call Augtool commands and options to get a node label's value.

#### Usage
Augeas is a tool that provides an abstraction layer for all the complexities that turn around editing files with regular expressions.
It's a tree based hierarchy tool, that handle system configuration files where you can securely modify your files. To do so you have to provide
the path to the node label's value.

This method aims to use `augtool` to extract a specific information from a configuration file into a rudder variable.
If Augeas is not installed on the agent, or if it fails to execute, it will produces an error.

* **variable prefix**: target variable prefix
* **variable name**: target variable name
* **path**: augeas node path, use to describe the location of the target information we want to extract
* **lens**: augeas lens to use, optional
* **file**: absolute file path to target, optional

Actually there are two ways you can use this method:

* Either by providing the augeas **path** to the node's label and let **lens** and **file** empty.
** this way augeas will load the common files and lens automatically
* Or by using a given **file** path and a specific **lens**.
** better performances since only one lens is loaded
** support custom lens, support custom paths

This mechanism is the same as in the `file_augeas_set` method.

#### With autoload

Let's consider that you want to obtain the value of the ip address of the first line in the `/etc/hosts`:

(Note that the `label` and `value` parameters mentioned are naming examples of **variable prefix** and **variable name**, the augeas
**path** `/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr`
represents the `ipaddr` node label's value (in the augeas mean) in the first line of the file `/etc/hosts`).

variable_string_from_augeas(label'',value'',/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr'', ",''");

#### Without autoload

Here we want the same information as in the first example, but we will force the lens to avoid loading unnecessary files.


#### Difference with `file augeas command`

This method is very similar to the `file augeas command` one, both execute an `augtool` command an dump its output in a rudder variable.
But their goal is really different:

* This one will parse the output of the augeas `print` that we want to make it directly usable, but will be less flexible in its input.
* The `file augeas command` offers much more possibilities to execute an augeas command to modify a file, but the output will be unparsed and most likely
  unusable as a rudder variable, expect to dump an error or configuration somewhere.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **path**: The path to the file and node label
* **lens**: The lens specified by the user in case they want to load a specified lens associated with its file
* **file**: The absolute path to the file specified by the user in case they want to load a specified file associated with its lens

#### Classes defined

variable_string_from_augeas_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_string_from_command
Define a variable from a command output

#### Usage
Define a variable from a command output.
The method will execute a shell command and define a variable `${}` from it.

* Only `stdout` is kept
* The variable will only be defined if the exit code of the command is 0
* If the variable definition is successful, the method will report a success, it will
report an error otherwise.
* The command will be executed even in *Audit mode*

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **command**: The command to execute

#### Classes defined

variable_string_from_command_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_string_from_file
Define a variable from a file content

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${variable_prefix.variable_name}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).
Please note that only global variables are available within templates.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be variable_prefix.variable_name
* **file_name**: The path of the file

#### Classes defined

variable_string_from_file_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_string_from_math_expression
Define a variable from a mathematical expression

#### Usage
To use the generated variable, you must use the form `${}` with each name replaced with the parameters of this method.

Be careful that using a global variable can lead to unpredictable content in case of multiple definition, which is implicitly the case when a technique has more than one instance (directive).
Please note that only global variables are available within templates.

#### Usage

This function will evaluate a mathematical expression that may contain variables and format the result according to the provided format string.

The formatting string uses the standard POSIX printf format.

#### Supported mathematical expressions

All the mathematical computations are done using floats.

The supported infix mathematical syntax, in order of precedence, is:

- `(` and `)` parentheses for grouping expressions
- `^` operator for exponentiation
- `*` and `/` operators for multiplication and division
- `%` operators for modulo operation
- `+` and `-` operators for addition and subtraction
- `==` "close enough" operator to tell if two expressions evaluate to the same number, with a tiny margin to tolerate floating point errors.  It returns 1 or 0.
- `>=` "greater or close enough" operator with a tiny margin to tolerate floating point errors.  It returns 1 or 0.
- `>` "greater than" operator.  It returns 1 or 0.
- `<=` "less than or close enough" operator with a tiny margin to tolerate floating point errors.  It returns 1 or 0.
- `<` "less than" operator.  It returns 1 or 0.

