Create Node API

This node allows to create nodes via API.

The goal is to be able to pre-accept (node in accepted status) or pre-defined (node in pending status) a node and defined some of his parameters, in particular properties.

It’s typically what you are looking for in your provisionning and integration patterns.

A node need at least the following information:

  • UUID,

  • hostname,

  • status,

  • OS: type, name

Other information are possible. See the plugin page in Rudder (or src/main/resources/template/CreateNodeApiManagement.html) for more information.

Whatever the final status, a node is created in pending status. Then, if the status is "accepted", node acceptation is automatically and immediately triggered. This ensure that nodes added by that API also follow the standard Rudder validation rules and dynamic group/policies are correctly updated.

Request format

The plugin provides a new API endpoint: PUT /api/latest/createnode

So for example, for curl: curl -k -H "X-API-Token: 5YJnb4EenqDHzwx0U0eTPWWhgjTJ8mkk" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT 'https://your-server/rudder/api/latest/createnode' -d@/path/to/node.json

With "node.json" expected to be a JSON file with the following format:

          "id"            : "378740d3-c4a9-4474-8485-478e7e52db52"
        , "hostname"      : "my.node.hostname.local"
        , "status"        : "accepted"
        , "os"            : {
                             "type"     : "linux"
                            , "name"    : "debian"
                            , "version" : "9.5"
                            , "fullName": "Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
        , "policyServerId": "root"
        , "machineType"   : "vmware"
        , "state"         : "enabled"
        , "policyMode"    : "enforce"
        , "agentKey"      : {
                              "value"   : "----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----...."
        , "properties"    : {
                              "tags"    : ["some", "tags"]
                            , "env"     : "prod"
                            , "vars"    : { "var1": "value1", "var2": "value2" }
        , "ipAddresses"   : ["", ""]
        , "timezone"      : {
                              "name"    :"CEST"
                            , "offset"  : "+0200"
      , ... other nodes to create ...

See the plugin page in Rudder (or src/main/resources/template/CreateNodeApiManagement.html) for more information about request format.

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