Install Rudder root server on Amazon Linux 2

Amazon Linux 2 is derived from RHEL 7.

Base RHEL 7 is not supported anymore because of missing components, but Amazon Linux 2 provides amazon-linux-extras that contains missing parts.

To install a Rudder Server on Amazon Linux 2 you first need a support access to Rudder downloads with RHEL 7 server access.

Then make sure amazon-linux-extras is installed:

which amazon-linux-extras

If it is not installed, install it:

sudo yum install -y amazon-linux-extras

Finally you need postgresql 11 and openjdk 11 (more recent versions should work too):

amazon-linux-extras install postgresql11 java-openjdk11-headless

Depending of your exact version of Amazon Linux 2 and corresponding repositories, java-openjdk11-headless may not be available. In that case, you may need to install java-11-amazon-corretto-headless (version of OpenJDK11 built and maintained by Amazon) or java-openjdk11 (non headless version of OpenJDK with some frontend related dependencies).

Finally, just follow the standard Rudder installation for RHEL/CentOS documentation.

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