The numbers can be in any format acceptable to the C `scanf` function with the `%lf` format specifier, followed by the `k`, `m`, `g`, `t`, or `p` SI units.  So e.g. `-100` and `2.34m` are valid numbers.

In addition, the following constants are recognized:

- `e`: 2.7182818284590452354
- `log2e`: 1.4426950408889634074
- `log10e`: 0.43429448190325182765
- `ln2`: 0.69314718055994530942
- `ln10`: 2.30258509299404568402
- `pi`: 3.14159265358979323846
- `pi_2`: 1.57079632679489661923 (pi over 2)
- `pi_4`: 0.78539816339744830962 (pi over 4)
- `1_pi`: 0.31830988618379067154 (1 over pi)
- `2_pi`: 0.63661977236758134308 (2 over pi)
- `2_sqrtpi`: 1.12837916709551257390 (2 over square root of pi)
- `sqrt2`: 1.41421356237309504880 (square root of 2)
- `sqrt1_2`: 0.70710678118654752440 (square root of 1/2)

The following functions can be used, with parentheses:

- `ceil` and `floor`: the next highest or the previous highest integer
- `log10`, `log2`, `log`
- `sqrt`
- `sin`, `cos`, `tan`, `asin`, `acos`, `atan`
- `abs`: absolute value
- `step`: 0 if the argument is negative, 1 otherwise

#### Formatting options

The format field supports the following specifiers:

* `%d` for decimal integer
* `%x` for hexadecimal integer
* `%o` for octal integer
* `%f` for decimal floating point

You can use usual flags, width and precision syntax.

#### Examples

If you use:

variable_string(prefix'', var'', 10''); variable_string_from_math_expression(prefix'', sum'', 2.0+3.0'', %d''); variable_string_from_math_expression(prefix'', product'', "3*$\{prefix.var},''%d");

The `prefix.sum` string variable will contain `5` and `prefix.product` will contain `30`.

#### Parameters
* **prefix**: The prefix of the variable name
* **name**: The variable to define, the full name will be
* **expression**: The mathematical expression to evaluate
* **format**: The format string to use

#### Classes defined

variable_string_from_math_expression_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### variable_string_match
Test the content of a string variable

#### Usage
Test a variable content and report a success if it matched, or an error if it does not or if the variable could not be found.
 Regex must respect PCRE format.
 Please note that this method is designed to only audit a variable state. If you want to use conditions resulting from this generic method,
 is it recommended to use instead condition_from_variable_match which is designed for it.

#### Parameters
* **name**: Complete name of the variable being tested, like my_prefix.my_variable
* **expected_match**: Regex to use to test if the variable content is compliant

#### Classes defined

variable_string_match_${name}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

## Windows

### windows_component_absent
Ensure that a specific windows component is absent from the system.

#### Usage
Ensure that a specific windows component is absent from the system.

#### Parameters
* **component**: Windows component name

#### Classes defined

windows_component_absent_${component}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### windows_component_present
Ensure that a specific windows component is present on the system.

#### Usage
Ensure that a specific windows component is present on the system.

#### Parameters
* **component**: Windows component name

#### Classes defined

windows_component_present_${component}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### windows_hotfix_absent
Ensure that a specific windows hotfix is absent from the system.

#### Usage
Ensure that a specific windows hotfix is absent from the system.

#### Parameters
* **hotfix**: Windows hotfix name (ex: KB4033369)

#### Classes defined

windows_hotfix_absent_${hotfix}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}

### windows_hotfix_present
Ensure that a specific windows hotfix is present from the system.

#### Usage
Ensure that a specific windows hotfix is present from the system.

#### Parameters
* **hotfix**: Windows hotfix name (ex: KB4033369)
* **package_path**: Windows hotfix package absolute path, can be a .msu archive or a .cab file

#### Classes defined

windows_hotfix_present_${hotfix}_\{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


← Security considerations Generic methods guidelines →