
This generic method defines if service should run or be stopped.

⚙️ Compatible targets: Windows

⚠️ Deprecated: This method is deprecated and should not be used.


tagInformative name.

This parameter is required.

This parameter is required.
scriptBlockDesired state for the resource.

This parameter is required.

Outcome conditions

You need to replace ${tag} with its actual canonified value.

  • ✅ Ok: dsc_built_in_resource_${tag}_ok
    • ☑️ Already compliant: dsc_built_in_resource_${tag}_kept
    • 🟨 Repaired: dsc_built_in_resource_${tag}_repaired
  • ❌ Error: dsc_built_in_resource_${tag}_error


method: dsc_built_in_resource
  scriptBlock: VALUE
  resourceName: VALUE
  tag: VALUE


Apply a given DSC resource to the node.


  • tag parameter is purely informative and has no impact on the resource.
  • ResourceName must be the explicit name of the DSC resource you wish to apply
  • ScriptBlock must be a powershell script in plain text, returning an Hashtable containing the parameters to pass to the resource.

Note that this method can only apply built-in Windows resources. It will not be able to apply an external resource.


If we want to apply a Registry resource. The resourceName used will be Registry And a potential ScriptBlock could be:

 $Ensure      = "Present"
 $Key         = $HKLM_SOFT + "\ExampleKey"

 $table = @{}
 $table.Add("Ensure", $Ensure)
 $table.Add("Key", $Key)
 $table.Add("ValueName", "RudderTest")
 $table.Add("ValueData", "TestData")

Note that all the ScriptBlock will be readable on the Rudder logs or in the policy files.